Chapter Five

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Allison's  P.O.V

It's been a week since the new guy came. Or Lucas Clark came. And the mass of girls hovering over him are getting bigger. And don't forget about the pops dragging him around.

I haven't seen him up close since at the woodhouse and I'm very happy about that.

It's lunch time and I'm walking towards the garden. I don't want to get bothered by that jerk. Cough Hayden cough.

I took in a mouthful of my lunch and turned the page of the novel I am currently reading which is Everyday by David Levithan. Such a good book.

"This is the the garden of the school. And no one really visits this place anymore."

A voice startled me and I ran to he nearest bush and hid. Can't risk anyone finding my hideout.

I dropped my bag causing it to make a grumbling noise and attracted the students attention.

"Shit." I quietly muttered.

"What was that?" His british accent echoed through the quiet air. Lucas.

"Oh probably just some stray cat. Let's go." A feminine voice replied.

I just realized that even after almost a week, he's still getting tours all around the campus. Crawforde High is massive to be honest.

As I hear their footsteps fade away, I straightened up and went back to my seat. I suck at hiding.

I resumed eating my lunch until the bell rang.


I drove carefully with Chim on shotgun. I'm taking him to the vet for his check up.

"Are you ready to see Dr. Seuss?" I said and patted his headed.

Uh so the vet's name is not really Dr. Seuss. it's Dr. Heathers. It was our first appointment with him and his TV was on. And a Dr. Seuss movie was playing and and when I first spoke to him I accidentally called him that. He just laughed at me and said it was okay. God that was embarrassing.

I parked the car in the empty slot and stepped out with Chim in my arms.

I pushed open the doors making the bell ring.

"Good afternoon doc." I smiled warmly at Dr. Heathers.

"Good afternoon dear. Have a seat and how is Chim?" He gently took Chim from me and craddled him in his arms.

"He's been fine. We're here for his 2nd vaccination." I reminded him.

"Oh right. Please go inside that door and someone will assist you immediately. I'll be there in a few."

I stood up and went inside a room full of supplies and a small bed. A woman in her mid-twenties approached me wih a smile.

"Hello! How are you?  Is this Chim?" She spoke while patting Chim's small back.

"Im fine, thank you. And yes this is Chim." I said and and handed her the pup.

"Oh I will just place him there to get ready for his vaccination. Please wait outside miss." I nodded and walked out of the room.

I sat on the sofa and cringed as I heard Chim squirming from the inside.


I pushed the door and stepped out of the vet clinic with chim in my arms.

I kneeled down and put on his leash. I was walking him towards he car when I bumped into someone.

"Im so sorry!" I blurted out.

"Oh no It's okay, really." The guy smiled and patted my shoulder.  I nodded my head and resumed walking.


I turned around and saw him approaching me. What does he want now?

"Err, Im Lucas." He extended his hand. I squinted my eyes and examined his features. Holy shit. This guy is Lucas. Don't judge me if I didn't recognize him earlier okay. I mean who the hell wears Ray-Bans at night?

"Allison." I shook his hand and quickly slid in my car.

"You seem awfully familiar. Have we met before?" I froze. I turned on the ignition and slammed the door shut.

"N-Not that I remember sorry!" I stammered. I stepped on the gas and sped off.


I gently placed Chim in his dog bed thingy inside his doghouse. I rubbed his fur before heading back inside my house.

I opened the fridge and took out a small tub of strawberry yogurt. I plopped myself on the couch and turned on the television.

"Why the fuck didn't I recognize him?" I quietly grumbled. I mean I could have escaped him. Atleast he didn't remember me. But if he sees me in school he'll surely think, 'woah that's the weird girl at the vet.'

I busied myself with the show How I Met Your Mother unil I finished my yogurt.

I laid my head against the armrest and felt my body shutting down.


Hiiii guysss :)) A very short chapter, Im sorry. I'm not really in a good mood toady :/

xxRuss <3


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