Part 26

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Just as Gerard had said, the date was fun. We had gone to a movie and then out to a small burger joint. Dinner and a movie was a bit cliché, but because it was with Gerard, I really didn't mind. Gerard had paid for everything and I appreciated it a lot, but there was just something missing in it. Maybe it was the fact that I couldn't help but think about Frank the whole time I was on the date. Or maybe it was the fact that Gerard was my best friend and I could never actually picture us being anything more.

I sighed as I sat in my bunk the next morning. The guys had left early this morning for a small interview with a magazine and would probably be back soon, but it was nice to have silence in the bus for once. I sighed again sliding out of my bunk.

I walked into the kitchen area and started the coffee maker. Just as I poured my first cup of coffee the door opened and Frank came walking onto the bus. He stopped in his tracks when he saw me, I could feel a blush forming on my cheeks and butterflies flutter in my stomach. I really hated him for just being who he was.

He walked toward me cautiously until he stood on the opposite side of the counter. I began to feel awkward the longer he stared at me and the longer we didn't say anything.

"So how was it?" Frank finally broke the silence.

I tired to act stupid, taking a sip of my coffee. "How was what?"

He sighed dramatically, rolling his eyes slightly. "The date... How was the date with Gerard?"

"Oh," I looked down at my coffee and tapped the side of the cup with my nail. "It was fine."

He looked confused for a second, like he expected me to fall instantly in love with Gerard. "J-just fine?"

I nodded with a shrug of my shoulders. "Yeah."

"So it wasn't anything special? There was no magical feeling when you held hands or when he gave you a goodnight kiss?" He rambled off a couple of random questions and I could see that he was starting to get flustered the longer he spoke.

I stared at him for a minute and for some reason an amused smile appeared on my lips. "Like I said the first time, it was fine. And no we didn't hold hands and when we got back I crashed on the sofa within 10 minutes."

He looked away almost embarrassed, but I could tell that he was smiling a little out of relief. After a moment or two he turned back to me and looked down at my cup of coffee.

"H-have you eaten yet?" He asked nervously.

I shook my head. "No."

"Well," He played with the sleeve of his sweatshirt. "I was thinking maybe... we could go out and get some breakfast somewhere?"

I searched his face quizzically, debating if I was getting myself in too deep already, the fluttering in my stomach making the decision lean heavily to one side. Like it was a reflex I couldn't help but nod and smile saying a quiet, 'sure'. And just as the guys came onto the bus, Frank and I went to leave.

"And where are you two going?" Ray asked suspiciously.

Frank smiled excitedly. "Going to get breakfast!"

I turned back to all of their worried faces and smiled as reassuringly as possible. "Yeah. Don't worry, we'll be back before sound check."

They nodded and headed up the bus stairs disappearing into the lounge area, trying to hide the fact that they were already whispering about the fact that Frank and I were hanging out. Gerard was the last person standing there, giving both of us a very hard, emotionless look. After a moment he turned around and walked up the steps, closing the door loudly behind him.

I sighed and could feel Frank's eyes on me as we started to walk. I'll have to talk to Gee later then.

"Don't worry Lennox," I looked over at Frank as he hesitantly patted my arm. "He's probably only mad at me."

I sighed again. "Well he shouldn't be. You're not doing anything wrong."

He glanced away as he smiled happily to himself. "Well that's good to hear."

I laughed a little, liking the fact that we could talk comfortably with each other again.

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