Part 28

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We have been on tour for a while now, a couple months to be more exact, and Mikey had just informed me that we were going home for a break. I jumped up and down outside in the venue's parking lot too excited to say anything. Mikey, Bob and Ray all watched with amusement from their positions leaned against the bus.

"Aren't you guys just so excited?!" I grinned over at them.

"Eh," Was all Bob could muster up.

"A little bit," Ray shrugged his shoulders in thought.

"Its going to be weird."

I stared at Mikey and shook my head not sure why it felt like the guys would prefer to stay on tour forever and never go home. I turned to see Gerard as he walked toward the bus. I smiled at him as he got closer.

"Gee aren't you excited to go home?"

All he did was grunt in response before he turned and disappeared onto the bus. My face fell as I turned my tense body back toward the guys, who were watching me with concern written on their faces.

"Is he still mad?"

Mikey nodded slightly and I quickly moved toward the entrance of the bus and ripped the door open, climbing inside.

"Gerard?" I walked toward the bunk area once I eyes had scanned the front lounge and found no one.

I didn't hear anything except for a slight shift of blankets and I immediately knew where he was. I walked quietly toward his closed curtain scared to confront him on what was going on.

I knocked on the shiny wood that lined the outside of all the bunks. "Gee, can I come in?"

There was no answer and I was about to turn away when the curtain opened slowly. I climbed up into his bunk, sitting myself against the wall, while Gerard stayed lying out on the bed. It was quiet for a long time as I stared down at him, wondering if this was such a good idea. I really did miss my best friend. His eyes were partially closed and were trying to look anywhere but at me. I sighed and took a deep breath before I spoke as calmly as I could.

"Can we talk about what's going on?"

His voice was rough as he spoke. "There's nothing going on."

I sighed again. "I mean with Frank and I."

"I don't want to."

I leaned toward him. "But I want to talk to you about this... you're my best friend!"

"Am I?" He finally looked at me, his eyes saying something I couldn't quite understand.

I felt hurt. "How could you even ask that?"

"You seem to be quite comfortable with Frank now," He looked away again.

"We're trying to get things back to normal."

"When you say normal, do you mean like the two of you going out?"

"I-" I didn't know what to say to that. "I don't know yet. I'm still trying to figure everything out."

"I just want you to be as happy as I know you deserve," He turned and looked me right in the eyes.

I smiled a little and whispered. "I know you do."

"Does Frank make you happy?"

I thought about it for a moment and I couldn't help but feel butterflies flutter in my stomach when I thought back to all memories of Frank and I. Good and bad, it was still worth every second.

"He really does. I don't understand why it's so easy for me to forgive him... because what he did was something horrible and I never want to have to deal with that again."

"I will never let anything like that happen if you two start dating again," Gerard sat up a little.

"I love you Gee," I smiled over at him as I reached out and squeezed his hand.

He cracked a small smile. "I love you too Lenny," He leaned forward and kissed my cheek lightly. "I will always have your back."

My smile only grew as I knew what he had said was true.


A/N: Only ten more chapters people!!! Count it.. TEN! And then we will be onto the final book. Who's ready?!! And who's not? lol :P

Thanks so much for reading.

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