Chapter 10

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   Gabbie was laid out across the couch with her head on Zane's shoulder, scrolling through her phone.
   "Zane," Gabbie muttered as she continued stared down at her phone.
   Zane replied, "What is it, Gabbie?"
   Gabbie sat up and scooted closer to him, whispering something in his ear that I couldn't hear. As soon as Gabbie brought her head away from Zane's ear, they both got to their feet and began to walk away.
   I had an urge to follow them, but I did not. It's not like anything bad was going to happen. Right?
(Gabbie's POV)
   I went to an empty room with Zane and sat on the bed.
   "Gabbie, what's going on? Why did you make me come with you?"
   I just sat there and ignored his question as I ran my fingers through my hair. It was a tangled mess, but it was the only thing that could keep me calm right now.
   "Can you go to my purse outside and grab me my little travel mirror?" I asked him.
   Zane didn't even give me an answer and automatically left the room.
   I can't believe I'm about to do this...
(My POV)
   I saw Zane leave the room that he had just entered five minutes ago and watched as he went to the table where Gabbie's purse was placed. I continued to watch as he shuffled through her bag for a minute and grabbed out a small and circular object.
   What the hell did they need that for?
   I shrugged away the thought and turned back around before Zane could notice that I was watching him.
(Gabbie's POV)
   I heard the doorknob rattle a bit and quickly flatten down my hair.
   Zane tossed my mirror at me, smiling at me as he said, "Here you are, drunk princess."
   Zane always called me drunk princess every single time I'm around alcohol, but I'm no where near to being a princess. I think he should call me drunken mess.
   I opened up the mirror and took a look at my makeup. I must sweat a lot if it literally looks like I put my face out in the rain.
   I looked up at Zane. "So..."
   Zane looked back at me, waiting for me to continue my sentence.
   I got to my feet and inched closer to him.
   I was nervous. What the hell was I doing? I have to do this.
   I was inches from his before I locked my lips with his and let my hands rest on his sides.
   Zane pulled away. "Gab, aren't you in a relationship with the girl?"
   "They aren't a girl, honey, but no, I'm not," I replied, beginning to hiccup a bit.
   I kissed him again, walking backwards to the bed and pulling Zane with me.
(My POV)
   I was getting anxious. They were in there for a while, and I know what that means since I've seen movies. I've never actually gone to "cool" high school parties.
  Liza was sitting next to me and was still awake unlike everyone else besides Carly and Heath. They were drinking in the kitchen still.
   "Liza," I whispered to her, trying not to wake anyone up.
   I took a deep breath. "What do you think Zane and Gabbie are doing back in that room?"
   Liza looked at me for a second and then went back to her phone. "Well, if they're both drunk, they're probably making out or having sex or whatever. Seeing that it's Gabbie and Zane we are talking about, I'm betting that it's that they are having sex. Why are you so worried?"
   Fuck. I knew it. Why did I have to ask?
   "Well, um, because I just want to make sure she's okay in there, you know?" I awkwardly laughed, trying to hide the real reason with that lie.
   "Well, you can do that thing in the movies where you open the door and do that dramatic gasp thing, and then Gabbie or Zane will be like, 'it's not what it looks like!' And then you can get all angry and st-"
   I groaned. "I think I get it, Liza."
   Liza laughed. "I dare you to do it."
   I really didn't want to find out what they were doing, but I didn't want Liza to find any hints that I like Gabbie.
   I just nodded in agreement. "And come with me so you can watch it unfold."
   "David would think this is great vlog footage," Liza added.
   I rolled my eyes and got up, Liza following after me. I went to the room and placed my hand on the doorknob. I wasn't ready for what was behind that door.
(Gabbie's POV)
   Zane was hoovering over me, one of his hands in my hair and the other holding him up. He didn't have his shirt on anymore and neither did I.
   He was starting to kiss down my neck before we heard the doorknob jiggle.
   "Fuck," we said in unison.
    I was grateful that it opened though because this was getting out of control, and I almost had no say what was going to happen to me.
(My POV)
   I swung the door open to face two shirtless adults. My eyes began to fill up with tears as I just sat there, my hand still on the doorknob. Liza was standing behind me too.
   "Gabrielle..." I was finally able to force out.
   "Astro, I'm sorry."
   "Leading people on is your speciality, isn't it?"
   I pushed past Liza with my hands covering my eyes. I could hear Gabbie's yell for me and Carly gasp and mutter something to Heath. I swung the door open and slammed my back against the wall of the apartment complex wall, still crying into my hands.
   I heard footsteps and said, "Gabrielle, if that's you, fuck off."
   I heard them sit down next to me, and they put their arm over my shoulder.
   I looked up to see if it was Gabbie, and I noticed that it was actually Carly.
   "What's with the crying?"
   I sniffed. "Gabbie was going to get with Zane, but said she liked me. She lead me on. I don't know why she would do that. We weren't really together, but she said she liked me."
   I heard Carly's faint sigh. "I don't think Gabbie has come to terms with her own sexuality yet, so maybe that's why she was trying to get with Zane. Maybe it was try to make herself straight, but we both know that doesn't work. If that's not the case though, even though I highly doubt it wouldn't be, they're are both drunk anyways."
   I never did think of it that way. Gabbie would always say that she was straight, but, from what I can tell, it's not. I don't know how long she's known, but I do understand that she hasn't accepted it yet. It took me a while too.
   "Come inside when you're ready. You still have to drive Gabbie back home."
   I nodded and watched as Carly got up and left. I sat out there for a couple of minutes longer, messaging my head and trying to comprehend everything.
   It was later that night, and I had carried Gabbie inside. She was sound asleep on her bed as I laid next to her since she didn't allow me to leave after I put her sleeping mask on her. I was stroking her hair with on hand and scrolling through Tumblr with the other.
   We still haven't talked about what happened, but I wasn't expecting her to until she was sober. Drunk Gabbie isn't a smart Gabbie.
trigger warning
   It was about one in the afternoon, and I had just gotten up. I could hear faint talking and then I grabbed my phone to check what day it was. It was Friday, so that means that Gabbie was probably filming her video.
   I got up out of her bed, bring her blanket with me since it was cold.
   I walked by her office and quietly said hello so the microphone wouldn't pick up on it and went to the kitchen.
   I grabbed a glass out of the cabinet and filled it with water, taking it back with me to Gabbie's office.
   "As always, thank you for being a part of my family. I love you very much, and I'll see you next time."
  I heard her say that as I worked my way into her office quietly.
   Gabbie instantly said, "Did you come in here to talk about last night?"
   I nodded as Gabbie's sleeve fell down a bit, showing something on her wrist that was not there last night before.
   I began to shake, thinking about what it could be. "Gab, what is that on your wrist?"
   "Nothing!" she quickly responded, pulling her sleeve back up.
   I walked to her quickly and grabbed her arm, pulling down sleeve as quickly and as gently as I possibly could.
   There they were. Gabbie had put a blade to her wrist and cut four deep lines into her untouched skin, and all I could do was stare. I stared at her wrist and then took at look up at her. She was sobbing, using one had to cover her face.
   All I could ask was: Why?
   She hugged me tightly and began to sob into my shoulder, making me the blanket that was hanging on my shoulders.
   "After you left the room when you found out, Zane got pissed and hit me. He said that I was a bitch, and then he hit me again. I know he was drunk, but still. He hit me twice and called me a bitch. Liza tried to calm me down. I did that for my own selfish reason too, baby, and I'm so sorry. I got so overwhelmed with emotions and thought that no one cared, so once I got up, I did this. I fucking regret it though. They hurt like a bitch, you know? Anyways, I feel like you hate me now, and I can't live with myself if you hate me..." Gabbie cried to me.
   I sighed. "That doesn't give Zane the right to hit you. It doesn't matter if he's drunk because he still hit you. I, also, know how it feels. I was hella emo and used to do that stupid shit. Just never do it again, and I don't hate you. I could never."
   Gabbie pulled out of the hug and pulled up the right side of her shirt, exposing a huge bruise. "And he did this too... And while I was in there with him, I did tell him no once or twice to putting his hand down my pants, but he did that too. All I wanted was to kiss him a bit, not all of the extra."
   I was going to get Zane for this. How dare he. He will pay...

ok. wow. thank u all for 1k reads. i never thought my book would get this far. i hope u guys enjoyed this chapter! i actually liked writing this one a lot. stay tuned for me, and once again, thank you guys so much! ily <3

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