Chapter Thirteen: Kiss and Tell

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After Leo visited the library, he met up with Sam in the cafeteria.

Sam and Leo sat opposite each on the table together, in the cafeteria with Amy. "So where are the others," Sam asked, wondering where they were.

"Am sure Ronnie and Emily are fucking in an empty classroom somewhere. Medina and Poppy are auditioning for the dance team. Kim's probably going on a wild hunt to find a bird." Amy said, stretching her legs onto another chair. "Don't ask," Amy said, to Leo, who opened his mouth to probably ask why Kim was searching for a bird.

"Oh," Sam said, a bit disappointed that Poppy, and didn't mention, she was joining the dance team and that Kim went on a hunt without her. 

"Yep. It's just going to be me, you and lover boy" Amy said, stealing Leo's plate of food and throwing him a glare when he tried to retaliate.

'Attention, Attention. Will Amy Garza, please report to the principal's office', a speaker in the lunch hall ran out. Amy groaned loudly and huffed out, letting all the air out of her cheeks.

"What did you do," Sam said, feeling suspicious. "Nothing," Amy said, standing up. "Do me a favour. Keep my bag and if anyone asks you about my bag...." Amy said, leaning into Sam's ear.

"Say you don't have it", Amy said, to which Sam became alarmed about. Sam had grabbed onto Amy's arm as if it was a survival tact.

Amy had closed her eyes and opened them again, giving Sam a soft smile that had indicated that she should do as she was told and that everything was going to be okay. Sam had slowly released Amy's arm not liking the situation but obeyed.

Sam didn't stop Amy because she had wanted to know what she was hiding but because she didn't Amy to be in trouble. 

Both her and Amy were got tempered and talked with their fist rather than spoken words. They were both the same. Ronnie had reckoned that Sam could be mistaken for Amy's little sister as their destructive personality were similar.

Amy walked off, putting her hands in her pockets. "Is something wrong," Leo asked, his eyes sparkling as he looked at Sam. "No," Sam lied, using her smile to reassure him.

"Alright. We're going on a date on Monday" Sam said giving Leo a determined look while tapping Leo's leg.

"Who say's I want to go a date with you," Leo said, getting smug and confident. 

"The boy, who's dick's become hard just by touching his leg," Sam said, imitating Leo's smirk.

"Are you always this cheeky," Leo said, his cheeks beetroot red from Sam stating his little problem. "I'd say I'm more confident than cheeky" Sam stated.

"How has nobody, beaten you already," Leo said, shaking his head.

Sam's face had fallen for a second and it was like she had been hit by a flashback. Leo frowned before putting his hands on her shoulder to ask if she was okay. "Are you going to the party on Friday," Sam said, changing the subject and hoping he doesn't ask any questions.

"Nah. I'm not into parties, there are too many people there anyway, " Leo said. He didn't like going to any, cliché parties. He liked quiet environments, like the library. Parties also reminded him of Leah in some way. She would always moan about him not wanting to go to parties.

"So, you'd rather sit and home," Sam said, crossing her arms. "Wasn't I specific enough," Leo asked. Sam had just shoved him playfully.

"But seriously, you should come. It'll be fun" Sam said, really trying to convince Leo. "No, I've also got a test on Monday. I should really revise" Leo said, finding another reason not to go. "Really" Sam deadpanned, not believing this boy would rather study than party. People would usually rest or use their time to catch up on a series and this boy wanted to study.

"Give me a reason, why I should go then," Leo said, moving his face closer to Sam. "Because we're young, free and almost reckless. Why not make the most if it, while we can, " Sam said as if he never got the point of having fun.

Leo had to admit, that was a very good point, but still, there would be no way, he was going to that party. He had noticed Sam had moved closer to him, but he still stayed put, liking their position.

"You've got a point, but I thifnng-" Leo said, before feeling warm lips against his. Sam's lips felt soft and delicate against his lips. She sucked on his bottom lip before scraping her tongue against his teeth, wanting access. Leo was star struck at first and let Sam dominate. 'Was this really happening' he thought.

He could taste the chocolate that Sam had before and Leo opened his mouth wider, to let Sam slide her tongue inside, to deepen the kiss. Leo let out an involuntary moan and that made Sam, cocky enough to run her hand up Leo's thighs.

It wasn't fireworks or sparks, but more of an angry fire that erupted inside his stomach. Tingles from head to toe and sure it was barely a week before he had met this girl, but what they had, it was a different experience to Leah or any girl

Finally, Sam pulled back, leaving a flustered Leo, who was heavily panting. They both looked into each other's eyes and Sam smiled breathlessly him.

Sam smirked at Leah, who was staring at them on the opposite table. "Would you go now," Sam said, tilting her head and using her puppy eyes. Leo was astonished that Sam could go from predatory to cute in seconds.

"Yeah, I...I can study on Saturday or Sunday "Leo said, still a little red from their kiss. "Great. You want to go somewhere else and make out," Sam said, bluntly. Leo hesitated before saying a firm 'yes'.


"What's in your trousers," the principal's stern voice said. "My leg, wanna to peek," Amy said, challenging the principle.

"A student has reported seeing you with a dangerous object, where is your bag, by the way," the principal said, suddenly looking around for her bag.

"At home and even if I had it with me, you'd still wouldn't be able to search it," Amy said, in a monotone voice. "A certain student has reported, seeing you using prohibited equipment on school property. I don't know what your intentions with it were, but one wrong move and you could have endangered a lot of lives" the principal said, his lips in a thin line.

"Okay," Amy said, too tired to argue. "Okay," the principal said, not believing the nerve of this girl." I don't think you understand the consequences, you could have faced" the principal said, slamming his hands into his desk.

"First, you don't intimidate me. Second, I don't know what you're talking about, I'm just nodding my head because I'm too tired to talk back" Amy said, yawning to emphasise her point. The principal stared at Amy as if he was trying to read her mind before huffing out a "fine, you can leave".

Amy got up and kept her poker face expression until she had left the room before smirking to herself. While walking past could hear moans through the storage room. She was going to walk past, but remembered she was Amy Garza, a cold hearted bitch and so she flew the door open, revealing Sam smooching Leo with her hands up his shirt.

Amy scoffed at the sight before coughing to get their attention. "Don't you have class, you thirsty bitch," Amy said, glaring at Sam. Sam slowly pulled her hand out of Leo's shirt with her wide eyes still on Amy. It was like watching a child slowly retract their hands out of a cookie jar after being caught.

"Your bag," Sam said, giving Amy her bag and sheepishly smiled at her before running off. Amy turned to give Leo a little lesson, but saw no one in sight. 'Did he run off' Amy thought.

"Shit. I'm I that scary" Amy whispered, to herself.

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