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Hello! So, just play the song when u want! 😜 ENJOY PEEPS!

Little Sam's POV

"M- MOMMY!!! MOMMY!!! PLEASE! PLEASE DON'T GO!!!" i said as i cry in to Mr.SnuggleMuffen that my mommy gave me today for my birth day. "Samuel, You'll be safe , and,....sound...*Crying* the sun is going down, no one can hurt you now, you'll and I'll be safe, and sound,......just close your eyes, you'll be all right." she said. "Bu- BUT MOMMY!! A- Am- A MAN SHOT YOU- *Sobs in to moms chest* A- and you said that you'll never leave me and daddy mommy,- *Hiccups* and-" i was cut off by mom looking into my eyes. "Samuel, i- i will be ok, i am going to see people, and they will take good care of me,- a- and" breaths slightly with it in her voise. " And ill be with you, for the rest of my life, Errr, after life. And even if you don't see me, you can feel me. I will follow you! And stay with you, intill my Redrum is found. Do you understand me Sam?" Sam's mother said as she is slowly dieing from blood loss. "Y- *Hiccups* yes mommy, w- what is your- *Hiccups* name mommy? So i can remember you by your name..." i said as i had the Dam hiccups. "Its- its Samantha Sam,..." "When are you comming back mommy?" i said. "Samuel, i won't, come back, ever. But i will be following you and your father around. So if you see me- *Coughing up blood* then, just remember, when the sun is going down, you'll be all right, no one can hurt you now, you'll and ill be safe, and sound. Can you remember that?" i was only crying into my mom when she got my mind back in to the real world. "SamuelGladiator,....can you remember that?" said my mom as she coughing up a lot of blood. I new that she was dieing. "Hey kid! Time for you to go!" said a man as he picked me up my ears, i Hissed at him and yelled in pain. I started screaming at the top of my lungs, telling him to put me down now, or else he wood have something rong with one of his hands. "Grrrr!!! STOP SCREAMING YOU LITTLE BRAT!!!" he yelled. I grabbed his hand and bit it, HARD. "AHHHHHHH!!! FUCK!!!! YOU LITTLE SHIT!!!! YOU'LL REGRET THAT!!!" as he said that, i feelt him raze me up into the air and ruffly throw me. He throw me into a wall, and i fell on the ground. I was breathing heavenly, hopping that no one will touch me but only my mother. I heard my mother yelp in pain, and come over to me and put mr in her arms, i heard Evreyone gasp. I looked up to find my mom crying and she gave me a knife. But in a case. So it won't cut me of corse. And she kissed me on the for head. Me and my mom looked over, only to find my dad yelling at the man that throw me into the wall, the man hit my dad and started a fight. I looked back at my mother, "H- happy 7th birthday Sam. I love you..." and with that, my mother was dead. A single tear ran down her face. "I- i love you to, mommy." and as i said that. I got off of my dead mother and walked over to ware my dad was getting betten up. My bunny ears fell down. I grabbed the knife that my mother gave me. And started to laugh. The man that was hurting my dad stoped hitting him, and looked at me. "Why are you laughing you bich!?" he yelled.

I stopped laughing. And showing him my knife that was in my hand, "PFHHHHHH HAHAHAHAHAH!!! Do YOU REALLY THINK THAT YOU CAN HURT ME!? WITH THAT!? HAHAHHAHAJAAJ!!!" he laugh. "OH! But. You. CAN'T!! NOT WITHOUT YOUR DAM MOMMY!!!" He yelled. I started to cry, and i looked back at my Dead mother. Only to think that he is right. I was week without my mother, but he was week about lousing his job. "You think that you have won? No. You hurt me and! You. Hurt. My. SUN!!" yelled my dad. I saw my mom. She was right in front or me. And she started to sing Safe And Sound. I cried harder. I saw that Evreyone had there mothers,......but me. I ran up the man, and held..."HHHHEEELLLPPP!!! MMMYY DDDAADDD IIISSS GGEETTIIINNGG BEETT UUPP BBYYY OONNEE OOFF YYOOUUURR MMMEENNN!!!!" he grabbed me and took out a gun. And put it agents my heart. "I WILL KILL THIS KID LIKE I DID TO HIS MOTHER!!" he yelled. "Mommy, i found your killer,...................please.....h- help me......please." i said. Then i saw my mom. Well, her sole. "Thank you Sam. Since you found my killer, i will help you." she said in a calming voise. He dropped me and i ran behind my moms sole. The man shot her in the head,...but failed. My mom yelled some words that was like the devil, which i understand. (I am such an ass! Lol)
He started to panicking, and ran. But my mother following him. And she killed him. I felted his warm blood on me, and i saw his sole. He yelled and went to hell. Wile my mother wet up and diapers. "Sam lets go home" says my dad. He grabbed me and we started to walk. When the news people came up to us and started surrounding us. "MR. Gladiator can you please tell us, what do you think of now that your wife is now dead!?" yelled a man. "I don't have time for this. My kid is all ready missing school, and he just lost-" he was cut off. My dad tride to pick me up, but failed. They all started to ask me questions about my mother. "What do you think about your mother being dead!?" one of them saying. I just started crying, and singing a song that my mom sang to me before she had died. They all just looked at me with that, stupped, hand, thingy, near my mouth. (Not LEMON yet!) i grabbed one and started to say something. "My- my mommy is dead. What i think about it- *starting Sobing* i- is- t- th- that she di- didn't *hiccups* deserve- th- this! I- i w- i want her,...*hiccups* i- i want my mommy- back!" i said as i handed the thing back to the purson i grabbed it from. "Ok! THATS IT! NO MORE!" Said my dad. *hiccups* he picked me up and started to head home. I needed to skip school for a couple of days. But as i looked back, i saw a boy that looked like me. People started surrounding him and asking him questions. He looked at me and he had the same knife as me. And as i looked back,.....he was gone.

And i never saw him agen...

Holly shit people! 1188 words!!! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. And sorry if it us all messy. When i was in the middle of the book i remembered that i can skip lines! So if you have eney ideas of what should happen in the next chapter then yeah! Oh and this was a flash back!
Beyzzzz! People!


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