Chapter Three

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Allison's  P.O.V

"Oh how about this honey? This will look good on you!!" My mother beamed at me while holding out a sparkly skirt. I grimaced at the thought of wearing it.

"Uh mom? You know I don't wear that." She chuckled.

"That is why I'm telling you to. Come on! Try it!" She threw it at me and clasped her hands together. I shook my head and walked away after putting away the sparkly garment.

"Not so fast young lady!" She pulled my shirt, dragging me back towards her.

"Mooommm. You know I hate shopping! And I have enough clothes. I have my own choices mother and my clothing syle is fine." I explained to her.

"Your clothing style is horrible. Look at these baggy baseball shirt, the ripped pants and those hideous worn out slip-ons! Oh honey, I'm trying to help you here." She sighed.

Embarrassed, I looked down. I always knew I look horrible. But there's no point in dressing up femininely. It's not like there's someone to impress.

"Yeah mom. But what's the point anyway? I'm used to this." I said while gesturing to myself.

"Okay okay. I understand. Let's just go." She smiled weakly before grabbing the shopping bags with her. I mentally cheered.

"But let's go to Victoria's Secret first!" She laughed and sent me a wink. Oh mother, what has possessed you?

God please help me! I mentally prayed. Hoping this misery would end.


I Jumped on my bed. Spreading my aching limbs and cuddled unto the duvet. I looked at the shopping bags that sat on the floor. My mom secretly bought clothes that are in my size. I stood up and started rummaging through the pile.

There's one sleeveless dress with a diamond cut-out in the back. Who the hell wears a dress with a freaking hole? There were a few short shorts, colored trousers and a handful of skirts, dresses and blouses.

What a waste. I wouldn't wear those outfits anyway. So not my type. I threw the piles of new clothing in the hamper.

I changed into my pyjamas and slid inside the covers. I hummed in content as the fluffy duvet wrapped around me. The silent ticking of the clock sending me to sleep.


I walked to school this morning. And when I entered the school grounds, several disgusted stares was shot at me. And as per usual, I ignored them.

Im in my History class right now. The professor giving out the results of last week's test.

"Sheen Martin, A-. Wendy Bloom-" Prof. Shay announced the results and retured the papers to the respective owners.

"Allison Brinley, A++" I smiled to myself for a job well done and took my paper. As I was walking back to my seat the popular people A.K.A the pops, snickered while loudly muttering the words 'Nerd' and 'Weirdo'.

I groaned to myself and sank further unto my seat. The bell rang and the students ran out as if their lives depended on it.

I picked up my bag and walked to the locker area where mostly the student body hangouts.

"I've heard that there's a new student! Hope it's a cute guy."

"Someone new is coming tomorrow."

"I bet it's a hot girl. Well, I hope it's a hot girl."

"They said he's British!"

Everyone was talking about the new person coming tomorrow. Not like I care anyway. I placed my books inside and closed the locker.

I walked through the sea of people and swung open the cafeteria doors. I sat on my usual spot -at the corner -near the trash bins- and ate my lunch.


I was having my own peaceful world until Hayden ruined it.

He sat beside me and started twirling my hair on his index finger. What does he want now? I groaned and moved away from him making him chuckle.

"There's a new guy tomorrow right? Are you praying he's a nerd too, so you'll finally have friend? Poor Allie. Such a sad life huh?" He smirked and I glared at him.

"Go away Hade. Get a life." I spat. He raised his eyebrow, his face full of amusement.

"Oh sorry but I think you're the one who needs to get a life." He laughed humorlessly. I rolled my eyes and continued eating my lunch.

He knocked down my soda causing it to spill all over my lunch. He's really getting on my nerves.

"What the hell Murdock?! Go away!" I pushed him off and the athlete that he is, he didn't even budge. He laughed and patted my head then walked away. What a jerk.

I threw my now soaking lunch and opened my oatmeal cookies. I walked out of the cafeteria and headed to the garden at the back of the school.

I sat down on one of the benches infront of the huge -not working- fountain. I stared at it while munching on my cookies.

If I become anorexic I'll put the blame on Hayden's face. That guy is unbelievable.

I rummaged inside my bag until my hand found my phone. I scrolled through the contacts and found my brother's number.

It rang a few times before he finally picked up.

"Oh hey 'lil sis! How's senior year treating you?" He asked.

"It's horrible Kev. You  know why." I sighed and rubbed my eyes.

"Do they still bully you?" He roared through the phone.

"Ofcourse. I can't blame them. I am a nerd, a weirdo and an ugly duckling." I lightly chuckled.

"No you're not! Your my sister and your genes came from me therefore you are beautiful!" He laughed, making the tension in the air disappear.

"Very funny Kev." I laughed with him.

"You just have to step out of that shell Al. You need to be more confident about yourself. Believe in yourself and prove them wrong. You can do it." He spoke quietly.

"Since when did you become Oprah? You are good at pep talks!" He groaned at my response.

"I have to go sis. Just think about it Al, okay? Love you!" And he hung up.

As if the bell was waiting for my brother and I's conversation to end, it rang.

I walked through the hall with my mind occupied with what Kevin said earlier. If I change what's gonna happen? I groaned as I entered Math class.

Just think about it Al. My brother's voice echoed inside my head.


Hello there lovely people! :'))

Tell me what you think!

Lovelots, Russ xx


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