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He had to carry me to his living room because his house had a lot of stairs.

"Oh! Hi, Tyler." His mom said after she saw me.

"Hello Mrs. Dun." She walked over to me and hugged me.

"How are you doing?"

I laughed, "Better than your son."

"He's been a little down since it happened. Are you going back to school tomorrow?"

"I'm going to try. Is it okay if I stay the night here?"

"Anything for you dear." She hugged me again before walking off to the kitchen. Josh walked in and sat down on the couch.

"Can you turn on channel three?"

"Why do you want to watch the local news?"

"'Cause I might be on it."

"You're on it," he said matter-of-factly, "but okay." He changed the channel and the reporters voice filled the room.

"Tyler Joseph, basketball MVP for Olentangy High School paralyzed after school fight. We are headed to the hospital now to see if we can talk to him." I started to laugh at them.

"Why are you laughing?" Josh questioned

"I'm not at the hospital." Laughs split up my words.

"You're such a nut, Tyler."

"A very hot nut, make all the other nuts faint at my sight." He smiled at me. "Put me on the couch?"

"Here." He lifted me out of my chair and gently placed me on the couch. He thought I wanted to cuddle, the truth is that my back hurt from sitting in that chair.

"All this space and Josh is sitting right next to me, but I love him." He leaned in to kiss me and I smacked his face. "No, I kiss you, you've initiated to many kisses today!" He rolled his eyes but let me kiss him.

"I love you so much, Tyler." He whispered into the kiss.

I pulled away and smiled at him, "Can we go for a walk?" He looked at me like I was crazy.

"I need to learn to navigate in that monstrosity over there." I pointed at the wheel chair.

"Okay, let's go." He carried me out of the house and set me on the bench on their porch. He went back inside to get my chair.

"Hey Tyler!"

"Hey Brendon."

"Why aren't you inside?" He shivered a bit.

"Josh is getting my chair."

"But you're sitting on a bench?" He asked.

"My wheelchair!" He hit his hand on his head.

"Oh right! Sorry about that, man."

"Don't apologize for something that's not your fault. Anyways, where are you headed?"

"Here, actually."

"We were just going on a walk. Do you want to join?"

"Sure, Did I just crash a date though?"

"No. But we might get stopped if the news crew finds me." Me and him started laughing.

"'Sup breadbin!"

"Hey!" They did the universal high five into a hug. "Tyler just invited me to go on a walk with you guys."

"Oh cool." Josh said while setting me in my wheel chair. "Tyler why are you so heavy?!"

"I'm not heavy!" I smacked him.

"You smack me again and I will drop you!"

"Don't do that to the small bean!" Brendon started petting my hair. I smiled up at Brendon and frowned at Josh.

"Your turning my boyfriend against me!"

"I'm still your boyfriend, Brendon is just my boy friend."

"Same thing!"

"No...boyfriend and boy friend are completely different. Boyfriend is romantically. Boy friend is platonically. Me and your boyfriend are boy friends." Brendon said to Josh. I nodded at Josh.

"What ever let's go." He pushed my chair right off of the porch.

"Josh. I can't go down steps!!!"


We walked all over town. My arms started to hurt so Josh and Brendon took turns pushing me.

"We're on the opposite side of town! Wanna call a cab?" Josh said.

"Our town isn't that big." Brendon countered him.

"Look! A Taco Bell. I'm kinda hungry, can we go?" I said trying to keep them from nagging each other. They both nodded in response.

"Tyler go get a booth."

"You don't know what I want."

"I'll guess." I rolled away. I know I
shouldn't be glad about having a wheelchair but it's fun rolling around.

This used to say "617 words, that's not a lot compared to other chapters, but I'll take it." But now there's 700 or so words.

So long

Err...Hi, I'm Josh. (JOSHLERRRRR)Where stories live. Discover now