What am I?

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I woke up in my bed and I know no one is hear so I sit up and bring my knees to my chest and I hung my head. What is going on with me?

"You shifted\changed into a dog or is it a wolf....." Taz said to me I laughed thinking he was fucking with me then Savage told me it's true.

"Did I hurt anyone? Am I a monster? Why can't I remember, how is this possible, why is it happening to me?" I ask myself. I don't know how long I sat there lost in my own thoughts but then I heard a car park so I got up expecting a knock. As I went downstairs I heard the knock so I opened the door but no one was there I looked around then I heard the knocking again so I walked out to the yard and turned around looking to see if anyone was messing with me but no one was there. As I turned to see if there was a car nearby I seen the person 4 houses down knocking on a door I freaked out so I hurried inside closing the door behind me. I stood there trying to figure out if that was the knocking i heard. I finally decided to go and shower and get ready I needed to get outta here fast before I go crazy.

I put on dark navy blue jeans and a white wife beater and a chain with a bullet at the end on I was putting on my combat boots when I heard a knock I didn't rush to the door cause I already felt crazy for earlier.
I rushed out the house and slammed into someone falling to the ground cursing I jumped up and I was going to say "watch where you're going" but I stopped myself when I seen that it was the girl from my kitchen. I held my head out to help her saying " I'm sorry."
She took my hand and smiled up at me while I pulled her to her feet I was about to walk off a small hand grabbed my wrist stopping me in my tracks. I looked back at the hand touching me because where she is touching is sending sparks through my body making me shiver.

"Um do you need something?" I asked still looking at her hand.

"Y-yeah... uu-umm...."

I cut her off by saying "uumm I was headed out. So if it can wait until I see you again...."

"Um can I come?" She asked cutting me off. I shook my head and we started walking I was walking my normal speed but I slowed down cause it was to fast for her she had kept running to keep up. She was looking at her feet the entire time in Silence then all of a sudden she grabbed ahold of my arm with a death grip I looked at her and was about to ask what she was doing but I was stopped when I heard male laughter coming our way so I looked at the drunken slums and continued walk but the ran up blocking our way.

"Where are you two going?" They asked there were 3 of them.

"Get out of our way Tony I'm not in no mood for your dumb ass." I replied it pissed him off.

"Oh no we are going to repay you for the other night you stupid cunt." He spat the words in my face, what was he talking about what night? And when I realized that it was the night I don't remember I was on the ground with him on top off me ready to punch me but I brought my legs up behind him wrapping them around his neck and pulling him back off of me when I seen the other two running towards me I got up and smashed my fist into Jessy's face and came around bent over hitting Luke in his upper abdomen knocking the air out of him and then I grabbed the girls hand and took of running. I never got her name, we came to a stop at a gas station I turned to her and held out my hand saying "I'm Zavean! And you are?"

"I-I'm Jazlenne." She said not looking at me or my out stretched hand.

My phone went off so I picked it up "yea what's up Savage?"

"WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU!!!" He yelled at me but I told him where I was and now he is on his way to get me. When he pulled up his face showed how worried and angry he was so I got in the truck cautiously when I shut the door he took off like a bat out of hell he drove in silence which wasn't like him now I was worried.

"Where were you going Zav?" He broke the silence and broke me out of my thoughts.

"I don't know I just needed to get out of that house I-I.. I was hearing shit that was going on down the block and I thought it was in my yard or someone knocking lightly 4 houses down and I thought it was my door they were knocking at. I am freaking out I believe I am going insane so I left!!" I told him the truth all he did was let out a sigh and I looked up at him seeing tears roll down his cheek.

"You're not alone Zavean remember that. We take care of each other and..... I was scared that you were hurt or took off for good look kid like it or not we family so next time call or text me."

"I'm scared to you guys said I turned into, into something not human and I feel like a monster. A-And...
I was scared that you wouldn't want anything to do with me your the only family I have your like my older brother......" he cut me off by punching my shoulder and said.

"OK we are going to my place they guys are there already."

I blared "digital daggers- the devil with in." When we came to a stop and went into the house were some Reggae music blared and I took Savvys blunt and smirked at her and stared puffing after a few puffs I gave it back to her and picked up the Jack Daniels bottle and took a long wait and sat down on the couch and lit up a cigarette smoking when Taz passed me a joint so I handed him the cigarette when he said

" so you're a wolf well that's badass." Making everyone laugh I just stared at him and smirked and said

"Badass you say well hell I was already a badass." I laughed.

No one treated me like a freak I felt like I was home they were my family. I smiled then screamed in pain as my head felt like exploding I crumbled to the floor as Savage ran to me and picked me up with ease but he dropped me cursing when my bones started to crack and move so he leaned down and pulled me into his lap and just held me then all of a sudden the pain stopped and I just laid there. What the hell was happening to me I passed out after everything stopped.

I woke up in a room I have slept in so many times it was Savage's room. When I fully opened my eyes I seen Savage sleeping in a chair next to the bed. She I moved to get up I felt hands helping me I must have oke him up cause he was helping me sit up but when I looked up at him worried and concern was written all over his face.

"What's wrong Sav?"

He looks at me and said " you have been out for a week Zav I thought...."He trailed off eyes full of tears.

I touched his shoulder and said " I'm OK now and I'm awake." That made him look at me then he engulfed me in a hug and just cried I hugged him back. I have never seen him cry ever but this was the second time, I have seen him go through some shit that would make others cry but he never did. When we pulled ourselves together we showered and got dressed and left we met up with the guys who was shocked but happy to see me awake. We just sat and Bullshit around but then I heard her call my name pissed off and when I turned around I seen my mother walking towards me.

"I get home and you're no where to be found we need to talk so get home now!" She said and turned around and took off so we all went to my house everyone stayed in the living room as I went to the kitchen were she was.

"We are moving." Is all she said when I walked in.

"Um I'm not going anywhere." I said with attitude.

"EXCUSE ME? You have no choice young lady...."

" I have been on my own since I was a young kid I don't need you I'm not leaving with you I am 19 I'm not a kid." I cut her off then I walked out and when I opened the door I slammed into someone but I didn't care I took off running.

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