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C H A P T E R  2

"Ash! The principals office is to the right of you!" Gabe shouted from behind as I skated.

People kept jumping out the way making me laugh in amusement. I stopped and got off the skate board and knocked on the principals door, the boys joined me once we were told to come in.

A man in his late forties sat at a desk, he looked up and smiled. "Hello you must be the Heron siblings." The man tilted his head in question as we nodded. "Well I'm principal Fin, if I may know which one is which?" Principal Fin asked, glancing between us.

"I'm Ash, this is Gabe and this is Carder." I pointed between us as he nodded, flipping through papers. "Well here's your schedules and have a nice first day." The male said as I forced a smile.

The three of us walked out and I looked down at my schedule, "Great I have science first." I murmured. "I have math, my favorite." Gabe practically squealed. "I have business studies, no thanks, I'm skipping." Carder said stuffing the schedule in his pocket. I smirked, grabbing his schedule along with his ear.

I walked him over to the assigned class and shoved him in but unfortunately he grabbed my arm, pulling me along. The teacher looked at us making me smile awkwardly and kick Carder in the leg making him grunt, "Um hello." The teacher said.

"Hi sorry about that, just getting my brother to his class." I said about to walk out. "Oh and one thing, where is the grade ten science class?" I asked scratching the side of my head sheepishly as she smiled.

"Three doors down." She said as I smiled and nodded. "Sorry one last thing, my brother is kind of a rebel so if he doesn't show up to one of his classes, don't be surprised." I quickly said as a snicker was heard from the class.

I walked down the silent hall and stopped in front of my assigned class. I went on my tippy toes and glanced through the small window in the classroom door. I saw all the seats, not including one, were already taken.

I twisted the door knob and silently walked inside. "You must be Ash, please take a seat." The teacher gestured to the seats with a stern expression, I took a seat in the back quickly hoping I wasn't in trouble.

I really didn't want to get in shit with my parents because I was late on the first day.

I took out my headphones and put them in as I listened to the loud rock music blasting through the headphones.


Skater girl in love with the....Bad boy  Where stories live. Discover now