Chapter Two ~ Cooperation? No.

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I was in the Pokeball for a while.

I had spent most of the time shoving against the walls, barking furiously, and shaking the ash off my fur. The stupid Torchic had burned me pretty badly, and there was a long red burn down my chest, which was only visible when I parted my fur.

Never was I going to give up. I was not going to obey this girl that just ripped me from my home. When she finally lets me out I'm going to run away and put as much distance between us as I could.

The thing that angered me most was the fact a little Torchic had beaten me. A Torchic. The tiny chick.

I was so wrapped up in my angry thoughts that I barely noticed the click around me. Out of nowhere there was a flash of blue light around me, and I felt myself tumble out onto grass. Dazed, I stumbled to my feet, glancing around at my surroundings.

I think we went into one of the pine forests, because I couldn't see the mountains anymore through the fresh green needles. I was in a grassy clearing, a few pinpoints of light littering the ground. My body wasn't used to warm air, and I began to pant from the heat.

"Hi!" The human voice exclaimed. I spun around to face her and the Torchic, growling in warning. She was too dumb to realize I didn't really want to chat right now, for she rambled on, "I'm Britney and that's Torch! I just caught you, so you're gonna come on a journey with us to get the Gym Badges! I'm already signed up for a gym battle tomorrow so you guys will fight, okay? I'm going to name you Horn!"

I was too surprised to do much. She wants to call me Horn? Is there any name that's less creative? And WHY would I want to injure myself in a battle so my kidnapper could get all the credit? The gym battle's tomorrow?!

"You can speak, right?" Torch said sarcastically. I growled at him.

"Shut up, little birdie."

He snapped his beak shut and turned away, rolling his eyes. Only then did I remember my plan to run off.

I whirled around, but the second I strode forward, I fell to the ground in pain. The ash was off my fur, but the enormous burn on my chest was still there and quite painful.

"Aww, don't go! You need to cooperate! The Pokemon always needs to cooperate with the trainer!" Britney called. "How else are they supposed to learn?"

One, the Pokemon does not always need to cooperate, thank you very much. Two, I do not need to learn from an idiot.

I ignored her, staggered to my feet, and continued limping into the woods.

"We'll have to try again later, I guess."


Then the Pokeball slammed into my side, and once again I was sucked into my little prison cell.


    I was in the Pokeball for a lot longer than last time. Was Britney mad at me? She didn't seem mad. Well, I don't care if she's mad at me. I should be mad! And I am! You can't just imprison someone in a tiny little space when they won't obey you. If only Pokeballs could be opened on the inside... That'd be so great.

    After a couple hours inside the Pokeball, I was finally released. After finding my balance, I immediately looked around at my surroundings, realizing we were inside a building, I think... I've never been inside a building. It had a rough red carpet, two couches, and a smaller kitchen area. A hotel, I think it's called.

    "Hello," Torch said. "Just so you know, don't even think about being Britney's favorite, because I'm her first Pokemon and I can defeat you in one move."

    I rolled my eyes. "I'd be horrified if I became the favorite. Then she'd never let me get away."

    "Hiiii Horn!" Britney squealed. "This is our hotel for the night. We need a good night's sleep for the battle tomorrow! Good night! You can sleep in your Pokeba-"

    I snarled at the thought and nearly used Quick Attack. Of course, Britney was already pulling the Pokeball out of her bag.

    I used the first idea that came to my mind, and quickly used Double Team. Four others of me appeared, and Britney hesitated.

    "Hey, stop it," she pouted. The five of us Absols growled in warning, and for once she actually put the Pokeball away.

    "Fine, you can sleep on the couch," she sighed. "What about you, Torch? Will you be nice and listen to what I say?" Torch shot me a look and nodded to his trainer. Britney grinned and sent him away.

Ha. Score one for me.

An hour later I was collapsed on the couch in the dark, wishing I could just walk out the door, but Britney locked it and only Arceus knows where she put the key. I reluctantly drifted off, my vision blurring until I saw only black.

    And then I heard the voice.

    "Help me."

    I jumped a little and tried to turn around, realizing in surprise that I couldn't move in this dark landscape and I was still dreaming. It's like being awake in a dream... what is this?

    "Help them."

    "Who's there!" I barked. The voice seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere at once.

    "Help us."

    All of a sudden a hovering figure found its way into my field of vision, coming closer and closer until I could identify it as a levitating pink cat. "M-Mew?" I stammered.

    "Warn them. Warn your friends."

    "Warn my friends-? I don't understand!"

    Mew's blue eyes were wide and terrified, her voice coming out in a trembling whisper. "They're coming for you and the others," she stuttered.

    "Who's coming?" I cried.

    The pink cat hovered closer. "You will-"

    A loud bang startled me awake. I leaped onto the ground and stumbled, staring at the Starly that had just hit the window.

    "Sorry!" She called the glass, still dizzy. I watched in fury as she flew off into the night

    What was Mew going to say? I will die? I will be doomed? I will escape?

    I sprang back onto the couch and threw a pillow over my head, trying as hard as I could to fall asleep. I pictured the black world, meditated, tried everything, and still couldn't fall asleep.

    All I remember is waking up the next morning, furious that I had fell asleep without meeting Mew again, and threw another pillow at my face.


Hey guys! I hope you're liking my Pokemon story so far. I actually do like Pokemon a lot, and I was looking through my books and realizing I don't have a Pokemon story. Why not??? So I have one now! Yay me! So, just so I know you're enjoying it, can you vote and comment? Thanks a million!$

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