Chapter 5 - Project and Partnering

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A/N: Updattee!! :D


Early in the morning I heard my Mom’s voice shouting at me, to wake up. I immedietly got off my bed. Took a shower and went to my closet. I chose to wear a Leopard tank top, black jeans and my leopard print converse.

I went down, took my breakfast and headed for school. I went to my locker and I found Brianna getting her History book from her lockers. My locker is just beside her locker, so every first period we always meet at our lockers.

“Hey, Morning” I beamed at her while putting out my History book.

“Good Morning!” She said with a happy tone. She’s not always this happy. When she’s like this which means something is up.

“What's up with the happy tone?” I asked raising an eye brow.

“Guess what?” She asked, with excitement at her tone.

“What?” I answered with a bored expression.

“Ryan just asked me out!” She squealed. She’s so girly girly today. I mean really girly. Her hair was done well, her make up was also light and simple, in other words she looked pretty and simple today.

“Ryan? Ryan who?” Obviously I can’t remember who that Ryan was.

“Oh, come on! Ryan. Ryan Tyler. My full time crush.”

“Oh, right. Ryan, your seatmate. Well congrats. I’m glad you found our soulmate.” I said grinning at her, but more like teasing her.

“Hey!” She complained slapping my arm.

“Whatever. Come on, let’s go to class. Before Mr.Hemmington put us in detention for being late.” I said while closing my locker.

We headed to our class and took our seats. I’ve noticed that Zach is still not here. Maybe he’s late again.

Mr.Hemmington entered our class and we all settled down.

“Good Morning class. Today I will pair you up for some long project. I’ll tell you the details later. So let’s start pairing you up!” He said,starting to call names and choosing our partners based on who are our seatmates.

I hope he will choose Brianna as my partner. Not that stupid jock Zach.But I’m sure Brianna wants to partner up with Ryan. Ohh I really hope he’s going to partner us up.

Mr.Hemmington keep partnering us up. Until it came to our row.

“Ms.Ace your going to partner up with Mr.Tyler” He said. Pointing a finger at them.

Brianna squealed in excitement and she hugged Ryan. She turned to me and gave me a 'sorry’ smile.

“It’s okay. I know you like to partner up with him.” And I just gave her a reassuring smile.

Gosh, I know where this will end.

“Ms.Blairy your going to partner up with Mr.Smith.” I look at Mr.Hemmington with wide eyes. And looked at Zach, He was smiling evily at me. I just Shrugged and glared at him.

After Mr.Hemmington paired us up he began to explain our project.

“So class your project is kinda long.First, you’ll get to know your partner.I’m gonna give you this papers,written here is the questions you’ll going to ask each other.” He said while giving us a questionare each. I took mine and read some of it.

What’s his/her full name?

Favorite color?

How many siblings does he/she has?

That was the sample questions.

“And at the end each of you are gonna write an essay about what you’ve learned about your partner.Next is your gonna watch the movies The Notebook and Insidious 2.After watching it also write an essay about your partner.Understood? It’s so easy. And you have a very long time to finish it. By the way this is really gonna be a big part of your grade so your project should be creative and presentable.” He said.

And finnaly the bell rang.

“So class that’s all. See you all tomorrow.”


A/N: Next chapter will be the continuation :D

Vomment! <3

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