Part 36

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I walked from the bunk area, still in my pajamas, to see Gerard standing in the kitchenette area sipping on a cup of coffee. I rubbed my eyes and glanced at the clock on the microwave above his head to see it was almost 1:30 in the afternoon.

"I cant even begin to understand how you guys do that every night and keep a normal sleep schedule," I walked by him and grabbed a mug and poured some coffee into it.

"You get used to it," He smiled down at me.

I took a sip and let the hot liquid sooth my throat. "How's Mikey feeling?"

Gerard laughed as he eyed me with a smirk on his face. "You just don't want to have to play again tonight."

I gave him a look and headed for the coach where Ray sat reading his beloved guitar magazine. I plopped down next to him and stared at the black tv screen in front of me.

"Mikey's fine by the way," Ray spoke nonchalantly as he continued to look at the magazine.

I grinned, relief washing over me. Yet there was still a little part of me that hurt because being up on that stage last night had been the most fun I had, had in a long time. "Thank fuckin' god!"

"Hey miss beautiful and talented, I heard you did amazing last night. "I heard a familiar voice come up from the stairs leading outside.

I jumped up and wrapped my arms around Mikey as he stepped onto the bus. "I never thought I could miss someone so much!!"

He laughed at my overly dramatic comment and hugged me back. "Missed you too."

"Ew," Gerard made a face. "It's like you two are dating."

I shrugged. "Yeah- I don't think so."

I went and sat back in my previous seat as Mikey brought his hand up to his heart and made a pained face. The thought of the last time this conversation came up put an amused smile on my face. "Ouch, that hurts Lenny."

"Good afternoon everybody."

We all turned to see a sleepy looking Frank walk in from the bunk area. He smiled at all of us before he went through the kitchen cabinets and grabbed a bowl and some cereal. He wasn't wearing a shirt so I couldn't help but stare at his tattooed body while he poured the milk into the cereal bowl. I looked away as he looked up and headed toward where everyone was sitting.

"So what's the deal for today?" Frank asked munching loudly on his food.

"We have a signing at 4 and then the show is around 9," Gerard spoke from his now laying position on the couch.

"Sounds good," Frank spoke and then stood. "Guess I need to take a shower then."

With that he put his empty bowl in the sink and then headed back into the dimly light bunk area. I sighed, staring after him for a while and then looked down at the chipped nail polish on my fingernails.

"Well lets not look so heartbroken, Lenny," Gerard spoke once he knew Frank was safely in the bathroom and out of earshot.

I threw a pillow and hit him in the head. "Shut up, Gerard."

"You know you can have him anytime you want, right?"

I sighed. "But I'm nervous."

"Well you two need to stop being so melodramatic and just get back together," Gerard sounded slightly mad. "Cause listening to the both of you complain is starting to bother me."

I groaned and rolled my eyes. "Yeah, I guess you're right."

He stood. "I know I'm right," And with no other sign he left the bus, putting a cigarette to his lips.


The signing was pretty boring so far. Girls and guys of all ages came and stood in line for hours just to get a signature, a picture and maybe if they were lucky a hug; while I sat behind the guys and twiddled my thumbs.

I leaned forward and put my hand on Mikey's shoulder. "I'm going outside for a cig, be back in a bit."

Mikey looked up at me with a nod. "Be safe."

I smiled and stood, walking around the table and through the growing crowd of kids. I leaned myself up against the brick wall just outside the main entrance and lit up a cigarette, trying to not pay mind to the chattering teens around me. A lot of people passed me, kids and parents alike, but one group of girls stood outside and whispered quietly to each other and stared at me. I felt uncomfortable under their gaze, but road it off and took another drag of my cigarette.

"Excuse me," I jumped a little and turned to see one of the girls from the group standing in front of me. "Are you Lennox?"

"Uuh." How did this girl know my name? "Yeah."

She grinned up at me with excitement written all over her face, she must have been 14 or 15 years old. "I saw you playing the show last night from a video on youtube. You're so good! Would you sign this for me?"

I stared down at the My Chemical Romance cd she held out to me. "S-sure."

I took it from her and pulled a sharpie that I had in my pocket out, quickly signed it and handed it back to her. "So you here to get things signed by the boys?"

Her face fell at my question. "I was, but I came late so I don't think I'll get to the front in time."

"Oh please," I grabbed her wrist and pulled her through the crowd of people and up to the table where the guys sat. "Guys, sign this please."

Bob took the cd from my hand without question and signed it, passing it to Frank and so on down the line of guys.

As they signed it I leaned down at whispered to the girl. "Now which one of these fine boys is your favorite?"

She blushed and looked up at me, hesitating before she spoke. "Frank."

I tensed for only a second, but smiled anyway and stood to full height. "Frankie, come here!"

"Yes dear," He stood and walked over. The other people still waiting in line watched in awe.


He grinned and wrapped his arm around the girl. "Of course!"

I snapped a few pictures from the camera the girl have handed me with shaky hands before giving it back to her. She grinned, hugged me, thanked me and then ran off to probably gloat to all her friends that she got to meet their favorite band. I felt someone's hand on the small of my back and I turned to look at Frank.

"That was nice of you," He smiled down at me.

I shrugged. "Just my good deed for the day."

With that we walked back around the table so Frank and the rest of the guys could finish the signing and get ready for the show later that night.


A/N: Only two more chapters people and then onto the third and final book, Graveyard Dancing!! Any predictions on how this book will be left off? Tell me in the comments below! And thank you all so much for reading. :)

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