Chapter Five: Trouble

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Leo hadn't been able to take his eyes of Sam. Kim had noticed that a certain cute boy was currently staring at Sam. Sam nudged Sam and whispered: "That cute boy's staring at you". Sam turned around and faced the direction Kim's head was pointing to.

Sam squinted her eyes, but all she could see was a boy, blushing who had his head faced to the ground. She grew confused on what Kim had previously said but soon shrugged her shoulders. Everyone had started to head inside the school and soon Leo's friends had caught up with him and pulled his ass into the lesson ahead.

"Alright, come around guys," Ronnie said, grabbing everyone's attention. "I want everybody to calm down first. It's our first day of school and it's going to be okay. I seriously don't want to hear that you guys go into a fight or have detention on your first day, okay" Ronnie said, expecting everyone to nod their heads at her statement except Amy who had just looked bored.

They all walked into the main entrance, inside the building, and turned right to enter the main office. They each came one by one to talk to the old lady with thick rimmed glasses about their timetable. "Fucking hate maths" Amy protested, under her breath. Medina chuckled at Amy's muttering. 

"We all tend to despise the things we don't understand," Emily said, to which Amy, rolled her eyes at.

Of course, Emily could turn a simple opinion into a philosophy lesson.

"Poppy, we're both on the same floor, " Sam said, pulling a puzzled Poppy with her. It was usually Poppy pulling Sam along and not the other way around. Medina snorted at Kim, who had to walk up to the fifth floor but of course, Kim just smiled, showing a front set of teeth. Kim waved at the rest of the group before turning around and taking a deep breath, to the stairs that awaited her.

Ronnie and Emily kissed each other before exchanging "I love you's" before parting ways. Amy grunted at them not liking the disgusting affection that they were sharing before she was pulled away by Medina who had the same lesson as her. Poppy had been talking nonstop to Sam, about how good the school was. Poppy smiled blissfully just thinking about how good her classmates were going to treat her. But of course, the blissful thinking was soon going to be interrupted as Sam was a little shit.

"Poppy," Sam said, interrupting Poppy thoughts. "Yeah," Poppy said, turning her full attention to Sam. "Can you please promise me something? " Sam said, in a desperate tone, putting her hand on her cheeks. Poppy smiled, getting excited. "Anything" Poppy declared. Poppy would crawl across the whole and back just to make Sam smile. Sam's puppy face quickly deformed into a glare. "Keep your raging hormones and thirstiness to a minimal level," Sam said, pointing her finger against Poppy's chest. Poppy just smirked and swung her arm around Sam's shoulder. Sam had sighed, she knew nothing in the world could ultimately stop Poppy's obsession with her.

Poppy finally dropped Sam to her lesson, sticking her thumbs up to encourage Sam's first lesson. Sam just chuckled at her and released a deep breath before entering her class. As she entered, she saw new faces and a new setting. To be honest, Sam was a shy and hesitant person who wouldn't open up to you until she was comfortable or trusted you. But at times, she was confident and cocky because she knew she had a certain spell over people.

The teacher had stopped writing on the board and smiled warmly at Sam. The teacher started babbling to the class about how; they should treat the new kid as if they were in her shoes. Sam was completely oblivious to everyone and had her eyes focused on the boy in the back who, according to Kim, had been staring at her.

"What's your name, dear", the woman said, putting her hands on Sam's back. Sam was a little startled at the hands that were placed on her body and so had slightly jumped, moving away from the teacher.

"Sam Hale", Sam said, confidently while recomposing herself. She mentally fist bumped the air as she was glad, she didn't stutter. Stuttering was a sign of fear and fear was a weapon to your enemies.

"Okay then. Class, please welcome Sam Hale" the teacher said, directing Sam to her seat. It was like destiny wanted to abide by the laws of clichés as she was seated next to the boy who had caught her attention.

Sam sat down quietly and pulled out her notebook. She bit her lips while debating in her head whether she should have a quick glance at the boy next to her or ignore his presence. Sam turned her head to her left and made eye contact with the boy. "Hi, I'm Leo Evert", the boy said, shyly smiling at Sam. "Hmm a shy boy", Sam thought.

Sam had taken the chance to properly get a look of this boy, by raking him from head to toe. His hair was styled in a way a member of a boy band would have. His face was round and he had hazel eyes that seemed to sparkle. His bottom lip was slightly bigger than the top. Light brown freckles were visible on the side of cheeks and it made Sam want to pounce on him right there.

She looked at his feet and presumed his feet were big, which had obviously meant he had a big package. Ronnie would smack her if; she was to hear the dirty thoughts that swirled around Sam's mind.

Sam knew this boy wasn't a person who would abide strictly by the rules nor was he fucked up in the head. He was probably a normal guy that would probably kiss a girl on the cheek on the first date and would expect long walks around the park about life. He was pretty ordinary. Sam had her share of boyfriends before, but they were either a criminal in progress or a little fucked up. Breaking up with them was pretty easy, as they would both know the protocol. 'Don't get too attached, don't get too personal and don't fall for them'.

Just by looking at this guy, she knew if she was going to have any romance with him, things would definitely get messy when they'd break up. Both ways, she was Sam Hale, and she got what she wanted. 

"Nice to meet you, Leo", Sam said, giving him a natural smile that made her eyes gleam with mischief, curiosity and wonder.

For some reason, Leo could sense an aura around Sam. He couldn't help but think back to what Kristy had said. 'You can't hang around broken glass and expect not to get cut'. When Sam smiled at him, he swore he could see something in her eyes. He saw trouble that begged him to run If he knew what was best for him.

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