He Dates

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<3 Naruto's POV <3

Sasuke lay against a thick tree trunk of one of the weepen willows with me pressed warmly against his chest, his long arms wrapped protectively around me, given me a feelen of comfort and security, the back of ma head on his shoulder, and his chin resten on mine, our cheeks touchen, our breaths slow, our eyes closed, listenen ta the creek runnen over rocks and pebbles, the peaceful music of various insects and birds and I soaked up every moment of it.

Though ma eyes were closed restfully I was wide awake, feelen extra sensitive about everythen around me, the feel of his affection completely surrounden me and holden me tight, hearen every breath he took and the steady, strong pulse of his heart, I could still taste him on ma lips, just thinken of the wondrous, and powerful sensations that had bursted through me when his hot and strong lips met mine made me hold ma breath for a moment, these emotions almost too much for me, I felt both drowzy and hyper and I couldn't think straight and I loved it!

I couldn't stop smilen as I took long, deep breaths, smellen the strong and overwhelmenly sweet scent of the rose bushes behind us, I slowly lifted ma hand and gently wrapped it around one of his hands that was holden me and brushed ma thumb very softly over the knuckles and I heard his breath ever so slightly catch in his throat and ma heart skipped a beat and ma cheeks heated up once more.

But we didn't move, we didn't speak, our emotions too raw and strong to say in words, so we expressed it through this beautiful silence and our closeness and enjoyen each otha's company ta the fullest, it felt like we stayed in this nostalgic garden for ages, no sense of time and I didn't care if we never left.

Then slowly actual sleepiness started ta take over as the sun crept passed the trees, turnen an almost blindenly orange-reddish color that stretched out ta the fluffy white clouds, which gave them soft, pink shadows, it was a nice contrast ta the baby blue sky and the breeze became noticeably cooler and I couldn't help but shiver a bit as it fluttered by us.

Sasuke must have noticed cause he gently rubbed his hands up and down ma arms ta get ma attention, goosebumps instantly rushed across ma skin and ma body tensed as I tried ta hold in the noise that wanted ta come outta ma mouth and looked up at him and pouted a bit when I saw the smirk on his face so I quickly pecked him on the cheek like a little kid and snickered at his blush and he held me tighter.

After a moment longer of just looken at each otha, mesmerizen every single speck of color in our eyes and the emotions freely showen through them, almost like we were haven a secret conversation full of never enden love, we finally had ta force ourselves ta look away and remember how ta breath and we stood up on wobbly legs, and stretched ta get regular circulation back inta our bones and then as if the age old habit had suddenly come back ta me I took ahold of his hand and loved the familiar feel of it.

It seemed as though he was rememberen it as well as he smiled happily at our connected hands and he held mine tightly and then we looked around our garden in a silent and reluctant goodnight and left, the streets were still quite busy this late in the noontime and a few people stared cause we were still holden hands, but we hardly noticed, I looked up and saw a couple or so stars showen before it got dark, winken at me, and soon we were on the beach and Sasuke stopped, forcen me ta halt and noticed he was staren in complete awe at the sunset playen on the ocean gloriously and I couldn't help but stare at the many bright colors glowing against his ivory skin.

Finally he looked back at me with wide and beautifully dark eyes that sparkled like the stars above, wind rufflen up his raven black hair and I remembered runnen ma hands through it and how wonderfully soft it was and ma fingers were itchen ta do it again and he smiled, white teeth showen and I laughed softly at such a happy and lovely sight

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