£Chapter 4 (real)£ Show and tell.

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Ok sorry hears a make up for yall!

Yuki's POV

Me and Sam wake up and i put on sone music.
Sam and i start getting ready for school. I went to take a bath but Sam grabes my hand and starts dancing and singing.

I join him and then i went to take a bath. When i got in the bathroom i close the door and grab a Razer and cut my leg. Because i am depressed about mine and Sam's mommy dead.

When i get out i put on my close and go down stars and eat a poptart. Wile Sam gose and takes a bath. I hear Sam hiss. And i can tell that he cut his arm and put in in the water.

When i got done i went up stars and i put on my big white bow and did my makeup. Sam came out and put his bunny hat on so that he covers up his ears. I grabbed my ring and put it around my neck.

I still had my demon horns on my head so i make them disuper. Me and Sam walk down stars and grab are bags and we walked out of the house. I got on Sam's back and we started walking.

I saw Dom take a photo of me and Sam. I look at him and he licks his lips. I think a shiver went down my spine. When we got to the store i got off of Sam's back and i walk over to get some pokky and MD.

Wile Sam gets Carrots and MD. We pay and we walk to school wile takling about are power's. We got into the school and went to are lockers. We put are lunch in are bags and put are bags away.

Then we went to class. Miss Okami went over role call and then she picked 2 people to come up and to do there show and tell. Soul and Sookie kissed and tod Evreyone that they were dating.

Me and Sam went up and did are rings. Sam and fellt like someone had a dart gun and i cood tell who it was. It was Dom. "Sam. De ma leka e sta el la ja." i said in a different language. Wich was a demon language.

Dom shot the dart gun at Sam and me. But are rings glowed and are eyes turned White. Evreyone grasped at the viewing. Sam grabbed the dart that was 1 sec away from his face.

He went up to Dom and gave it back. But broken it before he did. The bell rang and Sam grabbed are homework and my hand and left the classroom. We went to are lockers to put up are homework and to get are lunch.

Evreyone came around and started asking questions about are powers. Sam just grabbed my hand and we went out side to eat. We sat down and started eating.

We were done with are lunch in like 7 mins. So I went to go and play with a butterfly. Only to find that it landed on my nows. I turnaround and showed Sam. He took a picture and then the butterfly left.

We had 30 mins left of lunch and in that time i found a bunny. It was hiding behind Gareth's grave. I saw that Evreyone was looking at me trying to get the bunny.

I saw that Dom took a pitcher and it scared the bunny. It ran all over the place. In till it stopped and hid behind the grave. Sam saw the bunny and sat down on his nees.

He grabbed a carrot and the bunny came over to him. The bunny ate the carrot the then Sam started petting it. The bunny went in his lap. Sam picked up the bunny and was walking over towards me. "Hear. Put out your hands." Sam said. I put out my hands and he put the bunny in my arms.

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