XL. Picking Up The Pieces

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XL. Picking Up The Pieces


People live to save themselves. You will understand that at the moment of your own death.

Am I dead?

All I could remember was that one scene constantly replaying in my mind. I couldn't tell if it was a nightmare or a bad dream. I had no clue whether being able to understand it meant anything. If this was what I'd be seeing everyday if I lived, maybe I was better off dead.

The Hunter's Dagger pierced through my body. It sliced open my palms and struck my abdomen. Heather Lorreshia's blood had mixed with mine on the Dagger. It doesn't mean I have Venturia Anguis blood in my veins. Blood transfusions and mixing blood don't work that way. I did live after the Dagger vanished, but I don't even know if this is life or death.

I saved Alice's life, regardless of whatever sacrifice I had made. Regardless of the price I might have paid for it.

I didn't know whether it was for the best if I was alive, and woke up from whatever slumber I was in. I knew I was out for a long time. I had seen and seemingly relieved the same thing so many times, one could give me a paint brush and I could paint the entire scene out in vivid detail.

Pex told me to live. I myself had wanted to live for everyone whom I had lost. For Pextalius, Aquaria and even Jellal, though he was still alive but in prison for life. Yet...as selfish as it may or may not have been, I took my life for granted. I threw it away, for the sake of another. Though she may not know of this, it would have been me passing on the many wills to live onto her, burdening her.

Somehow between the attack and awakening, there had been a warm feeling within me. I didn't know where it came from or who or why...I just wanted to hold on to whatever I had of the past. I wanted it to have come from Aquaria, of her being proud of me. Yet it could also have been the sheer willpower of my comrades, wanting me to come out of this. It felt nice.

My eyes shot open, witnessing nothing but the blinding bright light streaming through the window on my left. I quickly shut my eyes again before blinking, adjusting to the light. I glanced at my surroundings, which wasn't a hospital nor Fairy Tail's wards. A red coat swept past, donned by a woman who had bright pink hair all piled into a bun atop her head. I opened my mouth to ask who she was and where I was, but all that came out were odd croaks and groans. How long had I been out? Where is this place?

"You've been unconscious for a few weeks, Rin Fernandes." Her deep voice echoed throughout the room, causing my head to pound a little. The entire room was small, though it wasn't bad enough for my claustrophobia to kick in. Thankfully. "I'm preparing you some soup that'll help that parched throat and your recovery."

Her back was still facing me, and it wasn't as if I could reply. Slowly, I pushed my body up, letting out a raspy hiss at the almost-healed injury. My muscles were definitely weak from the lack of movement for so long, and I wondered if I could walk. Shock coursed through my body when I felt a bandage against my bare back. Sure, there had been a couple of light burns, but that would have healed faster than the Dagger's injury. I didn't want to think about the other possibilities. No, I refuse to think about it. I had to focus on recuperating, on healing and being ready to be living independently as a guild mage.

"My name is Polyshuka. Fairy Tail's go-to healer for everything that cannot be cured through magic or modern means." The elderly woman states with a long sigh. She hands me a smooth brown bowl with creamy grey soup dotted with what looked like chopped up mushrooms. "Now drink up. You want to get better now, don't you?"

I nodded soundlessly, taking the warm bowl of soup in my hands. My arms trembled slightly, but I forced myself to hold the bowl steadily. I hated how weak I felt. But what could I do but attempt to recover all the strength that I lost?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2018 ⏰

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