Chapter 34

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T h i r t y - F o u r

"and afterall,
you're my wonderwall."

"You're inviting me to this party?" I asked Tyler as he handed me a small invatation. A party really wasn't the thing that I wanted to go to at the moment, but he nodded his head a small smile coming to his lips.

"I mean, most of the kids in your school are going. But, I was hoping you would go as my date." He said, his eyes dancing as he waited for my response.

As Tyler's date? Every part of me didn't want this. I only wanted Justin, but I wasn't going to admit that. What if maybe this date will make me forget about Justin. It did last time. Instead of saying no, I nodded, but a part of me was telling me to say no. A bigger smile came on Tyler's face as he pulled me into a hug, his arms holding me tightly.

"I'll pick you up tonight." He stated, kissing my cheek lightly as he walked off.

Maybe this was exactly what I needed.

Gathering my things, I looked down at the invitation and almost dropped it. It was being held by Justin? Quickly catching my breath again, I shoved it in my bag, my eyes were wide. Of course Justin was hosting the party.

I was about to walk in the next class, when a hand grabbed my arm and I turned around, pressing myself up against the door. Looking up, I saw Justin, his brown eyes looking down at bag which had the invitation falling out of it.

"I see you're going to my party tonight." He said, a smirk forming on his lips as we made eye contact and I nodded, my long hair falling in front of my face slightly.

Ever since Justin and I hadn't been talking, he had gone back to his old self and there wasn't much I could do. I loved him, either way. He was unhappy and I could tell. It had been about a month and a half since Justin and I broke up and it was practically the worst month and a half of my life.

"Uh, yeah." I stated as I noticed how close he was to me, my body still pressed up against the door and I gave him a small smile.

"I hope I'll see you there, then." He replied and I nodded slightly, my breath becoming faster and he noticed. He took the pleasure of it though, he knew he made me weak and that made me irritated. He started walking off but words I didn't want to say, fell out of my mouth.

"Yeah you will. With Tyler."

He stopped walking and he turned around, looking at me, expressionless. I instantly hated myself for saying that. I wanted to slap myself because I knew I'd just hurt him. I didn't want to say it - tell him that I'm going with Tyler but I hated how he saw how weak he made me.

Justin was my weakness.

"What the fuck do you mean you're going with Tyler?" He spoke harshly, as I looked back at him making his way closer to me.

"I'm going to the party with Tyler, Justin. He asked me to be his date." I said as I turned around, but he grabbed my hand gently and he turned me around to look at him.

"You're making a mistake by going with him, Ariana."

I leaned up and kissed his jawline softly as I felt him let go of my hand as I walked off I know that I loved Justin. I know that I never have needed someone as much as him, but maybe that's the problem. Without him, I'm unhappy and he makes me so weak. Everything about him.

But maybe that's the thing I need to get away from. I know he made me so happy and he made me smile and I wanted him so badly, but I need to find away to be without him because I'm not myself.

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