Chapter Ten

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Allison's  P.O.V

The days have passed in a blur. Today's a wednesday so there's gym class today. The period I loathe the most. Girls hanging by the poolside, flaunting their lucious curves while waiting for the teacher or mostly waiting to get laid. On the otherhand, the guys are flexing or just plainly showing off their guns on the benches which by the way grosses me out.

"Okay students form a single file in the pool. For those who haven't changed yet, you have 5 minutes!" The gym teachered roared. I scrambled to my feet and ran towards the ladies' showerroom.

I pulled off my sweats and shirt and left my swimsuit on. And yes, I wore sweatpants to school. Too lazy to care. I tend to change at the last minute so I would either be left alone in the showers or be with a few girls which is fine by me.

I looked at my reflection and shuddered at how horrible I look in fitted clothing. My flabby arms lightly dangling when I raise them sidewards and there's my flabby belly. I look two months pregnant. I groaned and wrapped a towel around me and ran out of the showerroom.


"Group six, backstroke, 10 laps. GO!"

My group and I swam to the edge of the pool and got ready. Coach blew her whistle and we started swimming. As I was on my 6th lap, Savannah who was swimming beside me, bumped into me and purposely kicked my left leg. My knees buckled and my other leg became numb.

I went underwater and struggled to get back up the surface. The pain in my leg is unbelievable. I was now flapping my hands all over to attract attention. I gasp for air everytime I got the chance. Water was now entering my lungs in a rapid way.

"Someone's drowning! Someone's drowning!" A person yelled from afar. Black dots started to cover my vision and I got tired. Slowly, I started sinking. Before I can even feel that someone jumped into the water and grabbed me. I was out.


I opened my eyes but got blinded by the light. I rubbed my eyes before opening it slowly. I looked around and knew that I was in the school clinic. I tried sitting up but the pain in my body stung me like thousands of needles.

I groaned loudly and rolled to my side. I looked closely at the person sleeping on the small couch while wrapped in a thin blanket. "Lucas?" I called out. What is he doing here? Why does he have to appear out of nowhere?

He groaned and twisted his body to face my direction. His face lit up to see me awake. He quickly stood up and ran to my side. "Thank God you're awake!" He sat and propped an elbow beside my head.

"How long was I out?" I asked. He looked at his phone and pondered for a bit. "About 3 hours." I was out that long? I even missed lunch. At the thought of food, my stomach made an embarrassing sound. I blushed and look down.

"Let's go grab some food and I'll drive you home." I agreed and slowly sat up. He put his hand on the small of my back to support me. I winced in pain as my right knee collided with my swelling left leg.

"It's swelling pretty bad. It looks like it's been hit by something." He examined the injury. And by 'something', do you mean Savannah? I talked back in my head. I sighed and carefuly put down both my legs to the floor.

"Hey, what about your classes?" I asked curiously. He chuckled lowly, "I'm excused for the whole afternoon. I insisted on watching over you." My heart did a back-flip because of that. "Nobody called to check on me? My brother or my parents?" I asked, sounding very hurt. I am hurt.

"The nurses call them but they got no answer. They believed they're very busy. I also called them but I ended up in voicemail." He smiled sadly. I nodded and stood up. With his help, I got out of the infirmary without getting hurt. 

His left hand traveled behind me and rested it on my waist to give me stronger support. My heart jolted and started hammering against my chest. What the hell is going on with me? I push my thoughts aside. "Ofcourse. They're always too busy to care." I huffed.

"Hey don't say that. Maybe there was an emergency at work or something." He nudge my shoulder. I made a face and didn't answer him. He led me across the parking lot and towards a familiar vehicle. It's so identical to the one I saw the grocery. You know, the white Maserati?

He helped me in and closed the door for me. He ran to the driver's side and entered the car as well. "Al, you're their daughter. Ofcourse  you are important." He glanced at me.

I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. "Me? I don't think so."


"Have you been here?" He asked and parked infront of a small, cozy diner. I stepped out of the sleek vehicle and observed my suroundings. Nope. Haven't been here. I shook my head at him. "Trust me, they have the best grilled steak and milkshakes."

We walked in and found ourselves a booth. We sat on opposite sides and waited for the waiter. We were chatting quietly until a waitress came waltsing towards us sporting her too-tight blouse and too much cleavage.

"Good afternoon. What would you like to order?" She purred at Lucas who seemed to be mortified and scooted away. I rolled my eyes when she bit her lip and twirled a few strands of her hair. Slut.

I coughed making her glare at me. I rose my eyebrow at her. "We'll order 2 grilled steaks with mashed potatoes for sides and 2 milkshakes, cookies and cream and red velvet." She jotted down the orders in her little notepad. "Anything else?" I shook my head at her.

She turned and walked away but stopped and gave Lucas the 'Call Me' sign and winked. Lucas just gave her a weird look. I thought boys would want that? "She seems to be really into you." I smirked at him and chuckled. He shuddered and shook his head. "She scares me, I swear." I bursted into a fit of laughter with his reply. Seriously? I composed myself and sat up straighter.

"So tell me about your brother." He rested his elbows on the table and looked at me. "My brother studies in Detroit for college and his really awesome. He might make fun of me majority of the time but he is really caring. Much more thoughtful than our own parents." I shrugged and leaned back on my seat. He nodded and said nothing.

"Tell me about you little sister Luc." He smiled and leaned back also. "Her name is Isabelle. She loves tea parties and princesses. Her favorie princess is Mulan, because she said that Mulan was brave and helpful. She once helped a kid with his teddy bear at a park. She's really cute." He said. It's obvious that he really loves her by the way he smiles while talking about little Isabelle.

Soon enough, our orders arrived. Luckily it wans't the same girl. My mouth watered at the sight of the food infront of me. We started digging in. No words were exchanged during the meal as we were both very hungry. The steak was incredible, juicy and full of flavor. The milkshakes were amazing, not to sweet and really smooth. I think I am inlove with this diner.

During our meal, I was completely aware of Lucas sneaking glances and everytime he catches my eyes, he would just smile. A very heart-warming smile. I can't believe I am saying this but, he just made my day better.


HEEEYYY :)) sorry for the VERY late update :( Have been really busy this week. Anyway, I hope you liked their cute little moments!



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