Chapter 4

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Dirk's POV

I take another hit to the face by the giant ass fucker. One second I'm peacefully walking in the forest to clear my head and the next I'm getting my face smashed into a tree.

I look around for a weapon since I didn't take any of mine out with me. I spot a fallen tree branch and ran over to it dodging the rocks being thrown at me. I pick the branch up and throw it like a spear into the imp's eye making it screech loudly.

"Take that motherfucker!"

The imp looks at me and then rushes towards me, grabbing me by the leg. I try jumping out of the way but I was a bit too slow. Maybe not having proper blood in a while has made me weaker. I'm catapulted by my leg, hurtling towards a tree and then slamming into it, tumbling down to the ground. I try getting up, but fail, only to be thrown into another tree making it crash down. I'm not letting this thing beat me. I slowly get up, my leg seems severely injured since it hurts like hell, but I ignore the pain as I rip off a branch from the fallen tree. Okay now I was pissed. I lunge at the imp and run the branch through its stomach make it screech even more. I could feel my energy being drained by trying to kill this thing. I push further, with all my strength, making the creature stumble and fall on its back, ultimately killing itself with the branch. I step back and notice some blood running down my face. My nose feels broken and my whole body hurts from being thrown into the trees at like a fuck ton of miles per hour. This time it wasn't going to be easy to heal.

I see Dave running over to me and I limp over to him, the excruciating pain in my leg slowing me down.

"Bro what the hell happened?"

I notion over to the dead imp and smirk. "Oh just had a little run in with the locals."

"Jesus fuck are you okay? You look terrible."

"I'm fine. Doesn't hurt a bit." That was a total lie every movement made me feel like crawling up into a little ball and cry, except I wouldn't ever cry. "Come on I need to get some blood or else healing is gonna be a bitch." I start walking towards the cabin and Dave runs over to my side.

"You sure you're gonna be good? You're limping." There was hint of worry and fear in his voice. "Yeah I'm fine. I'll be all healed in a few hours."

"If you say so."

We walk to the cabin as the sun starts to peak it's head over the tree line. I truly didn't know when I would be healed, but I can't have anybody worry about me, I don't need their pity or sympathy. I also don't need them thinking I'm getting weak. I'm not. I'm just tired and hungry.

I start thinking about blood and then Jake's blood, for a human's blood it tasted amazing. My fangs start to come out and I crave the sweet delicious substance.

I notice we're at the cabin door and I walk in, Dave closing the door behind us. I go over to the fridge and grab a bag of blood and drink it to subside my hunger. It won't fix my need for fresh human blood, but it's something. I drink two more bags before my brother says something.

"Are you sure you're going to be okay?"

"Yep." I say licking the blood off my lips.


I look around and notice Jake and Jade aren't on the main floor.

"Where are the hunters?" I ask, hoping Jake didn't leave already.

"Jade's asleep upstairs and I don't know about Jake. He could be sleeping too, I left while he was still up here."

I walk over to the door to downstairs and open it. "Well I'm going to sleep."

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