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It was lunch now, all my friends and I were at our lunch table. Then, he walked in. I couldn't get him out of my mind all day. Him and his red hair, gauges, nose ring, and his brown eyes that would light up with a small smile. Oh god, I was crushing on Joshua Dun.

"Tyler?" It was Jenna.


"Seriously?! I asked if you were going to the movies with us. Are you?" I had to make up an excuse, because I need to tell SpookyJim about my first day.

"No sorry, my mom wants to bring me and my siblings out to dinner." Smooth Tyler.

"Oh ok, have fun." She looked solemn.

"I could never have fun without you." With that, I kissed her cheek and made her blush.


"Why can't we be like that Patrick?" Every one at the table was laughing at Pete. We all knew what couple he was talking about.

"We can't be like that because we. are. straight."

"You wish you were straight." Brendon mumbled.

"What was that Mr. IMetThisGuyOnACruiseButHaven'tTalkedToHimSince?"

"At least I'm not going around telling lies!" Every one ooooed and then Killer came up to us.

"Oh, hey Little Egg."

"Why do you call me that? Any ways me and my friend don't have anywhere to sit, can we sit with you guys?" I noticed her dragging another girl along with her.

Brendon Spoke up this time, "Anytime Killer." Everyone else at the  table looked confused.

"Oh right, Egg, this is, Gerard, Frank, Pete, Patrick, and Melanie. You have met Brendon. Guys this is Killer." Every one waved and said hello.

"This is my friend Jess, she sits next to me in science. She is also the one who told me to go and save you from the basketball team." She waved.

"Finally! Some more girls. I've been stuck with these boys since fifth grade." Melanie spoke for the first time at lunch.

"Mel, your first word this year is finally..." Gerard said.

"Crap! I really wanted it to be fuck." Every one started laughing and Killer and Jess took a seat.

"Wait, You had to be saved from the basketball team? Josh?" Pete questioned me.

"Yeah, Brendon left me, even though we were going to the same class, and I ran into The King. All of his friends were snickering at me, and he said some stuff. Then, my damsel in band tees saved me." The table erupted with laughter. then every one got into their own conversations. Except for me, I'm usually the quiet one.


I was on my way home when my phone dinged.

Notification: SpookyJim sent you a message.

Good, I need to tell him about Josh.

SpookyJim: I was embarrassed on my first day of school *facepalm*

BlurrryFace: What happened?

SpookyJim: My friend left me alone, and when I was walking to class I ran into this guy. Him and his friends were making fun of me, then this egg of a girl dragged me off.

BlurrryFace: what did he look like?

SpookyJim: He's really popular. He has fluffy hair and chocolate brown eyes, and olive skin.

Did he just describe me? He did! Wait that means Jim is Josh.

BlurrryFace: Dude! We go to the same school! That is so sick!

SpookyJim: Do you want to meet up?

BlurrryFace: Yeah! How about the coffee shop on 6th street?

SpookyJim: meet you there.

I was going to meet him.

"What am I doing!"

"Tyler, honey, are you okay?" My mom questioned from downstairs.

"Yeah I'm fine mom! I'm going out though." I didn't wait for her answer, I was out the door with my keys in hand.

Err...Hi, I'm Josh. (JOSHLERRRRR)Where stories live. Discover now