He Gets Tutored

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<3 Naruto's POV <3

I ran back inside the school builden, ma heart still pounden like a jackrabbit against ma ribs, it hurt a little and I was sweaten a lot-am I haven a stroke? Okay I just nedda calm down, it was all just an accidant, nothen ta get worked up about! But it kept flashen in ma mind, him comen towards me with that kind smile of his that iv become so fond of in such a short amountta time, and he just came flyen towards me like a bottle rocket and slammed inta ma face, heat shot inta ma body just thinken about it-BUT WHY?!!

"Mr. Uzumaki? Are you okay?" I had stopped walken and was just standen in the middle of the hallway without realizen it, Kakashi-sensei walked towards me with concern in his voice. "Your face is really red and sweaty, have you caught a cold?" I shook ma head and rubbed ma face with ma hands. "Um, its nothen sensei, I was just runnen up here is all..." He looked unconvinced and then looked like he had figured somethen out, great. "Oh I see, you saw a pretty girl just now didn't you?" He teased and snickered, and of course ma face betrayed me and turned even redder, i'm gonna turn into melted pudden if this keeps up. "N-NO! o-o-of course not sensei!!" He laughed some more.

"Ah, young love."


"Heheh, well come on then lover boy." He said with an amused chuckle and walked inta his classroom as I grumbled and followed behind him, once we got sat down he took out ma papers and laid them out on the table. "Alright, first I want you to read out loud the summaries you wrote and tell me what you think may be wrong with them and fix them yourself, okay?" I nodded, feelen a little nervous, it was a little hard cause I don't exactly know what he considers wrong or right with this stuff but I fixed a few things here and there that were pretty obvious, but he still found a lot wrong with it, he gave me some white out and had me get rid of some words.

"Okay I think a good idea is to show some of your classmates work so you know what exactly your supposed to work on." I nodded, and it ended up helpen a lot and he seemed a lot more pleased with it. "Now try and think of new ideas you can put on it and I will write out some notes for you." I was only able to come up with a few small ideas but he liked them and the notes were really helpful. "Now I want you to put them all together in order to be more organized." I nodded, it took awhile cause there was quit a bit now, but after a minute or so I got all the papers stacked up into one pile, after worken on it for half an hour Kakashi-sensei said it was good and it was time ta leave.

"Thank you for helpen me out Sensei!" I said with a bow. "No problem, you know I was wondering, what is Osaka like?" I smiled real big, I loved Osaka and I loved talken about it. "Well its a real huge place and a lot of places ta go ta like the Shinsaibashi Shopping Arcade, I spent a lot of time there playen dance dance revolution!" He laughed at that as I did a few dance moves as demonstration. "And I also like ta go ta Osaka castle, its a huge park with TONS of festivities!"

"Do you miss it?" I nodded. "Yeah, ma motha wont be worken here permanently, later on we will be moven back." I said with a smile, but for some reason I felt a bitta sadness but I had no idea why. "Your mother?" He looked a bit shocked for a moment and then real deep in thought. "Sensei?" He looked a bit startled outta whateva daydream he was in and stood up and patted me on the shoulder kindly. "Well i'm glad you'll be able to go back to the place you love someday and I hope we can stay good friends until then." I smiled, he was so nice. "Thanks Kakashi-sensei, I bet we'll be great friends!" He chuckled. "Well great, glad to hear that, oh and if you ever need love advise you can always come to me." I blushed deep red, jeez this guy just doesn't let things go! "I told'ya teacha, theres nobody I like in that way!!" But he just laughed and walked me outta the classroom while I grumbled some more, then we said goodbye and I strolled outside, Osaka on ma mind and somma the friends I had there like Hinata, Sai and Sakura.

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