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I'm Zavean Feist I'm 19 I have a boys hair style I'm one of the guys in my small group of friends. It's just my mom and I, never met my dad mom only told me he was locked up and nothing more I stopped caring about not having a dad at the age of 6. Mom and I don't talk she is never home I like it that way I have been taking care of myself since I was 8, I learned young that I am all I have and not to trust anyone.

I just got out of the shower when my phone buzzed twice letting me know I have a text.

"We are 15 mins away so hurry up Zav." Savage was letting me know he is close so i hurried and put on my black jeans that sagged so I put my black belt with silver studs on so they wouldn't fall down then I put my black sports bra that matched my boxer briefs on and then a black wife beater and then I grabbed my blue short sleeve dress shirt and pulled it on then I grabbed the chain the was attached to my wallet and ran down stairs while putting my combat boots on and walked outside to see Savage was calling me I ignored it cause I knew he was hear since I heard his Ford truck pull up. Savage is a year older the me I met him when I was 9, he was getting jumped by 5 guys so I ran up punching one guy square in his jaw busting his lip open and then kicking another in the gut making him fall to his knees trying to breathe. I wish I could say we won the fight but we got our ass beat but since that night he looked over me like a older brother.

I was in the truck when Savvy, Savage's girl wrapped her arms around me and said "it's about time you got out here."

"You guys just pulled up when I came out, so don't start." I replied laughing at her exaggerations.

I stole the joint from Taz and started puffing when he punched my arm and smirked at me so I punched him twice as hard as the corner of my lips twitched up and I knew my eyes showed I was playing around. We drove to the lake were everyone was at partying, I grabbed a beer and popped it open when Krissy walked up with someone behind her and grabbed two waters she glared at me for a few seconds before turning around and talking.

"You know that glare was rude as hell, why not next time say excuse me." I said walking off after grabbing two more beers I found myself at another table taking a shot of whiskey when I noticed 3 guys looking around and whispering to each other and walking in the direction a girl walked in a few minutes ago. I followed because my gut said something bad was going to happened. I could hear a girls soft cries and saying "p-p-please don't. Let m-me go"

And that was when I seen two guys kneeling down as the third guy was messing with his pants so I ran up slamming into him as one of the ones kneeling got up swinging at my he lay a couple good hits were one bloody my eye which pissed me the hell off so ran up punching him he fell when I felt something hard hit me in the back of my head I tried standing but fell for my head was spinning and I felt like throwing up the two came at me when I seen Savage take one and slammed he so hard against a tree that he slid down not moving Savvy was checking on me while Taz and Savage handle the other two I past out. I woke up in the truck but something was wrong i felt like my insides were trying to claw out of my body I sreamed in pain I heard Savvy say "she's burn..." I cut her off by screaming again but this time I felt and heard my bones cracking and so did everyone in the truck.

" PULL OVER!!!!!!" Someone I don't know yelled.

I jumped out and took off running once the truck stopped I don't know why I took off but all I knew was I needed to run to get away from everyone.

I woke up to see Savage, Savvy, Taz, and the girl from last night run up to me worried they were talking to me but I couldn't hear what they were saying then I past out again. I woke up in my bed trying to remember last night and how I got here but the last thing I remember was getting into Savage's truck to go to a party.

I sat up trying to figure out why I am sore as fuck. I stumbled my way to the bathroom but when I looked in the mirror I froze for my reflection looked like me but didn't at the same time. I heard someone gasp so I looked towards the door to see Savvy starring at me another girl appeared next to her asking "what's wrong?"

She looks over at me with wide eyes.

"Zav your eyes..." before she finished she adverted her eyes and blushed.

"What? Why are you blushing Savvy?"

"U-uumm y-y-our...... naked.." she says I looked down and just smirk and shrug.

When I got out of the shower I threw on some guys basketball shorts and a wife beater then I went down stairs where Savage was cooking eggs and bacon. I walked over to the coffee and poured me some after I took a drink Savage asked "so what happened last night Zavean?"

I took a sip this time and said " I have no clue all I remember is getting in the truck last night when you picked me up."

Everyone looked worriedly at me I just ignored them until Taz asked" so where's your mom Zav?"

"I don't know somewhere in Europe I think." I looked at him like who cares where she is.

"So who is this?" I said pointing at the girl I have never seen before.

Savage just stared at me confused when he said "you really don't remember? She is here since you saved her Zav even though you got your ass handed to you."

"I what... I so... wait if I got my ass handed to me why don't I have and bruises or cuts?"

" You did and we will have a talk later about it all. I don't know the be......" he was cut off by Taz.

"Uuhhmm you turned into a dog or was it a wolf? I don't know but you jumped out of the truck and took off running when we seen you shift\changed...." he said as he took a bite of food.

My mouth was just hanging open and then I started to laugh and i punched his arm and said " good one Taz."

Savage and Savvy said together " he's not jocking Zavean what he said is true!"

"B-b-but... I -I..." I didn't finish what I was going to say cause i didn't know what to say and then the room started to spin and it to harder to breathe. Savage was holding me close saying "breath kid. It's ok..."

"I don't... remember.... h-h-how...." I was cut off by Savvys shoulder when she hugged me.
Tears started rolling down my face, we sat there till I fell asleep from exhaustion.

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