Chapter 5

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Dirk's POV

I feel like I'm being dragged across a bunch of sharp needles and jagged ass rocks. I open one eye since the other's black and swollen. I see two imps dragging me and I smell blood sacrifice. I hear the whirring of a portal to hell and I start to thrash in protest. The two imps screech and holler at me until they give up and start hitting me with blunt clubs. I yell out in pain but still try and get free of their grip. It feels like every bone in my body is broken. My breathing starts to slow and I can see blood. I don't know where it's coming from but I can see it in a pool around me. I become dizzy and the two imps let me go. I get up stumbling right and I try to run straight, unfortunately my body hates me, so I fall down to my knees, gasping for air. One of the imps grabs me by my arm and pulls me towards the portal. I try and pull away with all my strength but at this point I don't have much. Pain shoots up my arm as I try pulling away and one the imps hits me in the back of the head. I see the world around me turn sideways as I feel my body thud against the ground. The imp drags me by my arm and my shoulder burns from being scraped by the ground. I feel my eye drooping wanting to sleep, and while sleep does sound like a great idea, I have to get away. I try getting up again but the strength in my arm and legs leave me helpless as I just become a ragdoll. Between the pain and the need for blood, sleep finally comes to me as my eye closes and I'm submerged in darkness.

???'s POV

"My imps have brought him back my lord. It was quite easy. He didn't seem to have much strength."

I smirk and laugh. "Wonderful. Bring our guest in. I'm sure he'll love to see me."

"Right away sir!" The demon runs out room with a few of his imps accompanying him. He owns so many, but they're practically useless. If I had really wanted to I could've gotten him myself. A few minutes pass and I see a blonde haired demon pushed in the room and the door locks shut.

"I'm glad you could come. Please have a seat." I gesture to a chair across from me. He sits down and frowns.

"How was your trip here? I hope it was to your standards."

He stays silent and I continue the conversation. "You know, Dirk, it's not very nice to ignore someone's question. So I'll ask again how was your trip here?"

"Fuck you." He voice is strained and he's obviously in pain. I guess the imps did a good job getting him here.

I sigh. "I thought we could actually have a heart to heart civilized talk."

"Yeah, well nothing about you is civilled. And I think we both know you don't have any sort of fucking heart." He coughs and some blood comes out. A bit worse for wear but that's fine, he'll still be useful.

"I'm quite thirsty so I'm going to get myself a drink. I'll get one for you too." I walk over to a little stand and pour myself and him a glass of blood. I pour something out of a vile in his and hope that the witches magic would work this time, if it doesn't I'm going to have to call her over for a nice little chat. I bring over the drinks and set the one next to Dirk.

"I'm not thirsty."

"Oh but you must be. Come on, it's only a little blood, the rarest type too."

Dirk looks at the glass and I can see the craving in his eye. I heard from one of my scouts that he had been drinking petty animal blood every so often. What an idiot. His fangs poke out and he picks up the glass. Dirk looks at it for a second until downing the whole glass. He really isn't that strong willed.

"I'm not staying here." He says, attempting to stand up. Only to fail and fall to the ground. I smirk and walk over to him.

"I think we're done for the day."

I call a servant over and they drag him away kicking and screaming. I think he may have killed one but I was too busy thinking about the vial I gave him. It seems already in full effect. A few more doses of that and I'll have him bending to my will. 

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