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I was terrible at love stories. I'm too lazy to fix it, though... -_-

Some say that friends never die as long as you remember them. Sometimes friends come back as someone else. This is not the end of Gene. Just the end of Gene the Eevee.

Tyro sat in the glade that had been the last battlefield. The path was gone now. He always came back, hoping to see Gene playing in the grass. She never was.

Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he saw a Glaceon walking to Gene's grave. She was looking at the name with recognition. Had she known Gene. It had been two years since the end of the Evolutionary war.

"Who are you?" Tyro wondered. She seemed familiar.

"Tyro! I didn't see you there! You're an Umbreon now! That is awesome! It's me! Gene! Although, now I go by Hailey," Gene answered. The look of shock was not enough to express his disbelief. He watched her die. Was this a miracle?

"G-Gene!? I thought you died!" Tyro stammered. It felt like a thunderbolt had hit him. She just smiled at him and nodded. Suddenly, Crystal, Steam, Savannah, Gypsy, Shadow, Avalanche, Yuki, and Angel appeared.

"Tyro! There you are! We thought you were here. Who's that?" Gypsy asked. He was smiling so bright.

"Don't you recognize her? It's Gene!" Tyro yelled.


"Yeah. You know. Can't die, rebirth. God stuff," Gene smiled. "Actually, the era of Guardian Eevee is over. Do you still have the stone?" Gypsy nodded. "Okay. When the era ended, the guardians, even dead ones, were allowed to choose between staying in our world or coming here. I chose to come back."

"She's back for good," Tyro beamed. Everything was perfect. He didn't have to be alone. He was with the only mate he would ever want. This was it. This was paradise. For now.

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