£Chapter 1 £ Help...

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Sam's POV

It has been years sence my mom died... I just can't move on. I started cutting my right arm. And each time i cut my arm, its eather Dom bulling me, or i am angry, or a am sad...

I was walking to school when i saw Dom...i pretended that i didn't see him and just kelped walking.

I went to my locker and got my stuff for class. I went to sin on the ground when Dom came and grabbed me by my caller of my shirt and him being him, he was throwing me all around the place. Everyone was gasping and scared. I don't blame them. I wood to if that was someone else. Dom throw me on the ground. And i decided that i wood nit take it no more. I decided to play dead. Not moving not breathing. But i was pretend to take my last breath of life and just stade there. Evreyone gasping Dom throwing me on the wall to see if i was really dead. No madder how hard i wanted to scream. I did nothing.

I heard someone say "OMG DOM YOU KILLED SAM!! YOUR A MURDER!" there voise shacking alot. And i can tell that it is was Yuki's.

Dom was walking towards everyone and they started backing up. Dom had his back turnd towards me. With was a bad thing to do. I got up, Evreyone looking at me i told them to be quite, the nodded. Dom still had his back to me so i snuck up behind him and just stand there intill he turns around and sees me.

He turnd around and thus is what i heard.
Everyone started laughing. I didn't. I heard one of the boys Say was that a girly scream!? And they laughter harder. Dom grabbed me but as soon as he did i grabbed the knife that my mom gave me and cut his hand. "OWW!! GRRRR SHIT!!!" he yelled. And dropped me on the ground. He tride to kick me but i tripped him and he fell on his butt. (Lol)

Miss Okami and Rowan cam running and when they saw me with my knife and dom with a gun they ran towards us. Silly told them everything wich is there daughter, she told that dom started it and that i was protecting myself. Rowan grabbed dom and held on to him. Okami had to help because he was about to kill Rowan. Silly came running over to me and gave me something that i gess was sleeping medoson. I pored it on my knife and they let dom go. He came up to me and shot the gun. It hit me in my head. I touched it and and it fell out, Evreyone gasped. Not only to see me not dead, but to find that Dom was looking at me. Staring. He shot at me agean, and agean, one was in my leg and the other was in my heart. And i started walking towards Dom. He started running. But i was much faster. I hut him on hid leg and he fell, and fell asleep. I grabbed his leg and took him to the nurses. I came out and Evreyone gathered around me. Asking how did i survived the bullets? Or are you a wizerd? Then i see a flash of light. Evreyone looked at the light and what i saw was...

My Mother...

Evreyone looked at her and she begen to speek.
"Hello, my name is SamanthaGladiator and, i am, er, was from hear about 8 years ago but i was murdered. And, i was in heaven but. Now i am hear. And i am looking for a boy named, SamuelGladiator?" Evreyone looked around.

I raised my hand, "Yes?" she said "Did you have a nick name for him...?" i said. "Yes, yes i did i called him Sam for short." she said.

"M- mom...?"
She ran over to me and hugged me. I started sobbing in her neck. I felt her hand on my head. And she was crying as well. Evreyone was taking pictures and postings videos of this. Rowan started crying.

"I new this wood happen..." said Ellen
"Now what?" said yuki
I stopped crying and looked at them. "The soles of heaven and earth told me this wood happen. So now this is going to be a peace of the world that is back together."

"I will have to thank the soles that brought me hear. " said my mother. And she begen to kiss me all over my face. I laugh. "Kekekkke~! Its been so long sence we heard Sam laughing!" said yuki with a smile. Evreyone started laughing as well. Then my mom stopped and kissed me on the for head. I looked at her in her eyes. They were pink but the other was brown.

"Hey mom? Why is one eye pink and the other brown?" i asked "yeah? Why is one pink and the other brown?" asked Yuki

"*Sigh* its time you too know." she said with a guilty town. "Know what?" said me and yuki at the same time.
"SamuelGladiator And YukiYakuza, you too are sister and brother..." said my- are mom

"WHHHHHHAAATTTT!??!?!?!?!?!?!" Sam yelled
"WHHHHHHAAATTTT!??!?!?!?!?!?!" Yuki yelled

"Yes, that is why. Stanly has too names in his named Gladiator and Yakuza. When we had you too, well your twins. And we found out that we had a boy and a girl. We named Sam Samuel and You Yuki Kiyu. We just call you that for shour. We decided to give Gladiator to Sam and Yakuza to Yuki."

Evreyone gasped. Me and yuki looked at echer and was red. She was pink, but i was red. We curved are faces so that no one can see. But then there was a huge explosion! It was Dom. He wook up and was now blowing up the school! Yuki was sliding and allmost went in to a big deep hole. I grabbed her arm and pulled her back up. "Thanks bro!" said yuki. "No problem sis!" i said. "Sam! Look OUT!!" yelled yuki. I turnaround and see that Dom pushes me into the hole.

Yuki's POV

"SAM!? SAAAAAAM!?!??!?!" i yelled. trying to save my brother, "N- no..." i started Sobing into my hands.

Evreyone was looking at me,....but i didn't care. "Awww, did your dum boyfriend fall? Awww" said Dom. "Well, now that he is goon you can be my-" he was cut off by me punching him in the face. He got up and started punching me. But falid. I grabbed my knife that was in my skirt and stabbed him in the leg,

"AAAAA!!" he yelled. "That is NOT my boyfriend! That. Is my. BROTHER!!. You Blasting mother FUCKER!!" i hissed
He grabbed me and throw me into the hole. All they cood hear, was my screaming...

"Help..." was all i cood say.

1160 words! Shit! Well gtg eat!


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