XIX. The Real Enemy

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XIX. The Real Enemy


Fizz had never felt so angry in his life. Mary, the love of his life, was dead. Alice, the daughter of his deceased sister, who she had made him sworn to protect on her deathbed, could be the next target. He was as dedicated to loving and protecting those two as much as he was to the Ventury. His hand gripped his spear tightly as he used his other hand to gently close Mary's eyes, now devoid of life.

He hated Fairy Tail. He hated the guild for being so despicable as to start a killing rampage just to get back their two comrades. Well, it was true that the Ventury were going to kill them, but to be so unreasonable as to just kill anyone on sight? That was just uncalled for. He wanted to kill them, to kill them all! But he refused to be the same as Mary's killers. How could a legal guild even do this?

He recalled how the guild had taken on an assassination request not too long ago, and realised that the death of Mary may have been par for the course. Still, it didn't make things any better than they were before.

Fizz gritted his teeth as he thought back on the series of events that had happened. One moment he was casually lazing by the wall of the chamber, witnessing the Summoning, and the next moment that Water Dragon Slayer had screamed, and they had all fallen out of their trance. A rune that had gone undetected had them fooled into thinking only a few days had passed when in reality, a week had flown by. What more to add to the fire than the destruction of Eyalle's unstable, unreinforced wall that protected them?

The death of the woman he loved. What a wonderful cherry on top.

He glanced through the window, getting a glimpse of the fight below him. Something didn't quite add up. Fairy Tail was fighting around, scattered though they seemed to be both fighting and moving towards the central courtyard at the same time. The strange thing was, the behaviour observed didn't quite match what he could infer about the series of events that led to Mary's death along the hallways.

It was true, and undeniable that the guards were not winning, but instead of getting their lives forsaken from the loss, they were simply flung aside. The two scenarios running in his head felt contradicting. If Fairy Tail was as heartless as the scene he witnessed in Mary's detaining room and the hallways outside, why were his own people still alive after defeat at this moment? He was at a loss right now, unsure of what his next course of action would be. However, he had to fight and observe Fairy Tail, even at the cost of his own life. It was for Mary, and for the sake of the Ventury.

As he rounded the corner, ready to join in the fight, he came face to face with another green-haired man, though his hair didn't appear to be dyed. A short string of purple words appeared on his hand. Pain.

He could feel pain shoot up his arm, but he had expected it. To be able to use Linking Magic more freely and efficiently with Eyalle and the Ventury, he had studied a few ancient languages, and since Eyalle was a Rune Mage, he had also learn some basic runic language. If this mage worked similarly to Eyalle, he knew it would be much easier for him to defeat compared to a mage whose powers he had no idea about.

Fizz bit his lip harshly, enduring the burning sensation running up and down his arm as his body screamed at him to yell out his pain. He refused to let go of his spear, despite the urge from the signals from his brain. No pain was ever going to hurt him as much as the empty look in Mary's lifeless eyes. Nothing was going to hurt him as much as the loss of the love of his life before their love ever truly began. Though his arm still stung, he swung his spear with an almost accurate precision, to have it blocked by the other man's thin sword. He was beyond livid. Why couldn't life have gone his way? Why was half of his soul gone within seconds, before he could even say "I love you." as he looked into her beautiful, soft brown eyes? He hated Fairy Tail, he hated them for everything that had transpired. It was their fault that Mary was dead, and that Alice could be their next target, considering how young and vulnerable she was.

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