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"Yah, Junghan Yoon!" I almost fell of my seat. I glared at the evil existence infront of me that is named Jeon Wonwoo. I then rubbed my eyes and yawned very loudly earning me a eye roll from Junhui.

"Wut?" I said as I stretch my forelimbs up while producing little dinosaur sounds. I wasn't able to sleep properly last night. Who would if something unbelievably depressing happened to you yesterday. I tried to sleep as soon as possible but my mind won't stop thinking about what happened and how stupid I was. In the end, I cried myself to sleep and now I feel like a wreak.

Just recalling what happened yesterday makes me want to cry and just hide in a hole somewhere but I can't do that right now.

"For the tenth time, what the heck happened to you!?" He yelled, causing me to close my eyes and crinkle my nose in distaste. My precious ears.

"It's too early to yell!" I yelled back, contradicting what I said. Again, like yesterday, I'm sprouting shit again. I sighed. I'm just too stupid and dumb and stupid and I know that everybody knows that by now.

"Hyung," Chan started, sighing before he continued again, "we just want to know what happened to you. I mean, even if you hide it from us, your dark eye bags, slightly red eyes and your poor complexion today are practically giving you away." He reasoned out, pressing the pause button on his tablet and removing his black ear buds from his ear. He has been watching MJ videos even before I arrived that I thought he wasn't paying attention to me.

We're currently sitting on my table, table number ten, and my friends have me cornered right now so I'm practically waiting for the marriage cafe to open. Hoping that time would go faster so I can finally go home already. I still can't get use of this gown I'm wearing even though I practically wore it the whole time yesterday. If only I could fast forward time.

"Nothing happened." I said, giving them a blank stare. They returned it back except theirs were more blank. Prez Boo was giving me the look that screams 'Bish, we ain't buying ur shit'.

"It has something to do with Jisoo, right?" Junhui said, placing a bookmark between the pages of the book he was reading and closing it shut as he gave me a calm gaze which probably translates to 'bish, I placed my damn book down so you better cooperate or else'. We were frozen in shock for a moment because friggn hell, he spoke a sentence, but quickly regained our senses back.

"It does........ Not." I answered.

"Hey, make up you're mind will you!?" Wonwoo demanded, which only made me chuckle. Of course it's about Jisoo. It has always been because of Jisoo. I'm just too stubborn.

I yawned again. Followed by Jihoon who's being really quiet for some unknown reason. Prez Boo followed shortly, who then caused Chan who's next to him yawn as well. The chain didn't stop because it was Wonwoo who caught it next and by the time he was finished, our eyes were all set on Junhui who returned our gaze blankly. He just stared at us while we wait for him to yawn, but the idiot didn't even bulge.

"Yah, aren't we friends!?" Wonwoo said in disappointment.

"Hyung, you're also supposed to yawn!" Chan whined. Well, I can't blame him since I was also waiting for Junhui to yawn for the sake of completing the chain.

Junhui simply rolled his eyes before he began talking. These days, he seems to be talking more and more. I wonder what happened to him.

"So, why do you look like a bus randomly ran over you?" Junhui asked. I gave him a scowl in which he returned with a smirk. I would have thrown something at his face right now but Heechul would kill me if he finds out I kinda harmed his so called 'daughter' and kinda ruined his 'work of art' as he like to call it. We already have our makeup and gown on after all. Heechul said he's gonna play around for awhile and that he'd return a little later.

The Road to Craziness (SEVENTEEN: JiHan)Where stories live. Discover now