New Changes!

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I just pulled in to the pet shelter when I got the sudden feeling that something is wrong I see their bags but not them. As I open the truck door i smell blood and fear I followed the sent to inside and all the animals are on edge whining and growling I continue to make my way through the shelter when I seen the guy that everything about screams dangerous being thrown and I see at least eight to nine men that is going after this group. I see one of the men about to shove his claw hand into the boy when I rush over and stopped him in mid strike barring my teeth as I growl and threw him back. " You're the she wolf we are looking for the only one of her kind!" Said the guy I threw with fear in his voice. " KILL HER!" He screams and they all come at me.

I had no where to run and I couldn't leave these kids here to fight so I stood my ground. I growled loud and deep which made them stop and whimper giving me enough time to get these kids out side I was just about to get into the truck when one of those men tackled me slamming my head into the pavement. He was on top of me strangling me when the others came out I am not willing to die today so snap the man's neck that was on me and jumped up with blurred vision and lightheaded but I was ready for the next attack I ripped the guys heart out and threw him and his heart into the others running towards me knocking them down just long enough for me to use my speed and get the hell out of there. When I knew we were safe I pulled over and to my Savage first aid out the back and told one of the girls to clean the boys injuries when I got back into the truck I started seeing spots right before everything started to spin and my vision blurred that was the last the I remembered.

I woke I a room that smelled like stale piss and cigarette smoke. Sarcastic ass was starring at me when he said hey guys she's finally awake, I sat up and he handed me some water I took a big swig before I asked, " where are we?"

" We are in the U.S. I believe we made it to Oregon. But we were worried about you waking up because we have questions."

" Well ask! But before, to clear things up I told you they would use you, and I told you I was different, oh and yes I did kill two of them so if that's what you were going to ask well keep in mind they would have killed you, all of you! And no I won't talk about why people are after me because I am still not hundred percent sure why."

"Well those were the obvious questions so thanks for answering them but where are we headed?"

"Ok sarcastic ass first thing first I need to know names second I never know where I am headed I just drive until i run out of money."

" Oh yeah u-u-ummmm I am called Ziy, and this is Ace, Reap, we call him Streak for we can't pronounce his name, and the two are Truth and Millyo."

" Oookk if those are the names you want to be known as then we need to keep moving every few weeks so they won't find us or me again."

It's been a week and now I have a small pack to protect while we are on the run so I have decided to return home for a short while for the amount of time I have been away i have learned to guard my heart but not shut emotions out and I have learned that I will be Ascending it the next few hour and i am hoping to be home before I do for I need my family that was there with my Awakening I feel it in my entire body the pull back home.

I was driving up the driveway with three other vehicles behind me but I knew Savage would have the entire pack there ready for anything. I got out after everyone I had brought with me was by the truck defensively Savage rushed me and swung which pissed Reap off but I dodging the blow and was smiling so big he calmed down a bit but Sav wasn't done he knocked my legs out from underneath me and pinned me pist, " what is this scar?" He asked head butting my scar from my head being slammed into the pavement but when he head butted me I brought my head up with so much force with his that it did damage to both of us he pulled me up and I was laughing.

" I had a few run ins but that's about it. Oh and I'm sorry about the big ass dent in the passenger side door that was an accident." I laughed as he ran cursing me for damaging his truck.

I gave Savvy a hug then jumped on Taz for looking so serious Sav came around cursing me for giving him a heart attack about his truck.

" Ok guys enough of the games now it is time for business these.... aaaahhh-hhh."
I screamed in so much pain I knew what was happening but no one else did I was in the process of changing but the change was slow my bones would break and re break multiple times for hours but in the process I was having so many flashes I couldn't make since of and I was feeling everything that was coming with the images to much emotions all at once is excruciatingly painful I was laying on the ground not moving I couldn't making a sound nor could I move. Then I had this excessive amount of energy and urgency to run so I ran into the woods that I have missed.

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