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Savvy brought Savage over late last night he was in bad shape so we took him to the couch where he passed out. She said "his dad shot himself..." she trailed off and I knew she was crying, she stayed by his side all night.

"MOM no!!! I'm not moving my life is here I don't care if you met someone you always do on your trips.. but it never lasts.."

She slapped me " you are so ungrateful and by law I am responsible for you until you turn 18 so yes you are moving."

"If I'm such a burden then why do you care if I move? I have been on my own taking care of myself since dad went away. It's not like you are ever here! So go leave you do it all the time what makes this time any different?"

"Fine have it your way then you're right you are a burden but I'm moving which means I'm selling the house so I hope you're happy."

"You can stay with me Zav. Family takes care of family." Savage and Savvy said together.

That's when I walked out of the kitchen and straight upstairs when I got to my room I grabbed all my clothes and things which fit in two bags and walked out of the house. Savvy brought Savage's truck around and we all left. We pulled over picking up Taz then we went to Savage's house his mother must have cleaned everything cause the house was spotless. Savage brought me to a empty room and left the bag by the door and took off with Savvy I opened the door there was no bed but I didn't care this felt more like home then my house I took my baggage in an turned the light on getting a better look around. I started to unpack and hang my clothes up on a clothes rack his mom brought up I pushed it to the far right side in the corner. When I was done Savage carried in my bed from my house and set it up for me he stayed quiet I didn't say anything I just continuetd up pack. After I finished I took off smoking a joint I was on main street when I seen her.

"Hey Jazlenne." I shouted really smooth Zavean.

I walked up to her smiling like a idiot. "O-oh hi." She said while blushing she hid her face behind her long auburn hair trying to hide the face she was blushing she is really cute. She looked up at me with the most amazing green blue eyes she was a shorter then me I'm 5'8" she looked to be about 5'5".

"So you want to grab something to eat I'm starving." I said already moving to the "burger shack"
She didn't say anything but she came in with me so I grabbed her hand and pulled her to a table in the corner. I ordered the bacon deluxe and large fries when Kris the waitress walked up Jazlenne order just fries.

"So you don't talk much do you?" I smiled at her

"Oh u-umm I guess not" she said blushing and hiding her face I reached over and moved her hair back.

"You are really cute when you blush." Why did I just say that out loud she probably thinks I'm a freak..

"O-oh" she whispered yep she thinks that I am a freak. The waitress walked up at that moment with our order I smiled at the waitress and then I started eating.

"Um you hav... have some..."she said giggling and pointing.

"Oh thanks" I smiled and whiped the corner of my mouth. "Hey when we are done you want to come hang out?" I asked she blushed and nodded I like it when I make her blush my heart skips and feels like it's doing flips when I'm around her. We finished and I paid for the food and we took of to Savage's and now my house in silence when we got there she sat in silence watching us just Bullshit around I rolled a joint and lit up I took a drag and offered her it she took it and I watch as she took a huge drag and chocked I smirked at the bold action and handed her some soda. Taz jumped at me trying to get me in a head lock but I ended up putting him in a arm bar. I took off up stairs to grab some rolling papers outta my stuff when she said "um can I-I... ss-tay the night? My d-d-ad will flip seeing me like this." She looked down at her fidgitting hands.

"Yeah no worries you can crash here on my bed I'll take the floor." I said.

"Sooo want to play a game?" I asked

"Um sure" she whispered

We went down stairs and I grabbed the bottle of rum and sat down rolling a fat joint and pouring a glass of rum and Savvy and the guy howled and cheered me on. I took a fat rip off the joint and held it in as I downed the glass of rum then Taz punched a hole in a beer can and held it out for me so I downed it to before exhaling and passing Jazlenne the joint and pouring another glass of rum I didn't fill it like I did mine but Taz had a beer ready for her. She got half way through the beer and everyone cheered her on they knew this was her fist time playing these types of games and she did better then Taz did.

The night went on everyone but Jazlenne and I were passed out cold so we went to my room and played twenty questions she was so innocent with her questions unlike me.

"So have you kissed a girl and not your mother and if no would you?" I asked smirking.

"I have and I only like girls." She said and stole my drink so I leaned in and stared at her smirking seductively.

"So what do I get in return for you stealing my drink?" I said but she was the one who closed the distance between us and lightly touch my cheek with her lips and then whispered next to my ear "not what you expected" and moved back giggling wow she just made my head spin. I lunged at her tickling her when I stopped she leaned in and softly touched her lips to mine and then smiled and then she said "night" and we went to bed I laid on the floor touching my lips and still feeling her lips on mine.

I woke up with someone on top of me I opened my eyes as I shook them awake.

"Oh I'm sorry!" Just hearing her voice made me regret wake her we both got up and she blushed looking at me so I smirked at her as I walked to the bathroom. When I got done and ready I went down stairs to eat Jazlenne was already down there.

"Yeah I don't have a hangover." And giggled as she blushed see me.

"You're lucky!" Savvy said.

I went and sat on the couch lighting up a joint then she came and sat down next to me.

"I had fun last night." She whispered looking down.

"Yeah it was pretty fun!" I smirked at her.

The a wave of pain shot through me tearing a scream from me then everyone was there trying to help me up and when I went to grab Savage's hand another wave of pain shot through my jaw and I had blurry vision and I fell screaming someone tried to catch me but ended up cursing when his arm smacked my mouth trying to stop me from falling.

I woke up on the floor with everyone trying to help me then I seen Savage's arm and I shot right up.

"Why are you blee..." the taste of blood in my mouth told me I was the cause of his injury and I took off I knew I was a monster my train of thought was knock out of me when someone hit me with a bat I got up and was hit in the ribs this time knocking me out with the next hit to the head. I woke up in Tazs arms I didn't see anyone else he was angry but we weren't moving then I seen the bat coming down then the next the I know I was holding the bat that Tony was using and the other two started swinging and hitting me but I didn't care I was pissed when will these assholes learn I seen Savage and the others running towards us but not fast enough. I dropped the bat and looked back at Tony and he yell " WHAT THE FU...." I didn't give him the chance to finish because I started hitting him one hit after the other. Then I turned and started slamming my fist into the others I didn't stop but Savage had picked me up ignoring me struggling I seen Savvy checking on Taz and just looking at him pissed me off but then I seen the knife coming towards Savage and kneed Savage in the gut making him drop me cursing I was running past him when he grabbed my arm and pulled me to a stop. Then I felt the sharp pain in my side Savage let me go and I dropped to the ground I seen all three charge Savage with bats and a knife and I lost it I blacked out.

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