Author's Note

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Hey guys! It's been two years since I last updated this story. Now looking back at it, I realized how badly written this was HAHA! I stopped writing 2 years ago when I realized how bad and cliche this story was (for me) and i wasn't impressed with my work but  I am proud of myself for putting this out there. A thousand reads? Not too shabby for a fourteen year old right? Anyway, im back! Although im not sure if i'll be continuing this story since I basically lost track already. I have another story in the works. Hopefully this time, its gonna come through. Thank you so much for the support i got in this story, it surely helped! You'll hear again from me soon sml 💕

-Russmae (@russmaeofficial)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2016 ⏰

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