Open Heart

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I don't know what I am supposed to do with four new werewolves I should have actually thought this through instead of acting on impulse ugh. I am so stressed all the emotional turmoil of everyone is getting to be out of control and very difficult to handle.

I slam my door shut so fucking frustrated with everything and I blared the music on my stereo system. Yeah it hurt my ears but I ignored the pain and got lost in the music and while smoking a blunt a few hours later my door opens and then the music just stopped. I didn't get angry instead I was very calm but whenever she is around my mood brightens up and I can't help but be calm. She walks over and sits next to me on the bed we share, and she takes the blunt I just lit and takes a huge hit she has been coming out of her shell she don't freak out waking up curled up in my arms any more instead she just lays there for before getting up. It completely drives me crazy cause I want her to be mine but I don't have the courage to tell her how I feel, I also can't get the memory off of repeat of the night she kissed me. Skrew it I don't care if this is a messed time or not I'm going to tell her.

"U-u-ummmm Jazlenne...... I-I um... I r-rea-ally... um like y-you!" Wow real smooth she probably thinks your mental.

Jazlenne just stares at me being all silent and it is driving me crazy then my door bust open and Savvy screams "They Are Going To Kill Each Other!!"

I sigh in aggravation and take off after her, all three of us was headed down stairs when I seen Taz and Triton going at it. I jumped over the rail and growled pissed off and when they ignored me I slammed their heads together and yell, "THAT'S FUCKING IT I AM DONE!!! You two can't stop fighting for one minute fine then for the next month you will live with each other.." And I took both of them to the seller that Savage and I turned into a bunker and I pushed them end and said, "you two can work shit out or you can kill each other I just don't care anymore." Before shutting and locking the doors.

Instead of going back in the house I shifted and took off running, when I came back I was calmed down and feeling better.

"Are you really going to keep them in there for that long?" Savage asked me while everyone looked at me with the same question in their eyes.

"Look they don't want to listen, it's a pissing contest with those two, I can't help anyone through the change if they keep this up so yes I am cause I need to figure out how to handle those two and I can't if I am distracted!" I said sounding tired. They all looked at me a nodded in understanding, I walk to the front porch hoping to find Jazlenne there and I did she was watching the sunset she blushed no doubt feeling me looking at her. I walked straight to her and put my hand around her waist pulling her around to look at me and I leaned in and softly laid my lips on her lips and then I moved a few inches away and with my eyes closed I said, "I have been falling for you since I met you, and I don't know if you like me but I had to be honest with you on how I feel and I really hope you feel the same way......" she didn't let me finish what I was saying before she kissed me back. I pulled her closer into my body bringing my hand up to her face.

When we pulled away for air she said, "it's about time.." I laughed for she was the one who kissed me first so was she waiting this whole time for me to make my move?

I have two days left till the end of the month i decided to let the boys out instead of keeping them in there,
It's only been two days but I needed them out to hear what I have to say. As everyone gathered around in the kitchen I walked in all eyes were on me.

"There are others coming and soon! And with all the fighting going on with each other isn't helping us at all. I don't know if it is a good or bad thing they are coming but we need to pull our shit together instead of acting like children if anyone wants to fight will have to deal with me. You all got to remember I am the first female to Ascend and others might be worried, feel threatened, or be scared at this and might attack that's what we should be prepared for even if we aren't attacked. We just have to be prepared for everything." I said looking at each of them with a my poker face they don't need to see me worried or scared it wouldn't help anyone.

We ate lasagna that Savvy cooked and we all went to "HELL" it's what we call the room that we turned into a gym, we all stayed there pushing ourselves Savage is yelling at all four no doubt explaining to them how he got control and how they are all weak for taking longer then he did. I finally told everyone to go to bed, when we woke you the next day I told everyone to meet me outside.

"OK good everyone is here well you thought that workout yesterday was bad well think again that was you preparing for today's activities. Today you will change on your own will, we will find out your triggers to changing." I said but they all just stood there, "OK what are you waiting for, for the change to to happen? Get to changing or I will step in to help!" I said smirking.

They all tried but they let fear hold them back from actually changing so I stepped forward and they all looked at me I stood there and I growled, I growled so harshly that all their wolfs responded. One by one they changed even Savage and then I said, "this isn't for a run, you all will stay like this until you get to know your wolf and each other." And with that I walked back to the house where Jazlenne wrapped her arms around my waist and kissed me, I smiled when we broke the kiss. She was holding on to my shirt when I kissed her again but deeper and slower "Zav...." she whimpered my name before I kissed my way down to her neck where she let out the smallest of moans which I loved but she pulled back panting trying to catch her breath.. "I.. I'm...... not... ready!" She said breathless and I kissed her on the forehead when her hands fell to the side and she looked down, i tightened my hold around her and leaned down to her ear and said, " it's ok, I will wait for however long it takes until you are ready!" We just held each other for awhile until I went back outside.

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