Lover's Spat?

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"Miroku, where is Daddy?" I asked leaning against a building wall. He was leaning on the other side around the corner. I had left Hisoka while he was at his match that had him 'tingling with excitement'. Sometimes I honestly forget he gets off on fighting. I don't know anything specific about it but I do know....that I don't want to know.

"That voice, it rings a few bells." I heard him say.

"It's me, shadow hands." I said.

"Shit, we were wondering if you where going to ever come back after you either failed or pass the hunters exam." He said.

"Shut it, keep this on the DL. I'm going incognito. I need him, tell him it's important." I hissed.

"Okay okay, cool down. I'll go get him but if he gets pissy it's on your head." He said then walked off. I waited there maybe thirty minutes before Jobe came down my alleyway. I kicked off the wall and extended my arms approaching him with a large smile.

"Liz! I've been worried about ya. How you been, you pass that exam of yours? You must of done something cause you look great! You put on some weight too! About time you stop handing your rations over to some poor sob and actually started eating." Jobe said hugging me tightly. Jobe was the Daddy of this street family. He was the one watching out for everyone's safety. He was a man in about his mid fifties. He found me wondering the streets and took me in over a year ago. He was my mentor and my dearest friend. Eventually I learned about the ghosts he was running from and I told him mine. He didn't make a big deal out of it much to my relief

"No poor sob is apart of the family up there. I've been good though! I've got me a protector while getting my hunters license, you wouldn't believe what has happened to me since I left." I said pulling away.

"Well pop a squat and tell me all about it." He said. I did as he said cause when Daddy tells you to tell him all about it, you do it.


"Then there was a time he did a swan dive butt naked out the window after me!" I laughed rolling to my side clutching my stomach as tears escaped out the corners of my eyes. Jobe was having a good old time laughing as well.

"Geez what a card." He said making both of us go silent before cracking up again.

"Jobe I.....hhhhaaa.....didn't know you were such a joker." I gasped out.

"What can I say? It comes magically." He laughed making me frown and sit up.

"I don't get it..." I said.

"What? Magic, he could be considered a Magician? Ah, I always ruin these things at some point." He sighed. "Well then, so what brings you to the streets?" Jobe said.

"Well, first of all I'm here to pay my respects." I said taking a wallet out of my pocket and tossed it to him. "And, I have a question for you." I said as he looked into the wallet only to gasp and close it.

"This is......" He said looking at me lost for words.

"Something your going to keep now, that question I wanted to ask you. Do you want to fly again?" I asked.

"Hey, I told you after the last time that you couldn't pay me to do that again and I ment it!" Jobe said.

"No no no! I don't mean that. I mean fly a plane, like for real." I clarified.

"You know damn well I do......why?" He asked narrowing his eyes at me.

"What would you say if I told you I bought a plane just for you?" I asked.

"I would say bullshit!" He said. I rolled my eyes and threw a key ring at him. "Your not messing with me are you?" He said.

"Yeah your right," I said leaning in. "I need you to take me somewhere no one else can."

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