His Home Life

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<3 Naruto's POV <3

The sun was startin ta set as I strolled through the busy metropolitan prefecture, it wasn't as crowded as Osaka usually is, everyone brushin quickly by each otha ta get ta their destination as soon as possible but there were polite conversations here and there and boy was it hot! It took every fiber in ma body ta not just rip off ma shirt, no wounder they rush around like crazy, they wanna get home ta their AC, the weather in Osaka is usually pleasantly sunny or rainy, so I definitely wasn't used ta this.

Heat radiated off pavements and buildins, makin stuff look all wobbly and shaky, I sheilded ma eyes from the blisterin sun and also hurried maself along out of the main section of the town and onta the shoreline where ma house was near, I made a happy sigh when I found there was a cool breeze here, I stopped and looked at the huge and wide open shore, the sun makin it shimmer, makin a light on sparklin sand give off a pinkish highlight to the soft brown, it made me feel small and insignificant campared ta this other worldly beauty, I looked at all the small waves movin across the salt water ocean and thought about what just happened.

That idiot coulda gotten seriously hurt! Just thinkin about if I hadn't gotten up in time and him enden up pulverized cause of me made ma hands ball up inta tight fists, though I didn't quit undatsand why I cared so much, I didn't even know him. "...We grew up together, and practically did everything together..." I could here the desperate voice echo in ma head but I shook it off, impossible, the dude's loony......But...Somehow it made me happy deep down, its become pretty dangerous in some parts of Osaka cause its grown so much and sometimes conflict is unavoidable, and in times like that its every man for himself, a complete stranga has never tried ta back me up like that...

It felt nice ta have a friend who actually had ya back, even if he had no idea how ta fight an looked right bout ready ta piss himself, I thought with a chuckle, it was oddly endearing in its own way, I just hope the idiot doesn't try that stunt again.

"Ah, Mr. Uzumaki you live in this area as well?" I jumped a bit and felt the urge ta go back inta fight mode afta the attack I just received but once I looked and saw it was just Kakashi-sensei I loosened up ma body and smiled politely at him. "Hey Sensei! So I live near one of ma teachas? Will that gimme bad luck?" I teased, he scoffed with an over dramatic roll of his eye but couldn't help but chuckle aftawards. "Better watch your back boy, got cameras aaaaall over the place!" He teased back as he spun around with his arms outstretched as emphases on his statement, I laughed and he joined in, then he stood still, suddenly seemin serious. "You know Mr. Uzumaki, I noticed on the writing project I gave you that your spelling was way off and that you really weren't sure what you were talking about, so I was thinking that maybe I should tutor you some after school for awhile so your grades don't drop."

I looked back at the settin sun with a devastated look. "Wow............This really is bad luck....." He kicked some sand at me with anotha loud scoff as I laughed. "Sure Sensei I don't mind at all." He nodded. "Good boy, ill see you tomorrow then." He said with satisfaction and waved as he left.

And as soon as I walked inta the house. "Naruto Uzumaki where the hell have ya been?!!! Do ya know ya an hour and a half past curfew?!!!" Ma motha shouted in rage as she ran up ta me and threw a kick at me that I easily avoided which caused here ta make a small dent in the door, she twisted around and tried ta kick me with her otha leg which I caught, the impact stung a little but I didn't show it, her long brown hair was pulled back in a messy bun, glasses were crooked and dark eyes narrowed into wrathful slits. "Of course I do motha, im wearin the watch ya gave me yesterday." I said with a smile, holden ma wrist out ta her, then pulled back as she went ta grab me. "Then why on God's green earth are ya so dang late?!!!" she screeched as she stood up strait, arms folded, lookin like the very definition of anger

"Hey bro, come eat some din-din we been waitin forever for ya little butt ta get here!" Ma big brotha Kiba said as he put his arm around ma neck and dragged me inta the kitchen, but motha pulled me back by ma shirt collar makin me gag. "Oh no, not until this runt tells me where he's been all this blasted time!!!" I sighed, I guess there was no avoiden it. "This gang of thieves stopped me and wanted ma money, which I didn't have, I had ta fight them off and it took awhile that's all..." And just like that motha turned from freakin Arnold Schwarzenegger ta a sobbin child in 1.0 seconds. "OH MA POOR BABY IM SO SOOOOORRRYYYYY!!!!" Yeah ma motha is a bit intense with all her emotions as ya have probably noticed, but I loved that crazy old hag anyways.

Kiba rolled his big brown eyes and tried once more ta drag me ta the kitchen, ma motha huggen me all the while, gettin snot and tears all over me, lovely. "Naru-chan, ya finally made it, hope ya hungry, I made quit a bitta rice today." Said ma fatha as he wiped his hands on his apron, a pleasant smile on his worn out face, his grayin black hair tousled in different directions, he was practically the only calm person in this household, he reached out and patted me on the head fondly, I pouted. "Fatha, I said notta call me that, and don't pat me on the head like i'm a little kid!" But he just chuckled at my childish complaints as Kiba dragged me ta ma seat.

"School! how was it?! Tell me every detail!!" Ma motha threatened as she lightly stabbed ma shoulder with a fork, but I just shooed her away and told her everythin I remembered, though I left out the part about that crazy dude who kept sayin we knew each otha when clearly we don't, I didn't see a point in mentionen that. "Bro I wish I was ya gym teacha, I would run ya so ragged ya wouldn't know day from night!" I smirked at the challenge. "Five hundred laps around the beach Saturday mornin?" He smirked back. "Prepare yaself for hell little bro!" We glared at each other with siblin rivalry as we stuffed our faces. "WHAT??? JUST FIVE HUNDRED??!! Ya no good mutts can do betta then that!!!!" Motha interrupted with rage. "SEVEN HUNDRED!!!" Kiba Shouted, standin up, oh well if ya cant beat'm, join'm. "NO TEN HUNDRED!!!!!" I shouted at the top of ma lungs while tryin ta stand on ma chair. "THATS MA BOYS!!!!!" While we were shoutin nonsensical things, fatha just kept sippen his tea peaceably. "Ah, ta have such energy." He said happily.

Once I was done eatin I crashed onta ma bed feelin dead tired, then I felt Kiba crawl in afta me, I rolled ma eyes. "Not ya bed Kiba." I yawned out, too tired to push his bigger body offa me. "M'cold..." He grumbled out, I smiled, I knew what he really meant, he was uncomfortable sleepin in the new house by himself and wanted ta sleep with me until he got used ta it, I clasped the hands that rested on ma belly and drifted off.

<3 Sasuke's POV <3

I trudged my heavy feat in the apartment, there had been so much to pick up today because there had been more tourists then usual, but it was worth it when you got payed nine hundred and eighty dollars a month, I checked my mail, ugh, more bills to pay, whatever i'll look at them tomorrow, I cooked steak and mashed potatoes and made a small salad on the side and watched some Netflix, I couldn't help but think about Naruto though, he has grown so much, does he still like the things he used to like? climbing trees, fishing, planting flowers, writing poems, any of those things? I hoped so, I missed him so much, I ran my hand through my messy hair in frustration, why cant I just get him out of my mind long enough to relax?

Naruto.......Will it ever be like it was before?

Author Note: Sorry I didn't do much on Sasuke's part, I just wanted to show you the family Naruto lived with encase you were curious, I hope you enjoyed it, please tell me your thoughts and give me any criticism thanks!

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