;-; Meep

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Ok so i put the picture up there because i have just made a new book! Its Little Orphan. Go and check it out! But ill give you what ya want. So lets begen!

Yuki's Dream POV

I was in  a dark room. It was cold, damp, and Smelly. I was walking intill i saw stars. I went down them and it lead me to a bloody room.

I looked around. Trying to figer out what this place is. But then i saw Sam. He was tide down to a chare. Then i saw me. I was in a chare, but my eyes were grey.

A purson came down and torcherd Sam, wile i just sat and looked. When he or she was done they turned on the light's.

It was Chan...

Chan saw me but looked back at me in the chare. She grabbed a knife and started stabbing me. And then it went bright.

(End of dream)

I saw Sam trying to wake me up. "Y- yu- yuki!!!!!! W- wh- what- h- hap- pend!? A- are y- you- o- okay!?" Sam stuttered. Sam only douse that when he is scared, crying, or when he is worried about the people that he cares about. "I- i-" i tride to speek. But i codent.

I started sobbing. I looked at my brother and told me that me and him were torched and that chan was there and that she killed me.

Sam's POV

Yuki just started sobbing. Hard. I put her in my lap and started rocking her back and fourth. Saying sweet things in her ear. It was Saturday so i was thinking that me and yuki could go and do something.

"Hey Yuki. Do you want to go and do something today?" i said. "Mmhmm" she said.

We got dress and we went to the park. Yuki had her knife with her so she went up the slide and got into a tree and started craving something in it.

I saw that Taurtis was with Chan. They came over and we started talking. I looked back over to ware Yuki was, but didn't see her. "YUKI!?" i yelled. no answer.

"YUKI WARE ARE YOU!?" i yelled agen. But no answer. "Hmm...hehehe~ YUKI~ I HAVE A KNIFE!" i yelled and held out a knife. i saw yuki run over a smile at me. "Here." i said. As i gave her the knife.

"Is that even safe to give that to her Sam?" said Taurtis. "Yeah. As long as you don't take it from her." i Said and smiled. "Sam what happend to your hand?" said Chan porting to my cut hand.

"Well..." i said. And looked at yuki. She started giggling like crazy.  "I took one of Yuki's knifes and she cut me." i said wile i put my hand on the back of my neak.

"Oh...yeah and sorry for that Sam l. I was in a bad mood that day." said yuki. "Its fine" i said and smiled. "Its getting dark. We should be getting home. By yuki! By Sam!" said Taurtis as he started walking off with chan.

"By!" i said. Me and yuki got home and ate dinner and went to bed.

Ok so sorry for the short chapter but i just needed to up date.


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