He Visits His Lover's Family

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<3 Sasuke's POV <3

The distant sound of gentle waves and the strong aroma of Tulips and Jasmine wake me from my deep slumber, the sunlight warming the blanket around us.

I wouldn't mind waking up to this every morning, his bright, fluffy, blond hair was the messiest I have ever seen it and I adored it, the different tones and shapes of light playing across his sun kissed skin, and I spotted some light freckles on his arms as I softly stroked them, his long, slender fingers curled up beneath his head like a worn out child, a line of drool dripped down from his slightly parted lips, his breath coming out softly, little tiny snorts once and awhile that sounded almost too cute for me to handle.

Then ever so slowly he began to wake up, his fingers twitching a little as he sucked in some air and his eyes, heavily dark with sleep and a little watery and crystal blue, fluttered open an inch and stared through me for awhile, though being right in front of me, he seemed completely unaware of me, he never really was a morning person, and it was a bit comical to watch him slowly become aware of his surroundings and then a small smile curled up the ends of his mouth and finally I gave in to the urge iv been holding back all morning.

I pressed my lips to his, he felt so warm and soft, as soon as I did that his eyes flew wide open and he jumped away from me with a startled yelp and toppled over the bed and fell backwards onto the floor with a loud bonk, and I burst out laughing and leaned forward, looking at his goofy surprised face, his cheeks splotchy red, just begging to be kissed all over. "Well good morning to you too sunshine."

"S-Sasuke?!! What are ya doin here?!" I chuckled, watching the wheels turn in his head, then he flinched and looked down shyly. "Oh yeah, I called ya and.....Asked ya ta come over..." I sat on the edge of the bed and ruffled his hair that flopped around in all directions and he leaned into my touch like a content kitten, man I love him!

"No need to be embarrassed Naruto, I'm actually glad you did call me, I love being with you." This only made him blush even more. "Sorry about scaring you, I didn't think a small kiss would startle you like that." I laughed, he looked a little lost in thought for a moment as my fingers got tangled in his silky soft locks and said almost offhandedly . "Well...I just thought it was like ma usual mornen dreams, so I wasn't expecten......." Then he finally seemed to snap back to reality and realized what he had just admitted to me......He...Dreams about me?

"I HAVE TA PEE!!!" He shouted in a panic as he scrambled to his feet in his rush to run away from me, oh no, I won't let him get away that easily, I leaped up on my feet and wrapped my arms around his slim waist and held him to me securely as he tried to struggle, he could totally kick my ass, but I knew he wouldn't do anything to hurt me so I didn't let go. "W-what do ya think ya doin Teme!!" He squeaked out in surprise like a mouse caught in a trap, I smirked and whispered in his ear. "So you dream about me?" He flinched and looked down at his feet like a kid who got caught stealing cookies from the cookie jar, he is so much fun to tease.

"S-so what if I d-dream about ya.......I-Its nothen special........Just ya know...Ya layen there beside me...That's all.....Ya never attempted ta kiss me in...In ma dreams before so it just shocked me when ya did this time.....B-but then I realized it wasn't a dream...Ya were really layen there with me....That...Makes me happy....Teme..." He mumbled out, I felt my cheeks heat up, he thinks about me that much? I had no idea...

"Yeah, it makes me happy too, you looked so peaceful and beautiful." He looked at me shocked and then smiled shyly at my compliment and turned around in my arms and hugged me back. "Ne Sasuke?" I nuzzled into the crown of his head, inhaling his naturally fresh scent that always calmed my senses. "Yes, Naruto?" There was a moment of silence and I waited patiently, fully enjoying the feeling of him in my arms, and to think at the beginning of this year I didn't even know if I would ever see him, it made me feel so fortunate and incredibly happy.

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