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Junghan's POV

I glanced on the clock attached to the wall of our classroom. 7:00 pm. I should probably go home already. It just Wonwoo, Chan, Junhui, Pres Boo, Seungcheol, Doyoon and me here inside the room. We still don't know why Jihoon went home with Soonyoung, but meh. He's already a big boy. Lol. Big. Lol. Okay, I'll stop. I don't want to die yet.

I was originally planning on heading home earlier, but Doyoon asked me to stay. I don't regret staying though since it was fun listening to every story he told us. Seungcheol who interrupts Doyoon's story now and then has also somewhat inserted himself naturally into the group. Prez Boo took Samuel around the school awhile ago, but he returned here after having his driver drive Samuel home.

"I have high standards, you know?" Doyoon said, taking a sip from the orange juice placed on the table. He's been telling us about how the food in their school's cafeteria suck.

"High standards? I must be very handsome then."I heard Seungcheol say which made Doyoon almost spit out what he's drinking.

"Yah, you! Leave!" Doyoon said, ushering his dog to go. We laughed at the sight.

"Lucky creatures." Wonwoo said, referring to the DoCheol couple.

"Lucky gross creatures." I corrected which made Wonwoo laugh.

"Pfft, you say that but one day you're gonna be doing gross-sweet-cringe worthy stuff with your honey your love so sweet" Wonwoo said which made me cringe in a very ugly manner.

"Do you even know what your saying?" I said, crinkling my nose. I can't imagine myself being sweet at all.

"Of course I do. Anyway, they're lucky creatures." Wonwoo said as he watch Doyoon laugh at something Seungcheol said.

"Yeah. Lucky." I agreed. "While we..." I trailed off which made Wonwoo laugh.

"Lol, no. I'm married to Mingyu. He just doesn't know yet." Wonwoo said, causing me to laugh. This shameless idiot.

"Pfft. If the two of you are married, then I'm pregnant with Jisoo's chicks." I said which in turn made Wonwoo burst into laughter.

"What are you two gentlemen going about over there?" Prez Boo asked us. Wonwoo saw this as a chance to do what he's good at. Make my life difficult.

"Junghan here is pregnant." Wonwoo stated and I snorted. Pssh, as if someone would believe that.

"Ommo, are you really pregnant!?" Prez Boo asked in horror. I simply face palmed. Of course...

"Who's pregnant?" I heard Doyoon ask. We all turned to him who had a very confused expression in his face.

"Junghan is!" Prez Boo announced in horror. Pssh, as if Doyoon's gonna believe that. While Jihoon, Wonwoo, Chan, Junhui and I had our specialty subjects, Doyoon, for some unknown reason, excels in everything. Even friggin sports. He's a demi-god. And even if he's not, normal people know that boys don't get pregnant. That being said, Prez Boo is not normal. He is- I don't know what to call him. He's too precious and pure.

"JUNGHAN IS PREGNANT!" Prez Boo said. I say said, but he was practically screaming that I think even the people in the corridor heard it. I hope everyone went home already.

"WHAT!?" Doyoon screeched and stood up. I mentally slapped myself for actually classifying a specie called 'Jang Doyoon' normal.

His screech brought back so many nostalgic memories from the time we were still classmates since the same screech is the one he always use every time he starts a commotion. I was so stupid to forget that he was practically the one who always starts drama in everywhere we go. He was hella good at acting that what ever mischief we do, we don't get reprimanded.

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