Special II. A Dip In Lake Scilliora

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Special II. A Dip In Lake Scilliora


Freed hissed slightly as his wounds were immersed into the water. His entire body tingled from the high drop, the cool water doing nothing to contain the red tint on his face.

"Ahh, the water kind of stings!" Rin laughs, splashing about like a child. She turned and focused her bright blue eyes on Freed, who seemed to be heavily clothed even without his usual red coat. Rin didn't really mind being in the water, considering she was just in a loose wrap-around dress made of a thin, opaque material. "Are you alright in the water wearing that?"

"I, uh..." Freed then realised it wasn't his smartest move to have leapt into the water, clothes, boots and all. He rolled up his sleeves and realised it was a little odd to be submerged with boots on. As he floated, he pulled out both boots, trying to toss them to the shore. He could hear Rin's kiddish laughter at his countless attempts, and eventually, she had used her magic to push his boots to shore. It was embarrassing to say the least. He would have written a rune, but considering he was in the presence of a Rune Break magic user, it wouldn't be a smart move.

The two of them floated in silence, Rin staring at the countless stars above the moonlit sky. Her eyebrows scrunched together rather cutely as she tried to figure out the different constellations in the sky. He liked the tranquility, of just floating next to each other in a peaceful silence. Freed only realised that he had been staring too intently at Rin when Calder not-so-gently bit on his foot and dragged him underwater, snapping him out of his reverie. He had almost forgotten that Rin's new Celestial Spirit bodyguard was with them too, almost acting like a chaperone. It really did felt as if the Celestial Spirit King had entrusted Rin with a protector earlier that day. Calder seemed to have already attached himself to his owner, considering how the dolphin had pushed him out of the bush when he was caught observing Rin.

"Hey, Freed." Rin says, turning to face Freed with a bright smile. "Isn't it nice to relax in the lake?"

"I guess so." he replied stiffly. He was never known for being spontaneous. In fact, he probably never did anything as crazy as leaping into the freezing waters  of Lake Scilliora in the middle of the night just because he felt like it. If he wanted any cooling sensations, he could simply write a rune and all would be solved. He stiffened even more when he felt a cool hand on his shoulder, causing him to tense.


He let out a breath he didn't know he was holding within him. Rin simply wanted him to be less tense about floating near the shore, not to drop all his defences and throw his sword deep into the water. Even when one relaxed, he or she still had to abide by the rules, and prepare for anything. Though, as he felt goosebumps rise on his skin, he wasn't exactly in peak condition to do anything.

Sometimes, he felt as if he had forgotten his commitment to Laxus and the Rajinshuu by being with this girl. His dedication towards Laxus Dreyar was the reason he remained in the guild, and continued to do so even after Laxus' exile. He was bound by his own rules, his vows, his promises and his loyalty. Rin didn't exactly made him forget that. Floating in the water, relaxing now seemed to have made him ease off his strict notion to stick to the rules, to follow everything to a tee. He didn't know how to react to this sudden change. He liked it, that he would admit. But he didn't know if this change was for the better or not.

He felt a tug on his long green hair, and realised the pesky dolphin had just undid his hair tie and was playing with it like a seaweed trail. Freed's hands immediately go for his sword, but his grip slackened. Rin probably wouldn't like it if he used his Dark Écriture on Calder. She had just summoned her Celestial Spirit less than an hour ago and she was already attached to the friendly dolphin. Furthermore, Rin was in her element right now, and he didn't want to ruin her moment under the stars. He didn't want the blindingly obvious fact that they were opposites to hit if he were to write a rune, and she to break it to surface at a time like this. He had always felt that they were worlds apart, but being in the lake, side by side, if he didn't count Calder's presence, he felt like they had been brought closer. He, the human and leader of the Rajinshuu and she, a Dragon Slayer that seemed more like an avenging angel sent from heaven than a mage, with a soul like no other. He only found that out when he had went to look for Bickslow in his room one day, and found him studying anomalous souls. Said anomalous soul belonged to none other than Rin Fernandes, an enigma unknown to most of the world.

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