He Visits

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<3 Naruto's POV <3

The house seemed real quit today, Motha didnt wake me up for the usual mornen run around the beach and just went straight ta work, dad was sleepen in, which has neva happened before as far as I can remember, he always got up and made breakfast and greeted me when I walked in, I didn't see Kiba anywhere, I was so used ta hearen almost non-stop noise not........this.

I sighed as I only heard the creaken of the wooden house as the wind blew, I made maself some Maruchan Ramen and at one o clock PM I walked out the door and headed ta the train station like yestaday, this time I wasn't gonna be late and I was well dressed, I had on ma bright blue Surf Pacific hoodie and tropical grey fleece printed shorts and slipped on ma bright orange flip flops, and I brushed ma hair this time!

I didn't see him anywhere so I guessed I was early-HA take that Mr. Perfect! I thought back ta when I last saw'm, even though he had been smilen he seemed real sad, did I do somethen ta upset him? Maybe I should have stayed with him while he wasnt feelen well after all.

I noticed a rose bush near a bench and went ta sit down ta get a closa look, they were real pretty, bright red like large, soft cherries, Iv always loved the sight of flowers, I touched the peddles and was suddenly filled with unexplained nostalgia, I bent down and took a deep breath, thoughts of a clear, blue lake, grasshoppers and flower crowns...........what?

"Naruto?" I jumped where I sat and realized I had fallen asleep, I felt groggy and sore from the uncomfortable bench, the sky a little darker then earlier, how long was I out? Then finally I noticed Mr. perfect himself looken at me. "Bout time ya showed up." I mumbled drowsily, I heard a deep chuckle and felt a sudden chill go up ma spine, ma cheeks heated up and I looked down tryen ta hide it.

Do I............Like him?

"WHAT IN BLUE BLAZES AM I THINKEN!!!!!" I shouted as I sprung up, ma hands on the sides of ma head. "W-w-w-whats wrong?" Did I say that out loud? I looked around and everyone was looken at me like I was crazy, maybe I am, I looked down nervously and twiddled ma thumbs, feelen ma stomach do flip flops. "Its nothen.......sorry..." He put his hand on ma head and ruffled ma hair. "your so weird." The feel of his hand felt warm and safe, and without thinken I leaned inta it and sighed in contentment.

"So where would you like to go this time? We didn't really discus that." I blinked a few times and realized he had stopped, he wore a rather large smirk that I wanted ta karate chop off, I blushed and looked somewhere else, then realized what he asked. "Tokyo Solamachi Mall!!!" I said with excitement, I saw it in a magazine and really wanna go there!

"Sure, that's not too far away." I giggled with excitement, ready ta do some shoppen cause I just got ma allowance! When we got there I was amazed, it was a whole lot bigger in person and so many floors with escalators everywhere, it got me even more pumped up, Sasuke had a hell offa time keepen up with me, grumblen once and a while but I ignored it and dragged him around ta every possible shop I could find just ta look around, sometimes I would catch him smilen at me and ma heart would jump a mile outta ma chest and I would hafta catch ma breath.

I tried on gobbs of clothes. "How do I look?" I asked, wearen a Tie-Dyed T-shirt and woven cotton patchwork shorts and did a funny pose, he smirked. "Like a hippie." Then I did ma best Bob Marley impression and sang out. "Don't worry about a thing, Cause every little thing is gonna be all right!" While doing a piece sign, Sasuke bent over laughen. "You are such a dork!" After I got back inta ma clothes we went ta eat some burgers, ta Sasuke's great relief, big baby.

"Dude ya eat like a fucken ant eata..." I pouted with both hands unda ma chin with a sigh, he just rolled his eyes. "Its called savoring the food, try it sometime." I stuck ma tongue out at him like the child I know I am and he chuckled and dumped some fries on ma tray ta shut me up, which it did, I looked in ma bag while I waited for his slow ass, I had gotten a book called 'The Sugar Frosted Nutsack' I didn't know what it was about but the title made me squirt the chocolate milk I had been drinken out ma nose, so it must be good, I also got some nicely scented candles for motha, she loved those and lastly I got a Deadpool blanket for Kiba, he loved Deadpool.

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