Chapter Nineteen: The Escape

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Sam tucked her raven hair behind her ear before tugging her lips into a devious smile. To someone else, it would have been a sinister sight to witness but, Sam had Leo under her spell. Sam lifted the cold, glass window before exiting. Leo followed like a love sick puppy, not knowing that their little bonding time was going to reveal something about his relationship with Sam. 

"You can climb over this fence right?" Sam said, stopping to turn her head to Leo. Before them, there was the only obstacle that had been in the way of them, breaking out of school. 

"We're going to climb over this fence?" Leo said, a little baffled. Leo wasn't the best person when it came to climbing sizeable object or anything that had elements of sports. 

"No, we're going to visit the principle and order him to let us out, honestly Leo, I thought you were a genius," Sam said, huffing out sarcastically. Leo rolled his eye and took a step back to take a guess on whether he could climb the metal fence. 

Sam could see that Leo was unsure about their plan, and knew that she would have to go first, so he wasn't hesitant in following Sam. 

"I'll go first, so you can get a glimpse of how to climb over the fence since you're nervous. You've got to stop worrying. You're not going to die," Sam said, trying her hair into a bun before rolling up her sleeves to stretch her arms. 

As Sam lifted her arm in the air, Leo had caught a glimpse of what he thought was a giant scar that went from around her elbow. "Did you climb fences so often that you had fallen down, one day?" Leo said, pointing to the scar.

"Yeah," Sam said, pulling her sleeve down while avoiding eye contact. 

Leo was baffled again, it seemed that whenever he had made jokes about her being physically beaten or had pointed out her scars, she had changed her demeanour. Now that Leo evaluated his comments, he realised that there could have been something in the past that had occurred and he was unintentionally reminding her of those events. 

He made a mental note of being careful of his words as he didn't understand the reason for Sam's change in her behaviour. 

She graciously pulled herself onto the rails and climbed up. As soon as she got to the top, she raised her left leg over the fence and pulled her right leg, still, having a perfect grip on the rails. 

When she had steadied herself, she jumped down and Leo had to hide a startled gasp, as he thought she had fallen off. She untied her hair, as smiled back at Leo as if her little ninja move wasn't hard work. 

Leo was able to copy her way of climbing up the rails, but had become stuck when it came to the part of jumping down. It wasn't that he couldn't jump down but, it was that, the view was really high from where he was. Replaying his reason's of why he didn't want to come down, he realised that he really couldn't jump down. 

"Are you stuck," Sam said, not understanding why he hadn't come down. 

"It's a little high from here, isn't it," Leo said, gripping tightly to the bars. Sam had groaned and looked back up to Leo again. "You're scared of heights, aren't you," Sam said, squinting to Leo as the sun shined directly into her eyes. 

"No. What made you think that" Leo said, scoffing. "Oh yeah, it must be my imagination", Sam said, before abruptly, shaking the rails and witnessing the high pitch scream

"Oh my god. Leo, you're actually scared of heights" Sam said, giggling. "It's not funny, okay. Do you know how much death, there's been because of high heights?" Leo said, refusing to look down.

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