Kouha Ren

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Dragon type: Air Dragon

You grumble under your breath, smoke puffing out of your nose as you were upset. How could Kouha make you do this? For gods sake, he had three personal maids who could do this! But, noooo. He demanded it be you who fills the bath with water and gives him a bubble bath. You were an air dragon for fuck sake! Sure most air dragons did get along with water dragons but really

"You seem upset (Y/n)?" Kouha says, entering the warm bathroom. "Wow, you got everything set up, quicker than most maids." You rolled your eyes, getting off the ground.

"Your bath is now ready my prince." You reply with a slightly annoyed tone that he detected. Kouha started smirking, who knew dragons could be so easy to upset. You weren't kidding when you told him you hated listening to orders.  

"Well undress me now. Don't think your done yet." Kouha adds, enjoying your unhappy face that seemed to hold some excitement to it. His hat and shoes had been already taken off, so that left his white chinese-style dress, pair of short and his two golden bracelets.

You started with the bracelets, sliding them off his arm, skillfully. You were half tempted to take the bracelets for yourself since it shines so much and looks beautiful. But Kouha instead, showered you with any jewelry you wanted, he could even get you the same kind of bracelets if you really want.

Quickly you stripping of his shorts and dress leaving him naked as he walked to the tub and stepped in it, the image lingered in your mind and would for the next few weeks, maybe even months. Kouha chuckles at the heavenly look on your face. "What are you doing (Y/n)? Get into the water before it gets cold."

"Eh? What?" You ask, being pulled out of that state, looking at him in surprised.

"I'm not going to make you just stay there. Come in the bath, it's quite nice since you did put it together." Letting out a sigh, you quickly went over your choices before agreeing. Kouha watched in interest, seeing the kimono slip off your shoulders. Your perfectly smooth skin didn't look like rough hard scales at all. Taking your hand, he pulled you into the water, tugging your back to touch his chest.

He ran a hand through your silk like hair, enjoying the feeling. "You know, if you weren't my wife. I might have had this hair turned into something." He mutters, feeling the strangles. You slightly turn and narrow your eyes.

"Can you humans make up your mind? First, it's wanting our scales for armor, next it's wanting our horns for weapons, then our tears for some magical power and now our hair for something. So rude. How would you feel if I wanted your skin as a decorative rug?" You grumbled, clearly annoyed again. Kouha's laugh echos through the bathroom as he wraps his arms around your waist and presses a kiss to your neck.

"I'm sorry (Y/n). Your too cute to be turned into anything else."

"Call me cute when I'm a 20 foot dragon." You huff. "Shit, this you were talking about. I wouldn't be surprised if you found me cute in that form." Kouha chuckles once more, kissing the back of your neck. He could only imagine how amazing you looked as a dragon.  

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