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When I got back out side Taz gave me a cold and uneasy glare. " What is going on Zav? She ain't one of us she's and outsider, I don't trust her. You need to drop her and fast!" He said as I walked up.

"Well well one of the outsides thinks someone else is an outsider, and don't ever forget Tazen there was a time that I didn't trust you!" I said still walking up to the group, and I stopped in front of Taz and looked up furious. " And who the hell do you think you are talking to like that? Best learn your place!" I said growling everyone else moved away and I can hear Jazlenne walking up.

"Taz don't do it..." Savvy said right before he he charges after Jazlenne.

I was there in front of him before he reaches her but he had a look that said he would go through me to get to her which just feed my rage. When he got close enough I braced my self and grabbed him by the throat and slammed him down growling he shifted with my hand still around his neck but I couldn't keep the grip. He lunged at me snarling and snapping I shifted and then I attacked not holding back.

I shifted back to human and walked up to him naked and let my power roll off me with my anger.

"You ever challenge me again I won't stop! You will learn discipline." I said coldly "everyone will shift to a wolf and then back to human for three hours. And as not you Taz you shift until I say otherwise." I said all this with my power as Alpha.


Everyone was asleep as I sat out back with Taz he growled when Jazlenne came out with breakfast for me the next morning. I looked at him and let my power slip out and said with a growl in the middle of him shifting, " stop and stay half shifted and don't shifted back as you run around this field till I see fit for you to stop!" I got up when he took off running and went in and to my room and laid on the bed.

I just closed my eyes when I felt the bed move I looked at the clock it was 7pm shit it was late. I must have gotten lost in my thoughts all day but I relaxed once Jazlenne settled her head comfortably on my chest and let out a sigh. "He doesn't like me does he?" She asked. "Don't worry about all that just get some sleep ok." I said she snuggled closer and I kissed her for head before I let sleep consume me.

I woke up early so I slipped out of bed not waking Jaz up and I went to room to room waking everyone up. Once we all got to the yard I made everyone run right behind Taz for an hour then I had them shift and run behind him for another hour. So now they were standing in front of me panting but I didn't stop with the training I paired them up and told to to fight to use anger, their strength and their mind all together and only use a portion of all to not let anger dominate over the others or let any of the others dominate either that they must learn control over their emotions, mind, and body. As I watch them I realized they had a long way to go I took notes and let them go in at 5pm I went to my room and sat at my desk and wrote down how I can help them. I heard Taz growl and howl so I looked out my window and seen all three girls outside Trinity and Savvy stood in front of Jazlenne. I jumped out my window hitting the ground running I slammed my foot in his ribs hearing and feeling them break I forced him into human form because he wasn't moving. What the hell s going on with him he is always the chill one. I let my power roll off and I command his wolf to not surface till I decide and I had Savage take him to the seller and patch him up. I walked down afterwards and left a box for when he wakes up.

After a week of training I sent Savage down to train Taz alone, I don't know what to do about Taz he acts so jealous of Jazlenne but all I know is I need to focus on the task at hand so I rolled a joint and lit up as I smoked to get this sickening feeling about what is coming to go away when I realized Jazlenne was packing.

"W-ww-hat? What's going on? Where you going?" I asked so worried about her answer.

"I'm going to go visit my Aunt for a few days! I think it would help if I left for a few days so you can help "everyone" here." She answered but with every word she said hurt it feels like someone is beating me and sucking all the air out of my lung, it feels like every organ in me is being ripped apart my heard is beating so fast that it feels like it's exploding with every beat killing me over and over again. She had turned and walked away leaving me grasping in agonizing pain trying to breathe. I don't know what is going on this pain is worse than fighting the shift.

I don't know how long I long I stayed in my room but my mind is running in a hundred different directions.
I heard growling and I just had enough of all of this so I walked down stairs pissed and and when I reached the back door I got slammed to the ground I hear Taz and Triton's screams ok so it wasn't them fighting each other. Then before I could retaliate this person was pulled off of me by Savvy they both rolled around fighting I don't recognize any of these new people. I let my strength roll off me and out as I growled everyone stopped and my family came to stand by my side there were at least 15 of these strangers. On move forward and I started to charge and shift before I reach him he shifted as well but I had the upper hand I didn't slow down but he was already running towards me I slammed right into him and pinned him and growled barring my teeth he snapped at me and that was when I got flashes of the wolves coming to kill me he was one so this must be the group. I was slammed from the side but before I got slightly had grabbed the wolfs that that was under me so when I got slammed the force of the impact caused me to rip his throat out. I couldn't move there were two wolves on me but that didn't worry me her smell worried me it was filled with pain and that alone in raged me and I stood up not caring about the two hitting me I found her bleeding and surrounded by the rest I took off with two trying to stop me I got slammed again but I seen another wolf charge the group surrounding her it was Taz I fought of the two not knowing if I killed them or not and changed with the rest of my pack. We fought all of them and thought we won but right before I shifted back I was picked up in large arms and I felt them squeezing till I couldn't breathe then I heard crack after crack I shifted back in his arm but he didn't stop I screamed in agonizing pain until he dropped me but Savvy got him I don't know what happened after that cause I was blinded with pain I tried to scream but it was to hard to breathe I was carried inside I blacked out or passed out from the pain.

I woke up trying to breathe but couldn't I was held down by Savage my eyes must have been wild but I started to breathe little by little which was a relief some what then I realized I was in a hospital I felt sleep wash over and realized that I  must be being sedated that was my last thought before darkness consumed me.

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