The New Beginning!!

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I am now in Yukon, Canada it's a beautiful city I have ran out of money from the cost of the trip but I am not complaining about the city I have landed in. It's been two weeks since I left I haven't felt nothing but empty since before I left, and now I need to find myself again. I will never be the same again and I have a lot of growing up to do as well as learning but I have decided to leave the past in the past without looking back but also to learn and grow from it so far it's complicated to find away to do both so I have decided to start from scratch.

I work at a pet shelter taking care of the animals I feed, walk, and talk to them all they know my story but as I talk to the animals I feel so comfortably at ease. But when I go running on a clear beautiful night is so peaceful under the beauty of the sky here and that is when I allow my wolf to teach me about who I am now without rejecting any of it. I have learned the history of the females Ascending werewolves they were so rare that when there was one everyone thought they were a bad omen that she would wipe out all werewolves so they hunted her down and kill her. I know the truth as why I am here but I am also in the process of processing all of it and try to accept it. I also was taught that I am very powerful and strong beyond what I have shown already but that I would have to go through certain test through out my life and to obtain the knowledge life gives me to Ascend again. I have learned that what I went through was called Awakening and that for the male werewolves that's the only stage they can reach they cannot go through the Ascending stage, they don't know the history abut themselves for their minds are only of a human mind. But Ascending is the second phase that I will go through, to explain it a easier way I am in the infant stage of my new life and Ascending is my first growth spurt. I am also learning how to control my emotions and strength, but I am also learning control over my heart and mind.

I am sitting here with the animals on my break talking to them when a group of two girls and four boys was being escorted back by my boss.

" Awe Zavean I know you're on break but do you mind helping these kid out?"  My boss asked me I shook my head yes then she walked back to the front.

Something made me uneasy about this group and I don't know what it is but I'm not going to ignore it either.

" Ok so how can I help you today? Are you looking to adopt a pet today?" I asked with a poker face.

A guy looked at me with a smirk as he ran his fingers through his hair giving a little chuckle. " Well of course that is why we are here!" He said sarcastically.

I smirked at the entire group and ran my fingers through my hair to get my hair out of my face and I looked directly at the smart ass that answered me and said, " ok then what is your preference you are looking for?" My smirk grew when they noticed my eyes where different none human and the guy jumped and the girls gasped with interest. Then the taller guy spoke " we would like a baby deer." As he spoke he had a blank face and a flat voice which made everything in me scream danger accepted the warning and walked then to the pin we keep separate from the others which we keep the deer that is brought in by the wildlife habitats.
They all took their time that by the time the choose it was time for me to go home so I took them to the front so Ms. Shadow can finish with their purchase and I clocked out and took off. I got a block away when I stopped and waited for them to leave then I let my instincts take over.

They took the deer to a clearing about two miles into the woods and tied the baby deer to post and started laughing I felt the deers fears and the girls fear as well but it was different the tall guy that had danger radiating off of her run with claws at the deer. I didn't think I acted with pure instinct and I was between him and the deer in a flash he stopped in shock an inch away from me and I hear the sarcastic ass growl at me and I smirked and raised my head to flash them my canines that I hide with my lips since I can't retract them. And I then sensed their  anger and fear and the other two guy spoke, " who are you? And why did you follow us?"

" Who I am isn't for your concern! And I followed you because everything in me told me that there was something unsettling about you all and you friend here danger seeps from him and you aren't very discreet!" I responded chuckling letting my power seep out some.

" So your instinct is to follow danger?"

" Actually yes when I feel that a friend is in danger!"

" What friend I see no friends of yours?"

" Actually you had my friend the entire time her name is Lilly!" I pointed to the baby deer. " Who is the leader of your pack? And why would they allow the young and stupid buy a deer for a hunt instead of hunting as a pack?"

" What are you talking about? Leader, pack? Haha we are the only ones of our kind we were attacked when we where camping right here a month ago!"

" Wait someone bit you then left you without teaching you anything?"

" What does it concern you?"

" Because that means they want you to feel alone so when they come fore you and they will come you will feel so greatful that you would do anything for them!"

" Look we look out for each other we don't need anyone we could take you!"

"Don't make me laugh, and they want to use you because it would be easier to sacrifice people who mean nothing to you, and plus you wouldn't be able to take me not even if you all attacked. And to answer your first question I am Zavean the only true female Alpha for I wasn't bitten I was Awakened. And they would try to use you to kill me! Now you have a choice you can stay and be used and most likely die or you can come and join my pack and be fully accepted and taught. But you don't have long to decide because when I leave this clearing you will not find me."

" If what you say is true how can we trust you?"

" For I had every opportunity to kill you but I can see you are all scared not know what you are but also I am willing to take you with me and protect you all of you."

" Ok we will go with you for I feel I can trust you, but first we must go and get clothes and our money then we will meet you at the shelter."

"Ok"  we all went our separate ways to get ready for the trip ahead of us..

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