Part 20

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I stood awkwardly off to the side of the large hotel room, Mikey standing close by me. He had been voted the designated driver for the night and he was not too happy about it. I laughed in his face again before I took another gulp of my mixed drink. He scoffed in my direction as the music blasting from the speakers got louder; people started to dance, everyone having a good time.

"Mikey, let's dace!"

He gave me a weird look and shook his head. "No thank you."

"Come on," I pulled on his hand a little, obviously a little more intoxicated than I had been earlier in the night. "It'll be fun!"

Mikey rolled his eyes and reluctantly followed me out onto the dance floor. I moved to the beat with ease as Mikey struggled to keep up. I laughed and grabbed his hips pulling him toward me. Finally he loosened up a bit and we both started having fun as the top 40 hits playlist sounded out through the speakers. We must have looked like total idiots with our hands waving around in the air the way they were.

I pulled away from him and spoke loudly in his ear so he could hear me over the music. "I need to pee!"

"Ew!" His nose scrunched up as if he had just smelt something bad. "I did not need the specifics."

I laughed loudly, teetering back and forth a bit before I broke away from him, pushing through people as I headed towards the bathroom. I saw Gerard off to the side talking up some girl and Bob not that far away doing the same thing. I chuckled to myself and shook my head as I stumbled through the bathroom door, shutting it tightly behind me. I did my business before I headed back out into the crowd of people to find Mikey.

As I moved through groups of people, I saw something I told myself a long time ago that I never wanted to see again. Sitting on the couch was Frank and there was a girl on top of him and they were kissing... more like making out heavily.

My insides churned, my lips parted in awe as I trudged over to them and pulled the girl from her spot on his lap. "What the fuck, Frank?!"

He looked up at me slightly taken back and obviously drunk, but then glared back and stood up. "What?"

"What?! Are you serious? How could you do this?" I was about to break down as tears welled up in my eyes. My drunken state only made my emotions that much more apparent and yet I still stood there not knowing what to say to him.

"Does it hurt?"

I could barely hear him over the music, but what he said took me by surprise. "What is that supposed to mean?"

By this time the girl from before had left and now it was only Frank and I standing there to sort this out. It was odd how everyone around us seemed to migrate away as our voice raised. "Does it hurt? Does it hurt to see me with someone else?"

"Yes! Why wouldn't it?!" I cried.

"Good," He looked at me coldly, his eyes glazed over from the booze he had drank. "Now you know how I feel."

"What do you mean?" I was so confused and shaking slightly from anger. I just wanted to leave.

"You hurt me, Lennox. You can't even trust me with your problems," He looked away for a second. "You can't even trust your own boyfriend..."

I shook my head glaring at him and I couldn't help the words that escaped my mouth next. "You are not my boyfriend... not anymore."

He looked up at me in shock, not realizing what his actions had caused. Had he really thought that his was the right way to show me his feelings? He could have just talked to me, but instead this happened. He was just too reckless.

"What did you expect Frank, for me to apologize to you for not telling you what's wrong with me? Did you really think that this wouldn't matter?" I glared up at him.

With that I turned my back to him and walked out the front door of the hotel room. Outside I found Mikey leaning against the wall smoking a cigarette. As soon as I saw him I broke down and let the tears flow from my eyes.

He held me in his arms as I told him everything, what was going on in my head, about Frank and anything else I could think of. I was so upset I didn't notice that Frank had been standing in the doorway listening to my freak out.

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