Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

"So are you going to the Halloween party?" Liz asked me, snapping me to attention.

The Halloween party. The school has at least one every year and I'll admit it, they are fun and pretty scary. Would I go? Sure, it gives you the chance to wear some really cool outfit that you can't wear all the time but other than that I had no good reason to go.

"I don't know." I replied with an unsure look.

She dropped her food and gave me a stern look. "You're going to that party, Ariana. I don't care if your leg falls off, your coming."


"Because, Ariana. This is going to an awesome night for both of us. Especially if I get you with a hot date."

"The last thing I need is to start going on dates."

"No, the first thing you need to do is to start going on dates." She replied, lowering her voice as her eyes told me to look behind her.

I did what she wanted and saw Justin a few tables away. He was leaning against the seat on his phone, not paying attention anyone near him. His hair was messy and his eyes looked dark. God, he was utterly perfect and I hated that and him.

"Liz, I don't care about Justin anymore." I mumbled picking a fry up and putting it in my mouth. Even though I was lying a little bit.

"Just trust me on this one." She pleaded.

"Fine, but he better be cute."

A happy smile appeared on her face as she pulled out her phone ready to show me some photos. Going on a date might not be a bad thing after all.


are you going tomorrow?

Yes, you?

I chucked my phone on the bed. I wanted to throw it in the bin for some odd reason. I didn't feel like talking to anyone.

The door opened with Liz coming through. Her face was lit up as she sat down on the edge of the bed. I stared at the two pair of clothes she held in them in her hand tightly and I could already tell what one of them was.

"Okay, so here's yours. This is mine. Try it on, quickly." She said as she went to admire hers.

I held it up realising it was a nurse outfit. It wasn't so bad, I probably would have went as one myself anyway. I gave Liz a smile as I walked in my bathroom quickly chucking it on.
It didn't look bad till I put it on. I stared at myself, not happily.

It was tiny. It was so revealing. Liz walked in and smiled as she looked at me. "It looks so good."

"No it doesn't. It's so revealing." I sighed as I pulled the bottom down hoping it might cover some more of my body.

"That's the point."

"Thanks for the outfit but I don't think I'll wear it."

"You're wearing it." She said pointing her finger at me, her black hair bouncing.

The door bell rang before I could reply. I quickly put a sweater on. At least that'll cover the top of it. I always wondered who came to my house especially this late. It always was at this time.

I opened it to see Cole standing there and he looked nice. I gave him a smile telling him to come in but instead he took my hand pulling me outside. What was he doing?

"Hey." He smiled.


"So you know how you know how we have the party tomorrow night?" He asked running his free hand along his neck.

"Yeah." I nodded slowly.

I was so confused at the moment. He was obviously about to ask me something but I wasn't sure what. I hope he wasn't asking to take me there.

"I know it's not like a dance or anything, I mean, it is, but I was just wondering if you wanted to be like my date or something." He asked nervously.

A pile of guilt, sadness and sympathy ran over me. I was already going to the dance with Liz's cousin, Ty. I didn't even know what to say to him. All I could really do was stare at him with guilt. Should I tell him I have a date or some other reason?

It's not like I could tell him a different reason because really I didn't know what excuse to make up and I didn't want to lie to him.

"Cole, I'm not going to lie to you. I would have gone with you but I kind of already have a date. I swear if I knew you would've asked me, I would have gone with you instead." I told him truthfully.

I was honestly scared of how he would react. He was always so cool about things but what if he finally has enough?

"You told me you weren't ready for a boyfriend." He muttered sadly.

"I did tell you that because it's true. I'm just going to this party as friends with this guy. Cole, he's not my boyfriend."

"Is it Justin?"


"Are you going to the party tomorrow night with Justin?" He repeated.

Sadness rushed through me but I quickly shook it off. Why would Cole think its Justin? Justin and I haven't spoken in ages.

"No." I replied quietly.

"I'm going to go. Have fun tomorrow night." Cole said before he turned around and left.

I didn't know what to do. My feet seemed to be stuck to the ground. I wanted to run after him and tell him that I didn't mean to hurt him but I couldn't. He's obviously angry, maybe letting him cool off will be better.


J u s t i n

I wasn't going to lie. I looked good. Being a dead guy was the best way to go. I could be me but dead. Either way I look fine. I stopped the car, hopping out and making my way up to the school where the party was being held.

The girl I decided to bring was already annoying me. She kept grabbing on to me and stopping me, complaining about something. I only brought her because of one reason and so far I just wanted to run away.

"Justin! I need to go to the toilet! You keep walking, so I can't." She whined, stopping for the fifth time.

I rolled my eyes at her. "I don't fucking care. Go to the toilet if you want to. I'm not stopping you."

She whined once more and quickly walked off telling me to wait for her. I leaned against the gate as the cool air made its way through. I couldn't help but wonder if Ariana was going to be here tonight. I wonder if she had a date. I hope it's not Cole. Just thinking about him made my head hurt.

"Okay, lets go." The girl came back, grabbing on to my hand. Shit. I didn't even remember her nam-
A car I saw that was too familiar interrupted my thoughts.

It came to a halt and out jumped a guy. He didn't go to our school but he was defiantly our age. He walked around the side of the car and opened the passenger door and of course, Ariana jumped out.

She laughed at something he said and he wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her close. She looked incredible. I felt myself tense as he bent down and kissed her cheek. What the fu-

"Justin! Come on. We're missing the party." The girl said grabbing my attention.

"Uh, yeah. Let's go." I mumbled.


A r i a n a

I decided to wear the nurse outfit. Even though it wasn't my type of halloween costume, it was still wearable even if it was very revealing. But not everything about tonight was having second thoughts. The date Liz had set me up with was amazing.

He wrapped his hand around my waist walking me up to the party. Still, he, Justin, kept coming to my mind. Was he here tonight?

We made our way into the party and I frowned at the sight. There was way more people then I would've expected. Ty's grip tightened as he pulled us through a pile of people.

"Ariana! Ty!" A voice called loudly over the music. Liz appeared with her boyfriend behind her. "You two look hot!"

"Thanks." I smiled at her and Damon.

"Don't they Damon?" Liz turned around and asked him. He looked bored out of his mind, but nodded politely. His eyes scanned my body. I couldn't blame him, it was my own fault for wearing this oufit.

I quickly grabbed Ty and hugged him, covering myself. "Thank you, Liz for setting us up. He's great." I said as Ty grinned back.

"It's nothing! You two have fun." Liz chirped before rushing off to the dance floor with Damon.

"She's crazy." Ty said, chuckling.

"She is."

We sat down at a small table where we talked for a while. I found out he had a lot in common with me. He made my laugh more than I can count and he was completely the whole package. He even made me forget about Justin.

"So would you like to dance?" He asked, putting his hand out for me to grab.

"I would love to." I responded as I took his hand in mine.

He led me to the dance floor which was pretty cool. I scanned the room, impressed. The floor had flashing lights and long lounges surrounded the place. Pretty good for my school.

Then my heart sank into my stomach.

I felt it stop when I laid my eyes on Justin.

He sat on the couch, basically swallowing the girl his lips were connected to. I couldn't move or speak. I was just so lost in that horrible moment. Sure I knew Justin did things like this with girls, but I never realised it till now and how much it hurt.

It was just like someone grabbed you and decided to stab you. My eyes slowly left them and I stared blankly at the floor. I defiantly didn't feel like dancing now.

"Ariana? You okay?" Ty asked over the music.

I've been better. I couldn't tell him that.

"Yeah." I said, giving him my best smile but he gave me a unconvinced look. His hands grabbed my waist and he pulled me close.

"I hope you don't think I won't listen because I will." He said as he swayed us.

"I don't have anything to tell you otherwise-"

I stopped talking as he gently pressed his lips on mine. His lips were soft against mine and they felt great. I was so surprised but I wrapped my hands around his neck and kissed him back. Maybe this is what people like me do. They kiss people to take reality away.


J u s t i n

I gently pushed the girl off me. Her name turned out to be Zoe and I was sincerely done with her. She tried to kiss me again but I politely stopped her.

"Can you hang on a moment?" I asked her trying to be as nice as possible. "I might go grab some water."

I was about to get up when I saw Ariana dancing with that guy. They were joint as they danced to the music. She looked so happy with him. I didn't even know who the fuck he was. What did he mean to her? Well, I've seen enough. My mind quickly changed as he leaned down and kissed her. My whole body tensed for the second time as she wrapped her hands around his neck.

She use to do that to me.

My head snapped back to Zoe who started talking to me.
"Justin? Are you getting me some water or not?" She asked me as she chewed her gum violently.


I turned around to see Ariana leaving to the water bar. I jumped up and made my way over hoping she wouldn't see me.


A r i a n a

I don't know why I let him kiss me. I shouldn't have. It just shouldn't have happened. He probably thinks the same thing. I mean we only just met. It's not like he thinks anything of it. I'm probably just another girl that he has kissed. Hopefully.

I grabbed a cup and poured the water in. Maybe Ty wants one. I put my cup down and poured another one. Eventually, I had the two cups in my hands. He better thank me for this. I'm not good at holding two things at one time. Surprisingly the water bar was quiet. Not many people were around. I liked it this way.

I turned around and of course I bumped into someone. The cold water fell over me and them. Why was I so clumsy. I quickly reached over to the table and slipped, but before I could hit the ground two firm hands grabbed onto my waist, stopping me from the fall.

I looked up to see Justin. What the hell? How many times was I going to bump into him? His eyes didn't meet my eyes though. They were on my body and he licked his lips. I looked down and I freaked out. The water had made my dress see through.

"Oh my god. Oh my god. What do I do?" I panicked as I tried to dry my clothes. You could see everything.

Justin finally stopped staring at my body and looked at my face. "Come with me." He said, grabbing my arm.

He took my around the corner which was the back of the room. I felt relief fill over me as there was a back door. Thank you for back doors. We both walked out into the cold breeze and Justin led me to his car. He opened the bumper pulling out a long towel. He chuckled as he wrapped it around me.

"What about you?" I asked him, noticing he was wet too.

"I'm fine. You got a lot more water on you then what I did." He said, a grin appearing on his face.

I sighed as I sat down in the back of his car and he sat next to me. "That was terrible." I murmured.

"Maybe for you."

I rolled my eyes playfully then sighed. "Thanks for the towel."

"It's fine. We wouldn't want anyone seeing your polkadot bra."

I laughed and hit him playfully. "Shut up."

He smirked and silence fell until he broke it.

"So who was that guy you were with?" He asked taking me by surprise.

"Oh, he's just Liz's cousin. Who was the girl you were with?" I asked him quietly.

"She was just a girl." He replied shrugging.

"Of course she was." I replied biting my lip regretfully.

He eyes my lips and quickly turned away. "Well, that's me for you." He said as he shot me a smirk and I nodded my head, grinning.

"Come on, I'll take you home." He said as he pushed me up.

"You don't have to, Justin."

"I want to." He replied, standing on his feet.

"Thanks again."

As I was about to turn away, he quickly grabbed me and turned me so I was facing him. He leaned towards my ear, making a shiver go down my spine.

"You have no idea how much I want to kiss you senseless and then make love under the stars." He whispered before he turned around and sat in the car.


WHAT DO you think.
please tell me i'd love to know.

Pic on the side - Justin and Ariana at the Halloween party. (Credits go to 

thank you for the reads, its so amazing!

so name a celebrity guy, that has dark brown hair and and is pretty cute. that would help me out a lot. :]

so i did try to make this one a little longer. hopefully it is because i wouldn't know, haha.

thanks everyone :] love you

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