Running From Shadows

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"No! Get away! Don't touch me!" Savannah yelled. Savannah woke up with a start. Dreams like that only happened if she was seeing the future.

"If that was the future, then..." Savannah's voice trailed off. Another vision was coming. She could feel it.

A voice interrupted the peaceful air.

"Wait! Is it true!? Is Gene the reason you're like this? Shadow? What can I do to get you back?" a sylveon asked frantically.

"The only way to return me to normal is to-," the umbreon's voice cut out. "To kill that Eevee you're with now."

"Okay! I'll do it for you. I have no problem with killing her. This is all her fault, after all!" Angel muttered.

The vision ended. It almost seemed as if it was forced to end. If that was true, then Savannah had someone to save.

"Steam has no idea what he has gotten himself into. All of these visions have told me at least one thing. Smoke is not someone to mess with. I need to leave. Now!" she whispered.


"Hey Gene! Did you see the news. Apparently, one of the best generals in the Barbarian Destroyers, Savannah, who up until now, never lost a battle, abandoned the army! Can you believe it!? She just went ahead and left! This is great!" Angel cried quietly.

"Why? Isn't that bad? Steam might be hunting her down," Gene explained. Worry now consumed her face.

After a few days of traveling, Angel had realized that Gene was very kind. That was one of Angel's favorite things about her.

"Well, I guess... but I'm one more Pokemon towards my goal. I didn't have to kill her either," Angel replied reassuringly. This seemed to calm the little Eevee down, but only for a minute.

"Oh no! Shadow is next in line for her division. That means he'll have even more troops! No! This is bad! This is very bad-," Gene rambled on and on. One thing Angel disliked was how she rambled. By now, she had learned to ignore it. Gene's voice now quietly lingered off.

"Okay! Stop! I get it!" Angel hissed. A scream erupted from the forest.

"Somebody help me!" it screeched. Gene and Angel took off towards the plea for help. They stopped right outside of a clearing. A bright yellow Jolteon was screaming. Two Absol were attacking with a Night Slash attack.

"Stop! General Pixie's orders!" Angel yelled. She had just seen the Sylveon general. They were exactly alike.

"Ah! General Pixie. Sergeant Nightingale of the Dark Division, reporting for duty. Sorry, but it's our mission to end Ex-General Savannah. Now move out of the way," Nightingale growled.

"I realize that, but I want the honor. You are just sergeants. Do you really think you can beat her!? Ha! Don't make me laugh," Angel snarled. This took both Absol by surprise. 'General Pixie' was right. They were exhausted and Ex-General Savannah was still going strong.

"Pardon. Sergeant Darkvale. Very well. However, we want all of the credit. It is our mission!" Darkvale grumbled. They left immediately, with no more words. Savannah was looking on, smiling. She knew Pixie too well. She wasn't one to get her hands dirty.

"So... Pixie, was it. Or is it the mysterious Angel?" Savannah whispered triumphantly. Angel and Gene looked fairly surprised. "What? I can't know a certain Sylveon-Eevee duo? By the way, where is Gene? You look surprised. Why? Oh! It's because you don't know I can see the future. Of course!"

"Wait! WHAT!!! Is that why you always win!? Why did you leave the army!? Why are you looking for us!? Is shadow okay!? Do you know something is wrong!?" Angel asked frantically. This was probably the only General whom would give her answers. Gene stepped up to try and give Savannah a chance to talk.

"Calm down! Yes, it is why I always win. I left because my visions told me to. I was looking for you two to ask for help. Shadow is getting more and more dangerous each day. I already know about Smoke. My visions have gotten more deadly each time. Any vision, including dream conversations, anyone has goes through me. That includes yours, Gene. And yours, Angel," Savannah explained. She eyed Angel suspiciously. "Although... Angel's kind of ended at 'Okay! I'll do it for you. I have no problem with killing her. This is all her fault, after all!' Sound familiar?"

"That wasn't the end! It kept going! It went 'No! This isn't Gene's fault! That is Smoke who's talking! Not Shadow! Don't do Smoke's dirty work!' Gypsy called. Angel snapped to attention.

'Gypsy? What are you talking about!? It's Shadow! Shadow! Not Smoke,' Angel explained.

'No. It isn't. Smoke is inside Shadow. She's making him say that stuff. Shadow doesn't want Gene dead. Smoke does, though. Think about it logically for a change. If she knew who she was, I would have seen it,' Gypsy reasoned. Angel sighed.

'You're right. I just want him back so badly!' Angel cried. Suddenly, there was a loud growl.' Then it ended!" Gene cried.

"Oops! Sorry! My vision was sort of forced to stop. Someone knew about my power. It was most likely Sha- err- Smoke," Savannah stuttered. Angel gave her the most awful looked. "No offense."

"Don't be! She is just really attached to him. So... Your a prophet?" Gene wondered. Before Savannah could answer, there was a loud crash. A giant tree fell. Gene had heard about it from Yuki. It was The Guardian Tree, an ancient tree that stood through everything and lived since the start of The Guardian Eevee, an era of time where the guardians would come to earth with specific gifts for the pokemon whom deserved it. "No! Not the tree! That's my only way home!"

"Wait! You entered our world from The Guardian Tree! How!? Is there some portal up there? Can the guardians get to you?" Angel asked. Why hadn't Gene told them?

"No, but now the guardians will know something is wrong. That's right, I get visions meant for them, too. Did you think that you're visions come straight from the person? No! I regulate all visions. Not just this world's. By the way, they know you didn't mean to take The Keystone. They are quite reasonable. And friendly. Well, most of them. Smoke makes quite a few transmissions. I've managed to stop a few," Savannah reported. Angel sat quietly for a moment.

"She's ruining Shadow's good name." With that, they all left, including Savannah.

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