XXV. Dragon Chain Cannon

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XXV. Dragon Chain Cannon


They were cutting off a piece of the giant lachryma.

For two days, I had watched. Watched as these guards cut off a bit of the giant lachryma. Whatever motive they had for taking away a portion of the lachryma, I had no idea, but that was my comrades they were cutting off. Who knew how many mages comprised of that small bit, of how many of my comrades who might not be able to return to Earthland?

"I can't just sit here and watch!" I exclaimed, standing up and hitting my head against the wall by accident once more. "I have to do something, anything really! Go down to Edolas to gather information, or stop those soldiers. I have to do something for them!"

"Rin." Queen Chagot calls me sharply. "You understand the circumstances. We can't reveal you to them, it'll threaten the lives of the entire Kingdom of Extalia. The plan you concocted involved hiding yourself from the humans, even those you know. Do not ruin it just because you want to save the small bit and sacrifice the entire operation in the process."

I slumped back down, pouting. Queen Chagot was like a mother chastising her naughty child for stealing a cookie. Though I had been much, much worse when I first saw what was happening...

Using an airship, the Royal Army of Edolas had made their way to the floating island that held my comrades and the entire Magnolia in lachryma form. They held this huge device, and a laser shot out, cutting the lachryma smoothly. The small incision took an hour to be accomplished, but it had been cleanly sliced from the lachryma. A guard told me that they had came in the dark of the night, setting up their equipment. It was only morning when the situation dawned upon them and they quickly rushed to wake up their Queen first and then I.

"I can't believe that King!" I seethed, my wings shooting out from behind my back. "To those bastards that may just be a crystal that grants them magic power, but to me, those are my comrades! Humans made out of flesh and blood! I'm going to send those heartless fools back home."

A soft white paw grasped my hand before I could take to the skies and race towards the floating island. I turned to whoever stopped me with a hard glare, only to see that it was Pex's mother, Queen Chagot.

"Rin, you have to be rational here. Storming to the island now would do you no good. I can't send the Exceeds, we don't meddle with magic extraction from the Kingdom. You have to be strong now, once you are fully clear of what to do, you would have the power to save them. Would you risk the lives of all in the lachryma for the sake of the small part that may not even constitute half of all that became a lachryma?"

She was right, I wasn't being logical in this situation. My emotions were taking control of my actions. Until the Royal Army went back to Edolas, I was bound to the castle. I couldn't expose myself to the Exceeds outside the palace, neither could I go to Edolas to get information from Gajeel since leaving for Edolas was surely going to be noticed by the Royal Army, who had guards stationed around the entire perimeter of the island. I didn't know King Faust could even exhaust so much manpower towards the floating island, but that was the least of my worries. In terms of magical capabilities, I could take them down, but it wasn't an available option due to my identity and the itty-bitty issue of needing to conceal myself until the time is right.

Damn it, why couldn't my Edolas counterpart be some peasant instead of a princess?

* * *

Thus, here I am, sitting behind a window, watching helplessly as the Royal Army slices off my comrades bit by bit. I couldn't even get any information from Gajeel, and I doubt that Mystogan could meet me at the rendezvous point any time soon. King Faust's plans were hastening, and our plans were taking a step back. Or a few steps back.

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