He Finds

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<3 Naruto's POV <3

"Naruto please unlock the door......Did somethen happen with ya friend Sasuke?" Motha sounded worried and afraid as she asked me this but I wasn't hearen her, ma mind was focused on that picture, the truth is the whole memory of that one moment came fully back ta me.

I was nine and he was ten, we were wearen swim trunks, mine bright orange and his dark blue and we were splashen around tryen ta catch a fish, any fish, the sun on our backs and ice cold water beneath us, the smell of salt and seaweed, we couldn't stop laughen and I was haven the time of ma life, then as I started ta chase a bright blue dragonfly when this HUGE fish leaped outta the water, flippen its green body in the air, its beautiful scales glitteren and I never felt more amazed by such a sight! And Sasuke threw the net we had and caught it and Sasuke's fatha saw what was happenen and helped us pull it farther up shore.

"I CANT WAIT TO GOBBLE THIS UP!!!" I had shouted happily and Sasuke just laughed, Mr. Uchiha took that picture of us strugglen ta hold it, I was staren at it, feelen so proud of Sasuke for catchen it and was imaginen what it could taste like, the wet sand felt great unda ma toes as I wiggled them, I stroked the mesmerizen scales, then Mr. Uchiha said for us ta say our favorite made up words, Sasuke shouted. "Chidori!!!' and I shouted. "Rasengan!!!" And he took it and we laughed and I hugged him, but I couldn't remember anythen before or after that, all I knew was that it was real, it was too vivid not to be real.

The thought that I really could have grown up here was terrifyen, it meant that my whole life in Osaka was a complete lie......That thought hurt so much that I just couldn't accept it! And so I ran from him, I know it was the most cowardly thing ta do and that I said such cruel stuff ta him but I didn't want ta admit ta maself that this wasn't ma family, that they've lied ta me this whole time, I just wanted this ta be real, ta have a strict and crazy motha and a calm and peaceful fatha and ma hyper and an awesome big brotha, but now that these memories are comen back ta me theres an empty feelen that I think only Sasuke can fill.

"Naruto please!! I'm telling the truth-I love you more than anything!" His passionate words resounded in ma skull, but it only brought me pain cause it was obvious he was sayen that ta the boy he grew up with, and not the man he was looken at-I wanted him ta say that ta me! I know I'm nothen like the younger me, different way of seein stuff, not as gentle, I can fight and run a marothon, could I ever be what I used ta be? Will Sasuke ever just see me? Ma vision became blurry and ma tight chest and stomach ached and hot tears spilled over ma cheeks.

I wrapped maself in ma blanket, curling in a fetal position, tryen ma hardest ta remember everythen, riden the school buss togetha, watchen Mishka and Mushka on ma TV and playen Activity Village in his back yard porch, bein togetha all the time, but I could't piece them togetha, like they were someone else's memories and it made ma stomach churn tryen ta think of ma real parents, did I ever have parents? What did they look like, act like and feel like? Bile threatened ta come up ma throat, maken me hack and cough and I hatta stop and take deep breaths, there was definitely somethen wrong with me if I couldn't even force maself ta remember somethen so simple, even the smallest thing like what their voices sounded like, nothen of them came back ta me....

Suddenly the door was kicked open by Kiba. "Alright little bro, its time ta go for a walk!" I covered ma head beneath the blanket. "Not now Kiba, m'not in the mood..." I grumbled, though I shoulda known that wouldn't be the end of it, he grabbed aholdda me and body slammed me ta the hard wood floor, almost maken a dent and immediately I got up and glared at him. "Damn it Kiba I said I'm not in the fucken mood!!" A second later he grabbed ma shirt and rammed his forehead against mine, maken me see stars for a minute there and Kiba growled out with an evil smirk. "Now who said ya hadda choice little bro?" After ma head stopped spinnen I glared at him again, but knew I wouldn't win this so I sighed, ma body saggen in defeat and mumbled out. "Fine..." The big jerk cackled in triumph and dragged me outta the room. "That's a good boy! Motha we'll be back lata!!" Motha didn't reply and just stood in the hall way with a worried look.

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