He Hangs Out

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<3 Naruto's POV <3

"IS THAT ALL YA GOT?!! FASTA!!!!" So ya know when me and ma motha and brotha were shouten out how many miles we should run this weekend on the beach? Yeah we werent kidden, its nine o clock now and we're on our eightieth lap, fatha made us settle on just a hundred laps instead of ten hundred out of fear that we might pass out, even with our motha sayen that we could totally do that many, but even ma fatha puts his foot down every once and awhile, thinken back now its probably because of him I haven't died from mom's trainen.

Kiba and I had stayed neck and neck the whole time, we weren't goin our full speed just yet, we were down to our swim trunks, sweaten like a fountain in this crazy humid air, our feet pounden on the soft sand that felt burnen hot from the sun but we kept goin, not letten the pain show. "EIGHTY FIVE!!! C'MON FASTA!!!" We breathed in and out at the same time, our hair wild with the wind, sand bein kicked here and there, our eyes forward, never losen rhythm or pace. "NINETY!!! ALMOST THERE!!!" Ma muscles ached and creaked and burned like fire all around me-and I loved it!!!!!

"NINETY NINE!!! ONE MOOOOOORE!!!!!!" Kiba glared at me with a vicious smirk that said he would win no matter what! I returned it ten fold, we whipped around, saw our goal, tightened our whole bodies up, every single bone, took a huge gulp of breath and ran at full speed! It felt like time slowed down, all I could hear was our breaths, feel ma heart pound through every single one of ma veins ready ta burst and I could almost taste victory!!!

"KIBA WOOOOON!!!" I fell ta ma kneese, and pounded ma fists ta the sand in anger and I could hear Kiba laughen up a storm. "Ya actually thought ya could beat me little bro?" Before I could utter a word ma motha grabbed ma arms and swung me with all her might and threw me inta the freezen river maken me scream and squack and flap around like a distraught duck, now they were both laughen like this was the greatest moment of their lives.

I picked up all the gross and slimy seaweed I could find and started throwing them like they were bombs-and it was waaaar!!!

<3 Sasuke's POV <3

I was on the last section of the Park, picking up some condoms and toilet paper, some of them not so clean and even though i'm wearing gloves I am so going to scrub my hands after this! And the smell wasn't so great either, I should be used to it by now-but nope! I finally got off at eleven and rushed home and got cleaned up the best I could, making sure my brown vest and black skinny jeans was wrinkle free, slipped on my nice church shoes, brushed the knots out of my hair, and put on a brown beanie hat, my heart was pounding with nervousness and went to the train station, feeling light and oh so happy.

He wasn't there yet to my great relief, I would rather be the one waiting then making him wait, so I stood where I could be easily seen and stared at a nearby clock, after half an hour I started to get worried that maybe he forgot, I began to feel insignificant, he doesn't even remember me, why would he remember this? I'm nobody to him now....."Sorry for makin ya wait dude!"

I spun around and I felt momentarily paralyzed as he ran towards me, his ruffled flaxen hair sticking up in all directions and bunched in messy curls in some spots, sticky sweat covering his face, his blindingly bright orange t-shirt wrinkled to hell, and blue swim trunks and worn out sandals and.........He looked perfect.

As he got close enough to me he slowed to a halt and slowly looked at me up and down with a slightly glazed look, cheeks tinted pink, making every inch of my skin feel alive and burning and suddenly I felt out of breath as if I was the one who was just running. "No i-its fine, I didn't wait that long....." My voice snapped him out of his thoughts then he looked around nervously, scratching the back of his head. "W-well don't I just feel under dressed..." He mumbled out, walking closer, cheeks turning redder, making me want to hold him and ki-I shook my head and took a deep breath. "No its fine, I think you look grea-I mean fine-you look fine!" I stumbled over my words like an idiot.

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