Solomon [X Human! Wife! Reader]

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The female let out a loud groan, falling onto the bed. "It hurts." You whine as your muscles scream in discomfort. Everything was sore, it was mainly Arba's and Falan's fault you were in pain. 

After they had found out just how bad you were with physical strength, Arba wouldn't let you off the hook. Now, after a whole hour of running and doing activities with no breaks, you were dead tired. To them, it was amazing that you that much magical ability.

After seeing what the girls had put you through, everyone felt bad as they watched you groan and get yelled out. To be honest, you were just happy to be back in bed with no one bugging the queen. You kept letting out soft groans of pain. "[Y/n], are you alright?" Solomon asks when entering the shared chambers. He had seen the hell they had put his S/o through and felt bad.

Luckily for you, the great magician knew how to help his lover out. "It hurts." You whine, muffling your noise into the pillow. Solomon gently rubs your back in an expression of comfort.

"[Y/n], take off your clothes." You snap your head up and look at him weirdly.


"You'll find you. Just take this off." The king mutters, pulling at your shirt and shorts. Solomon moves away from his wife, leaving the room for a minute before returning with a small container. While he was away, you had followed his directions. It would have been really awkward if someone had entered the room, as you were sitting on the bed with only your lingerie on.

"What's in there?" You wondering, seeing him twist off the top.

"Cream, it should help with the sore muscles. Now lay down."

Slowly, you fell onto the bed with your stomach against the bed sheets. You could feel his warm hand glide over your skin before a cold feeling touched your back. "Ekk!" You squeal as the feeling spreads. Soon, you relax under his touch and enjoy the message.

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